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研究生(外文):Jay-Hua Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Hysteresis and domain switching behaviors of ferroelectric crystals under electromechanical loading: experiments and modeling
指導教授(外文):Jay Shieh
外文關鍵詞:Electromechanical loadingin-situ observationBaTiO3 single crystalPLZT polycrystalDomain switchingSimulation
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本篇論文主軸分為實驗與理論模擬(Modeling)兩大部分。 在實驗部分可細分成力電耦合實驗(Electromechanical loading)與即時影像觀察實驗(In-situ observation)兩種,力電耦合實驗是同時以交互電場和單軸向壓應力作用於鈦酸鋇單晶(Barium Titanate Single Crystal)與多晶PLZT(Polycrystalline Lanthanum-Doped Lead Zirconate Titanate)兩種塊材之上以得到電滯曲線與蝴蝶曲線之實驗,於鈦酸鋇單晶與PLZT中,我們分別可使其應變量達0.45%與0.23%,此時所施加之單軸向壓應力則分別是2.7MPa與3.2MPa,交互電場為±1.25MVm-1,我們並由這些數據來解釋應力誘發90°晶域旋轉(Domain switching)以造成應變量大幅上升的行為,同時,由晶域觀察所得之影像我們可以得知所施加之電場並不一定能使偶極完全朝同一方向,使得應變值與理論值有所差距;而即時影像觀察實驗乃利用光學顯微鏡配合偏光片(Polarizer)觀察鈦酸鋇單晶與PLZT在正負交互電場作用下晶域即時之變化情況,除了可觀察到晶域於旋轉一開始時產生類氣泡狀(Bubble-like)且狀似成核之變化,還能觀察到在電場作用過程時晶域sweeping的現象,此外利用晶域變化的情況,我們定義出90°晶域旋轉起始點與結束點之矯頑電場( 與 )大小,我們得到鈦酸鋇單晶之 為0.06MVm-1、 為0.25MVm-1,而PLZT之 與 則分別是0.15 MVm-1與0.37 MVm-1。
This thesis is consisted of two sections: electromechanical loading experiments on BaTiO3 (Barium titanate) single crystals and PLZT (Lanthanum-Doped Lead Zirconate Titanate) polycrystals and simulations of electromechanical behaviors of BaTiO3 single crystals. For the electromechanical loading experiments a cyclic electric field and a uniaxial compressive stress were applied on to BaTiO3 single crystals and PLZT polycrystals (5×5×2mm3) to obtain their hysteresis and butterfly curves. About 0.45% of strain is obtained for the BaTiO3 single crystal under a compressive stress of 2.7MPa and a cyclic electric field of ±1.25MVm-1. About 0.23% of strain is obtained for the PLZT polycrystal under a compressive stress of 3.2MPa and a cyclic electric field of ±1.25MVm-1. It is concluded that the stress-induced 90° domain switching increases the level of strain output. It is found that the electric field of ±1.25MVm-1 is unable to produce one single domain in the BaTiO3 single crystal; this unsaturation provides a condition for “polarization-free” straining. Optical microscopy with polarizers are adopted to observe the motion of domain switching within the BaTiO3 single crystal and the PLZT during cyclic electric field loading. The bubble-like patterns are observed at the beginning of 90° switching in the BaTiO3 single crystal. From the observed patterns, the starting and the finishing electric fields of 90° domain switching are defined. and for the BaTiO3 single crystal are 0.06MVm-1 and 0.25MVm-1, respectively, and and for the PLZT are 0.15 MVm-1and 0.37 MVm-1, respectively.
For the simulation study, a energy-minimization-based model is developed. Simulations of domain switching processes are tested against the experiment results.
致謝 iii
摘要 v
Abstract vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
第一章 序論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 實驗目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 鐵電性質 4
2-1-1 鐵電特性 4
2-1-2 壓電性質 7
2-1-3 極化機制 9
2-1-4 晶域 12
2-1-5 極化強度-電場曲線圖(電滯曲線) 16
2-1-6 應變量-電場曲線圖(蝴蝶曲線) 19
2-1-7 力電耦合 21
2-2 BaTiO3與PLZT材料之介紹 22
2-3 有關理論模擬的簡單介紹 27
第三章 實驗方法 28
3-1 力電耦合的實驗方法 28
3-2 影像的觀察方法 34
3-2-1 光學顯微鏡 34
3-2-2 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡 34
3-2-3 即時影像觀察實驗 34
第四章 實驗結果與討論 36
4-1 鈦酸鋇單晶 36
4-1-1力電耦合結果與討論 36
4-1-1-1電滯曲線 36
4-1-1-2蝴蝶曲線 39
4-1-2 晶域觀察結果與討論 43
4-1-2-1 晶域的觀察 43
4-1-2-2 in-situ實驗結果 50
4-2 PLZT 54
4-2-1 力電耦合結果與討論 54
4-2-1-1 電滯曲線 54
4-2-1-2 蝴蝶曲線 57
4-2-2 in-situ實驗結果 60
第五章 理論模擬 64
5-1 理論模擬之簡介 64
5-2 理論模擬架構 64
5-2-1 建立不同的秩(Rank) 65
5-2-2 散逸能量(Dissipation energy) 66
5-2-3 判別晶域是否旋轉 69
5-2-4 二維之模擬架構 72
5-3 模擬與實驗結果之比較 76
第六章 結論 82
6-1 結果與討論 82
6-2 未來研究方向 84
參考文獻 85
附錄 90
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