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研究生(外文):Yen-Ching Chen
論文名稱(外文):The analysis of five complainers’ responses to the sexual harassment in the workplace
外文關鍵詞:sexual harassmentworkplacefemale employmenthuman rightempowerment
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Sexual harassment is a common gender problem in the workplace. This study targets on the sexual harassment complainers and tries to analyze how they deal with the problem. A qualitative research, this study adopts feminism and empowerment perspective to list the factors that affect their responses to sexual harassment. The purpose of this study is, by sharing these complainers’ experience, to urge every victim to deal with sexual harassment more courageously.
This study interviews and examines five cases in which all the harassers are male superiors and all the victims are female subordinates. One of these five cases is quid pro quo sexual harassment, and the others are hostile environment sexual harassment. As far as the appraisal procedure is concerned, one case hasn’t been appraised yet, three have been appraised and there’s one in which the victim repealed the complaint after filing it. In addition, only one of these five cases is in the judicial proceedings right now.
According to these five complainers’ experience, the victims’ responses can be classified into two categories: “internally focused” and “externally focused.” “Internally focused” means that victims tend to focus on their emotions when being harassed, not directly fighting back at the harassers. There are two types of internally focused victims: the one who is unaware of it (unconscious internally focused)and the one who is aware of it(conscious internally focused). “Externally focused” means that victims tend to focus on the problem itself when being harassed, directly or indirectly fighting back at the harassers. There are two types of externally focused victims: the one who directly fights back(directly externally focused) and the one who indirectly fights back(indirectly externally focused). In most cases, victims tend to be internally focused or indirectly externally focused.
The study finds that empowerment and disempowerment factors are what affects a victim’s response to sexual harassment. An empowerment factor is the one that causes victims to file complaints or make changes; a disempowerment factor is the one that causes victims not to file complaints or respond passively. These two factors exist in Sociocultural/Structure-Level, Organization-Level and Individual-Level. In the Sociocultural/Structure-Level Explanations, there are two empowerment factors and six disempowerment ones. The empowerment factors are “more and more women know how to protect themselves from harassment,” and “agents in charge of sexual harassment complaints give support.” The disempowerment factors are as follows: “myths about victims still exist in Taiwan society,” “many people think victims are the one to blame,” “men’s gender consciousness needs to be promoted,” “Council of Labor Affairs hasn’t launched enough publicity campaigns and the related government organizations are reluctant to cooperate,” “the access to filing a complaint is not easy and hostile,” and “there may be some political intervention.” In the Organization-Level Explanations, there are six disempowerment factors but no empowerment ones. The six disempowerment factors are: “there is no access to filing a complaint, no policy to fight against sexual harassment, and no education or training,” “women’s professional profile is constrained”, “superiors or employers may use their power at work to harass their subordinates,” “superiors or employers are blind to sexual harassment,” “there is drinking culture in the workplace,” and “the organizational system is not effective.” In the Individual-Level Explanations, there are three empowerment factors but no disempowerment ones. The three empowerment factors are: “victims are in favor of feminism,” “victims know exactly what sexual harassment is like,” “victims have many resources.” In my view, it is the disempowerment factors in the Sociocultural/Structure-Level Explanations that cause victims to be “internally focused” or “indirectly externally focused” when responding to sexual harassment.
The recommendations of this study are: First, the government should: (1) evolve a policy to prevent sexual harassment in a corporation with a workforce of below thirty, (2) make sure the access to filing a complaint is friendly, neutral and fast, (3) offer education and training to superiors or employers, (4) offer education and training to agents in charge of sexual harassment complaints, (5) launch various publicity campaigns, (6) strengthen the social support to the fight against sexual harassment. Second, the corporation should: (1) make public the policy fighting against sexual harassment, (2) avoid low-class drinking culture, (3) perfect and make use of every institution in the corporation. Third, career women should: (1) read and learn more, (2) improve their professional skills and be more competitive, (3) be well-connected and set up their own social network, (4) not have frivolous or improper behavior to avoid giving an opportunity to potential harassers, (5) let bygones be bygones and not be afraid of leaving the workplace. Fourth, men should: (1) take the responsibility for the sexual harassment in the workplace, (2) think about it before harassing others.
目 次

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 問題陳述 1
第二節 研究目的 5
一、性騷擾申訴者的回應模式 6
二、影響申訴者回應職場性騷擾的因素 6
三、增加受害者積極回應性騷擾的意願 6
第三節 性騷擾兩造之用語與職場性騷擾之定義 6
第四節 研究對象與研究範圍 8
第五節 名詞釋義 10
第六節 研究限制 14
第二章 文獻檢視 15
第一節 受害者的回應模式 15
一、內部回應型/情感中心型 17
二、外部回應型/問題中心型 18
三、有效的回應模式 21
第二節 影響受害者回應職場性騷擾的因素 23
一、社會層次的解釋與受害者的回應模式 23
二、組織層次的解釋與受害者的回應模式 25
三、個人層次的解釋與受害者的回應模式 32
四、小結 34
第三節 充權與受害者的回應模式 35
一、充權觀點的概念與應用 35
二、社會文化/結構充權與受害者的回應模式 40
三、組織充權與受害者的回應模式 44
四、個人充權與受害者的回應模式 49
五、小結 50
第三章 研究方法 51
第一節 研究架構 51
第二節 女性主義的研究方法 52
一、女性主義與質性方法論的思考 52
二、本研究採取女性主義研究方法的理由 54
第三節 研究設計 54
一、研究對象的界定與選取 54
二、資料收集方法 58
三、資料整理與分析 59
四、信度、效度、樣本代表性與推論 60
五、研究倫理 61
第四章 研究結果發現與分析 63
第一節 難以承受之怒:五位受害者提起申訴的歷程 64
一、Penny:我覺得我被整間醫院性騷擾 64
二、紫娟:放多久?我還能讓他放多久? 72
三、綠芳:他要一步一步的來 80
四、Tina:我不會再讓你開除第三次 90
五、橙郁:touch這種事情,會讓我覺得很煩 98
第二節 申訴者如何回應性騷擾 104
一、內隱型—情感取向的回應模式 105
二、外顯型—行動取向的回應模式 119
三、小結 147
第三節 影響申訴者回應性騷擾的因素 149
一、影響申訴者回應性騷擾的社會文化/結構因素 150
二、影響申訴者回應性騷擾的組織因素 166
三、影響申訴者回應性騷擾的個人因素 177
第五章 總結與建議 183
第一節 研究結論 184
一、性騷擾事件的特質 184
二、性騷擾申訴者的回應模式 186
三、影響申訴者回應性騷擾的因素 191
第二節 研究建議 200
一、給政府的建議 200
二、給事業單位的建議 203
三、給職場女性的建議 204
四、給職場男性的建議 206
第三節 後續研究建議 207
一、在選樣上的建議 208
二、在資料蒐集上的建議 208
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