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研究生(外文):Jia-Yun Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Study of High Efficiency Couplers between Optical Fibers and Silicon Photonic Wires
指導教授(外文):Ding-Wei Huang
外文關鍵詞:silicon photonic wiregrating couplerplanar waveguidefiberslanted gratingintegrated optics
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This thesis presents recent approaches in the development of a Si-based waveguides system for submicrometer devices. A compact and efficient grating coupler for tilt-incident with respect to the vertical axis coupling between optical fibers and silicon photonic wires is proposed. One of the drawbacks of the high index contrast is the large mismatch in mode size and shape between fibers and silicon photonic wires. Hence, a slanted grating with a parallelogram shape is designed through the entire high-index waveguide core. Otherwise, the optical fiber is slightly tilted in order to prevent a reflection and its coupling efficiency will be analyzed. We use R-Soft to simulate various approaches and compare them with slanted grating, and finally we try to find the best solutions.
Index I
List of figures Ⅲ
Abstract in Chinese V
Abstract VI
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Integrated optics 1
1.2. Motivation 2
Chapter 2. Background 4
2.1. Optical Waveguide Principle 4
2.2. Planar Optical Waveguides 7
2.2.1. Slab waveguides 7
2.2.2. Rectangular Waveguides 9
2.3. Coupling between High Index Contrast Waveguides and Single Mode Fiber 12
2.4. Most Widely Researched Methods 13
2.5. Vertical coupling between fiber and grating 16
2.6. Relative Research to Vertical Grating Coupler 18
2.7. Simulation tools 21
2.7.1. Two-dimensional finite time domain (2-D FDTD) method 21
2.7.2. Perfectly matched layer 25
Chapter 3. Literature Review 27
3.1. Spot-Size Converter 28
3.1.1. Structure 28
3.1.2. Results 28
3.2. Bilevel Mode Converter 29
3.2.1. Structure 29
3.2.2. Results 30
3.3. Subwavelength Waveguide Grating Coupler 32
3.3.1. Structure 32
3.3.2. Results 34
3.4. Silicon-on-Insulator grating coupler based on a poly-silicon overlay 35
3.4.1. Structures 35
3.4.2. Results 36
3.5. Slanted grating couplers 38
3.5.1. Structures 38
3.5.2. Results 39
Chapter 4. Embedded Slanted Grating Coupler for Tilt-Incident Coupling 41
4.1. Introduction 41
4.2. Structure and simulation method 42
4.3. Analytical Model 44
4.4. Simulation results and Discussion 46
4.5. Comparison between normal-incident ESGC and tilt-incident ESGC 52
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future Work 57
References 58
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