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研究生(外文):Ya-Jiun Liu
論文名稱(外文):Environmental changes of the Okhotsk Sea in the western Pacific since 1.8 Ma
外文關鍵詞:Okhotsk seamineralsenvironment changes
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The Okhotsk Sea located in the northwestern Pacific and also the northeastern Asia is the largest marginal sea in the world and is characterized by seasonal sea-ice. Core MD012414 is collected in the central of the Okhotsk Sea and is the longest sedimentary core in the area. According to the paleomagnetic stratigraphy, the core recorded the environmental changes in the past 1.77 Myrs. The proxies including mineral assemblages, major elements, sea-ice rafted materials and grain size analyses of the core sediments were utilized to discuss the environmental changes. Three mineral assemblages of core sediments can be distinguished and described as followed; the first, terrigenous minerals including quartz and plagioclase; the second, minerals of biogenous shells containing calcite and opal; and the last, the dolomite peaked out in early of interglacial periods of late Quaternary and related to the oxic-reduced condition. Based on the variations of biogenous minerals, the whole core records can be distinguished into four periods. The first period, from 1.77 Ma to 1.25 Ma, the Okhotsk Sea was in a circumstance of high siliceous productivity. The second period, from 1.25 Ma to 0.8 Ma, showed low biogenous mineral contents and represented a severe environment. The third period, from 0.8 Ma to 0.48 Ma, calcite was the major biogenous minerals instead of opal. It implied a different nutrient condition. The fourth period characterized by five 100 kyrs cycling were corresponded to the late Quarternary glacial-interglacial cycles. As the results of major elements, the variations of SiO2/Al2O3 and CaO/Al2O3 were related to opal and calcite, respectively; the ratios of TiO2/Al2O3、Al2O3/Al2O3、Fe2O3/Al2O3 and K2O/Al2O3 were associated with detridus materials, and the ratios of P2O5/Al2O3 and MnO/Al2O3, increased suddenly in the early of deglacial periods of late Quaternary were sensitive to the oxic-reduced conditions. The record of sea-ice rafted materials suggests a change of the sedimentation environment occurred in 0.8 Ma. It may be correlated to the extensive mountain glaciers of Kamchatka when the global atmospheric circulation was in a different condition. The results of grain size analyses of the core sediments showed no close relationships with the variations of mineral and major elements. It infers that the sea-ice rafted materials disturbed the grain size distributions.
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究區域-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 前人研究-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1.3 研究目的-----------------------------------------------------------------------------5
第二章 研究材料與研究方法--------------------------------------------------------------6
2.1 研究材料及樣品採集--------------------------------------------------------------6
2.2 研究方法-----------------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.2.1 礦物組成分析--------------------------------------------------------------6
2.2.2 主要元素組成分析--------------------------------------------------------8
2.2.3 粗顆粒物質的計數--------------------------------------------------------9
2.2.4 粒徑分析--------------------------------------------------------------------9
第三章 年代模式----------------------------------------------------------------------------11
第四章 結果----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
4.1 礦物組成----------------------------------------------------------------------------15
4.2 岩心沉積物的主要元素變化----------------------------------------------------17
4.3 冰漂礫計算結果-------------------------------------------------------------------21
4.4 沉積物粒徑的分布結果----------------------------------------------------------24
第五章 討論----------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
5.1 礦物種類和含量的意義------------------------------------------26
5.2 各主要元素所代表之意義-------------------------------------------------------------30
5.3 生物源物質與陸源物質之間含量變化----------------------------------------31
5.4 冰漂礫變化的控制因素--------------------------------------------------------------36
5.5 錳和磷富化的原因--------------------------------------------------------------------38
5.6 沉積物粒徑變化的討論----------------------------------------------------------40
第六章 結論----------------------------------------------------------------------------------41
附錄一 岩心沉積物中各礦物含量百分比---------------------------------------------51
附錄二 岩心沉積物中各主要元素含量百分比---------------------------------------77
附錄三 岩芯沉積物中>250um之粗顆粒物質的計數-------------------------------86
附錄四 岩芯紀錄中落石出現頻率------------------------------------------------------94
附錄五 岩芯沉積物<250um之粒徑分析結果----------------------------------------96
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