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研究生(外文):Po-Huan Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Community Disaster Management Information System - A Case Study of Cheng Jhong Cheng Community in Sijhih City
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hong Sun
外文關鍵詞:communitycommunity-based hazard mitigationdisaster managementinformation systemproject management
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People used to rely on the government to provide disaster relief. However, manpower and resources cannot be sent immediately into disaster areas so that the timing of emergency was prolonged due to the remote residence;collapses of roads, other unpredictable factors and so on. To minimize the loss of inhabitants’ lives and properties , almost every country around the world has actively promoted community disaster prevention and protection in recent years. Publicizing disasters prevention jobs based communities and organizing local residents to proceed the disasters prevention works in advance both can improve the efficiency. Moreover, the senses of communities developed vigorous in last years, and the residents of communities raised their desires about local environment and public affairs. Communities’ disasters prevention and protection are composed of “foundation”, “participation”, and “sustained development”. Training up the concept that people of communities relieved themselves and combining resources between the government and communities can push works into action and establish the safety of communities and sustained development.
It is very important and urgency to conserve the knowledge and experiments to avoid losing them. The above-mentioned problems can be solved by the conduction of disasters management information system. Therefore, the combination between the frame discussion of disaster prevention and the knowledge of experts can establish the local frame and processes in Taiwan and develop the communities’ disasters management information system suited for internet network. Expect to utilize the communities’ disasters prevention information and the connection of internet, will share the knowledge and information with community residents. Then, it can be copied, stored, and applied popularly. Ordinarily, the community residents utilize the system to frame or modify the standard operation processes and linked information actively; the community commander can search or master scheduled progress and obtain support to make decisions when occurring disaster. At the same time, the system can be verified by the conduction of communities in Sichih city, and the system conforms to what the community residents want. This research broke through the choke point of the communities’ disaster prevention in Taiwan. It promoted the abilities of disaster prevention, resistance, and toleration and expected to be good for the proceeding of communities’ disasters prevention and protection in Taiwan.
口試委員會審定書 I
誌謝 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 V
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 1
1-1.1 台灣的災害背景 1
1-1.2 國際防災推動現況 2
1-1.3 台灣推動社區防災的方式檢討 3
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 研究方法 7
1-4 研究步驟 7
1-5 本文架構 8
第二章 文獻回顧 10
2-1 災害管理相關理論探討 10
2-1.1 災害管理理論探討 10
2-1.2 緊急應變組織的功能與組成 16
2-1.3 緊急應變組織事務及運作 18
2-2 社區防災發展 23
2-2.1 社區防災的意涵 24
2-2.2 美國社區防災推動探討 25
2-2.3 日本社區防災推動探討 30
2-2.4 國內社區防災推動探討(社區防救災總體營造計畫) 35
2-3 防救災知識管理 40
2-3.1 知識分類 41
2-3.2 知識管理的意涵與導入效益 43
2-4 整合式災害管理資訊系統介紹 46
2-4.1 資訊系統架構說明 46
2-4.2 資訊系統作業說明 49
2-4.3 資訊系統功能介紹 53
第三章 研究方法 55
3-1 研究架構 55
3-2 研究流程 55
3-3 研究方法論 58
3-4 研究區選定 61
3-4.1 研究區概述 61
3-4.2 汐止市城中城社區防災發展現況 61
3-4.3 目標社區初步訪談暨踏勘 63
3-4.4 決定目標社區加強方針 64
第四章 案例評估─以汐止城中城社區為例 67
4-1 建置社區災害管理資訊系統 67
4-1.1 社區災害管理編組及業務 67
4-1.2 社區災害管理資訊系統網頁 69
4-2 社區災害管理資訊系統教育訓練 71
4-3 系統者使用訪談 73
4-4 專案團隊及政府單位人員訪談 76
4-5 綜合分析與探討 78
第五章 結論與建議 79
5-1 研究結論與成果 79
5-2 後續研究建議 80
參考文獻 82
附錄 汐止城中城社區災害防救訪談問卷 87
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