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研究生(外文):Yen-Jung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Electron transport in InxGa1-xN films
指導教授(外文):Chi-Te Liang
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本論文主要是探討在氮化銦鎵InxGa1-xN薄膜的電子傳輸性質中是否有金屬相關的性質。我們測量了大溫度範圍下(12 K< T < 315 K)氮化銦鎵薄膜的電子傳輸特性。我們利用 van der Pauw 四點量測法測量樣品的電阻並計算出電阻率。電阻率的數據顯示,我們的樣品InxGa1-xN 在x=1時,有一個由半導體到金屬轉變的現象。這也印證了氮化銦的傳輸特性優於氮化鎵。金屬電阻率在低溫下遵守 Bloch T^5 定理與高溫下遵守Bloch T 定理,而對於InxGa1-xN (x = 1)的樣品,我們檢查它的電阻率在低溫時符合Bloch T^5定理。
藉由此種特性,我們加以探討InxGa1-xN (x = 1)樣品在低溫的情況下,電子與聲頻聲子的交互作用所造成的現象。
This thesis focuses on electron transport properties of InxGa1-xN thin films. The transport measurements were performed on InxGa1-xN thin films over a wide temperature range (12 K< T < 315 K). The four independent van der Pauw measurements, each with 90∘rotation of contact configuration to measure the resistance of , were used. These samples show a tendency from semiconductor to metal with increasing x of InxGa1-xN , indicating InN electron transport properties are better than GaN. The resistivity of InN was best fitted with Block T^5 law. This supports the high In composition films can be considered as degenerate electron system in which the Fermi level is much higher than conduction band over the whole temperature range.
Taking this characteristic into consideration, in this thesis the phenomenon of the electron-acoustic phonon interactions were investigated under the low temperature condition.

Chapter 1 Introduction....................................1

Chapter 2 Theoretical background
2.1 Van der Pauw method....................................5
2.2 Electrical transport properties.......................11
2.2.1 Ohm’s law and electrical conductivity..............11
2.2.2 Relaxation time approximation.......................14
2.3 Carrier mobility for Electron Gas.....................17
2.3.1 Acoustic-Phonon Scattering..........................18

Chapter 3 Experimental Instruments
3-1 Close-cycle system....................................24
3-2 Experimental progression..............................25

Chapter 4 Electrical properties of InxGa1−xN films
4.1 Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity......27
4.2 Analysis of experimental data.........................39

Chapter 5 Conclusions.....................................43

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