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研究生(外文):Yi-Kai Lin
論文名稱(外文):Preliminary results of fault material properties and structural distribution in northern segment of the Chelungpu fault at Dakeng area
指導教授(外文):Chia-Yu Lu
外文關鍵詞:Foliated gougeChi-Chi earthquakeanisotropy of magnetic susceptibilityshape preferred orientationsblock rotation
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On Sep 21 of 1999, a destructive earthquake (Mw=7.6) took place around the Chi-Chi Town of central western Taiwan and its hypocenter is located at 120.81°E, 23.86N°. The surface rupture during the Chi-Chi earthquake is parallel and closed to the N-trend Chelungpu fault of about 100km in length. The displacement between north and south segments of Chi-Chi rupture is dramatically different. The northern rupture reaches the largest displacement of ~8.5 m. The Chelungpu fault is one of the major thrusts at the fold-and-thrust belt of western Taiwan and slips within the Chinshui Shale.
The study area is along the Dali riverbed closed to the drilling site of the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP) in Dakeng area of the Taichung city. Most of stratigraphy in the study area is the Chinshui Shale. According to the results of TCDP, the 1999 Chi-Chi slip zone of TCDP Hole_A is located at the fault gouge zone of 1111m depth. In order to complement the limitation of geological information and fault gouge sample on the retrieved core, the detail mapping of representative region and collection of the fault gouge sample on the field were conducted. Furthermore, the analysis of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and examination of microfabric on fault gouge samples was performed for understanding the variation of physical properties across the fault zone, such as the change of paleostress direction and grain size variation.
Based on field mapping, most of strike-slip faults is sinistral faults. Especially, crosscutting of sinistral fault on the bedding is distinct at the hanging-wall locations of 30 m, 160 m, and 200 m away from the surface rupture. Also, at these locations, bedding was bended and the direction of the maximum stress cloclwisely rotated about 80°-100° from the regional direction of N130° to local N030°, suggesting the possibility of local block rotation. From the distribution of fracture density, a strong shear zone between the Chi-Chi surface rupture and the hanging wall of 50m away from surface rupture is identified. The result of microstructural examination indicates that the reduction of grain size within the fault gouge. Also, the long-axis orientation on slip plane rotates clockwisely in the foliated gouge with respective to the foot wall. The Flinn diagram of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy and mineral grain ellipsoid illustrates the oblate shape within the fault gouge. Furthermore, compared with the wall rock, the degree of foliation and anisotropy increase but the degree of lineation decrease in the fault gouge. The result of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility displays that maximum stress orientation in the wall rock is parallel to regional stress direction (130°). However, maximum stress orientation in the foliated gouge is aligned to 150°. It also shows that maximum stress direction rotates clockwisely in the fault gouge with respective to the foot wall. The block rotation might be the reason of developing the foliated gouge. The evaluation of results between magnetic susceptibility anisotropy and mineral grain ellipsoid suggests that deformation of the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid is the output of the matrix deformation, and the change of grain ellipsoid is mainly the reflection of rigid body deformation.
謝辭 III
摘 要 IV
英文摘要 VI
目 錄 VIII
圖 目 錄 XII
表 目 錄 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 前人研究 1
1.4 地質概況 2
1.4.1 岩性地層概述 2
1.4.2 地質構造概述 3
第二章 研究方法與原理 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2野外工作 7
2.2.1 路線地質圖 7
2.2.2 地質柱狀圖 7
2.2.3 野外標本採樣 7
2.2.4 破裂密度 10
2.3 實驗室工作 10
2.3.1 野外資料處理 10
2.3.2 定向薄片 10
2.3.3 磁感率異向性岩心處理 11
2.3.4 礦物顆粒橢球體 13
第三章 分析結果 14
3.1 前言 14
3.2 野外露頭資料及分析 14
3.2.1 路線地質圖 14
3.2.2 地質柱狀圖 16
3.2.3 古應力分析結果 17
3.2.4 破裂密度 19
3.3 斷層泥標本薄片資料及分析結果 19
3.3.1 標本素描 19
3.3.2 粒徑變化 21
3.3.3 礦物顆粒排列方向 28
3.3.4 礦物顆粒橢球體 31
3.4 磁感率異向性資料及分析結果 37
3.4.1 磁感率強度變化 37
3.4.2 磁性線理與磁性葉理及磁感率異向性 38
第四章 討論與結論 41
4.1 前言 41
4.2 斷層帶材料物理性質上的變化 41
4.2.1 粒徑變化和顆粒排列方向的關係 41
4.2.2 磁感率異向性和顆粒排列方向的關係 43
4.2.3 磁感率異向性與礦物顆粒Flinn圖的相關性 45
4.2.4 斷層帶物理性質於斷層帶發育的演化 46
4.2.5 橢球體參數值的可信度 46
4.3 結論 54
參考文獻 55
附錄一 野外露頭資料 59
附錄二 5X10倍礦物顆粒優勢排列資料 60
附錄三 磁感率異向性資料 61
附錄四 口試委員問與答 62
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