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研究生(外文):Wei- Jie Xu
論文名稱(外文):Study of an unconformity boundary between the Liuchungchi and Kanhsialiao Formations, southeastern Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Liuchungchi FormationsKanhsialiao Formationssoutheastern Taiwan
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  晚上新世以來,蓬萊造山運動(Penglai orogeny)在台灣西南部形成前陸盆地的構造環境。由於前陸盆地呈現快速沉降,因而沉積巨厚的晚上-更新世沉積層。上-更新世以來(300萬年以來),全球海水面變動頻繁使得西南部的前陸盆地中記錄了完整的氣候變化所造成的數十個第六級的沉積層序。本研究主要針對崁下寮層底部的第一個次層序進行研究,由於此次層序的底部界面是一具有分布廣泛的侵蝕面構造,由震測剖面顯示此地層界面形成落差約數百公尺的不平整侵蝕面,其代表此時期曾經形成大範圍的侵蝕作用。


 The Penglai orogeny is forming a foreland basin in the southwestern Taiwan since the Pliocene. Because the foreland basin was a highly subsidence, that it was deposited a hugely Plio-Pleistocene sediments. Since the Plio-Pleistocene, the global sea-level changes make the foreland basin for recording lot of the high-frequence sequence stratigraphy of the sixth order glacio-eustatic fluctuation (c. 41ky). Based on the well-done biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene deposits, the study is focus on the first para-sequence from the bottom of the Kanhsialiao Formation which had been correlated to the oxygen isotope stage 36. For the purpose to understand the absolute eustatic sea-level change during the para-sequence in Taiwan, nine synchronous sections have been done by laterally tracing and depositional environments analysis.

Based on the lithofacies analysis, the depositional environments indicated that the deeper offshore located in the south area and shallowing to the north subaerial environment during the lowstand sea-level stage. The coastal line can be interpreted around the Kuohsi area (the Liouchung river) where dominated by tidal-dominated shoreface environment. Indeed, following the sea-level rise epoch (transgression), the Kuohsi section became to the middle offshore and finally shallowing back to the tidal-dominated shoreface environment at the end of the sequence. Since the shoreline environment can be as a marker of the shoreline, the accommodation also can be estimate by the Kuohsi section. To consider the tectonic subsidence, there are still having 105 m to account for the eustatic sea level rise without the decompaction calculation. The result of sea level fluctuation indicates more higher than the reports deduced by the 41ky cycle in the world. Upon to the observation, the sixth-order glacio-eustatic fluctuation (c. 41ky) must be affected by fifth-order glacio-eustatic fluctuation (c. 100ky).
目 錄

誌謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- II
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- III
目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV
圖目 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V
表目 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI

第一章 緒論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 前言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 地質背景 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 前人研究 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3.1 岩石地層--------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3.2 生物地層--------------------------------------------------------------- 6
1.3.3 磁地層------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
1.3.4 氧同位素地層--------------------------------------------------------- 8
1.4研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
第二章 岩相分析與岩相組合--------------------------------------------------- 10
2.1 岩相分類-------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.1.1 泥岩相---------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.1.2 砂頁岩互層相------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.1.3 砂岩相-----------------------------------------------------------------18
2.1.4 礫石相-----------------------------------------------------------------23
2.2 岩相組合 -------------------------------------------------------------------27
第三章 層序地層------------------------------------------------------------------ 31
3.1 層序分析-------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
3.1.1 層序界限--------------------------------------------------------------- 36
3.1.2 體系域------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
3.2 各剖面環境分析 --------------------------------------------------------- 38
3.3 沉積環境 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 81
3.4 沉積層序 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 81
第四章 討論------------------------------------------------------------------------82
4.1 低水位時期的海岸線位置-----------------------------------------------82
4.2 陸側與海側的層序特性--------------------------------------------------82
4.3 海退時期海側為何產生下切河谷--------------------------------------85
4.4 海水面變化幅度-----------------------------------------------------------85
第五章 結論------------------------------------------------------------------------87
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