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研究生(外文):Pei-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Effect of reproductive success on breeding site fidelity of Blue-tailed Bee-eaters on Kinmen Island, Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lien-Siang Chou
外文關鍵詞:Blue-tailed bee-eaterKinmenbreeding colonysite fidelityreproductive success
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栗喉蜂虎(Merops philipinnus)為集體生殖的鳥類,在土坡上挖掘洞穴做為巢洞以進行生殖。自2003至2006年,本研究監控金門島上的夏候遷徙生殖族群。經由繫放回收資料顯示,發現部份生殖個體會在來年選擇與前一季相同的生殖群(breeding colony);此類行為定義為棲地忠實性(site fidelity)。在其他鳥種的研究中,生殖經驗影響生殖個體對於生殖棲地的忠實性;因為生殖成功是為綜合了環境因子與生物因子交錯作用後的最終結果,而且生殖成功可視為一種用於評估生殖棲地環境品質的訊號。對於集體生殖的鳥類而言,生殖成功可分劃成兩種參數,個體的生殖成功(Individual reproductive success )以及生殖群的生殖成功(Local reproductive success)。本研究測試兩項參數IRS與LRS,探討何者明顯影響栗喉蜂虎生殖個體在來年的生殖棲地的選擇。根據邏輯廻歸的分析結果,IRS顯著影響棲地忠實性,而LRS並無呈現顯著影響。不論IRS與LRS,其第二年的生殖表現皆與前一繁殖季呈現顯著性相關。栗喉蜂虎是為使用洞穴型的築巢使用者,不若其他一般開放性巢穴鳥類,容易獲得其他個體的生殖情形訊息。因而推測巢穴性生殖特徵,造成LRS此社會性訊息可能難以在群體之中被傳遞;所以巢穴性生殖即成為了無法獲得LRS的訊息的限制因子。於是在本研究中,LRS對栗喉蜂虎的生殖棲地選擇,未呈現具有顯著影響。
Most Blue-tailed bee-eaters (Merops philipinnus) are colonial breeders. They excavated nest burrows on sandy banks or cliffs. I monitored a migratory bee-eater breeding population on Kinmen Island, from 2003-2006. I found that certain bee-eaters bred at the same colony in consecutive years, and thus show site fidelity. In other bird species, variation in site fidelity has been explained by past reproductive success (RS). Because RS is the result of a combination of physical environment and biological factors, RS can be used as the cue for assessing the quality of breeding habitat. For colonial species, RS can be further divided into individual reproductive success (IRS, the relative reproductive success of the individual) and local reproductive success (LRS, the relative reproductive success of the colony). I investigated whether previous IRS or LRS affected the likelihood that individual bee-eaters would return in future years to breed at the same colony. Using backward stepwise Logistic regression, I found that IRS significantly influenced site fidelity while LRS did not. Moreover, IRS ad LRS in second year was significantly correlative with prior year. Since bee-eaters are burrow nesters, unlike other opening-nested colonial breeding birds, LRS might be more difficult to gather the public information; therefore, it may lead to the lack of significant influence of LRS.

王力平 2003 金門島栗喉蜂虎 (Merops philippinus) 營巢地選擇與繁殖生物學研究 碩士論文 國立台灣大學森林學研究所
王怡平 2005 金門島栗喉蜂虎 (Merops philippinus) 營巢棲地復育效應與棲地選擇模式 碩士論文 國立台灣大學森林暨資源學系研究所
王元均 2005金門島栗喉蜂虎單獨與集體營巢之生殖策略分析 碩士論文 國立台灣大學森林暨資源學系研究所
袁孝維 2004 金門栗喉蜂虎營巢地復育及生殖生態學研究 內政部營巢建署金門國家公園管理處委託研究報告
劉小如 1999 金門國家公園鳥類生態記錄研究 金門國家公園管理處
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