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研究生(外文):Chiu-Ju Hung
論文名稱(外文):Psychosocial Adjustment of Breast Cancer Women in middle age from 35 to 64
指導教授(外文):Wang, Lih-Rong
外文關鍵詞:breast cancer womenmiddle agepsychosocial adjustmentphysical distressbody image
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本研究以乳癌切除手術後的婦女為研究對象,並以臺灣北部某一醫學中心乳房外科門診病患以及參加幾所醫院乳癌病友團體活動之成員為調查對象,有效問卷共計219份,以SPSS 13.0軟體進行資料處理的工具,資料分析方法包括描述統計(平均值、次數分配、百分比)、單因子變異數分析、t檢定、雪費法之事後比較、皮爾森積差相關或斯皮爾曼等第相關,以及多元迴歸分析。
The paper is intended to provide a good understanding of the affecting factors and influences of the demographic data, characteristics of the illness, physical distress and body image data on the psychosocial adjustment. The author works in a hospital and is in charge of breast cancer self-help group, wishes to further understand every aspect related to the effect of the surgery on body image, physical distress and psychosocial adjustments.
Participants were middle age women and diagnosed breast cancer, accepted mastectomy one side or two sides. The study population includes patients of purposive sampling selected hospital and participants of breast cancer self-help group which consists of breast cancer patients from several hospitals. Total of 219 participants were interviewed.
The ages of the study population range from 35 to 64. The study period was from June 10, 2006 to August 31, 2006. The instruments identified to measure the study variables included demographic variables, characteristics of illness data, body image scale, physical distress scale and psychosocial adjustment to Illness Scale-self report (PAIS-SR). Using SPSS13.0 for Windows to compute quantitative data, and one-way ANOVA to analysis. Using Scheffe’s method to post hoc multiple comparisons group difference and multiple regression analysis were used to determine the amount of variance in psychosocial adjustment.
Data Analysis:
1. Sample characteristics
Samples mean age was 50.56. Most samples were married, live with spouse and children, stage Ⅱin breast cancer, post-surgery time before 1 to 3 years (Mean= 3.53 years), accepted radical mastectomy and chemotherapy. Most of the samples reported haven’t recurrent. Most of senior high school, worked before and after mastectomy, income were NT$50,000-NT$75,000 and above NT$75,000 per month, half of women didn’t need economic-help (financial support), from spouse and children provided financial support.
2. Bivariate analysis and multiple regression analysis
2.1 Psychosocial Adjustment of post-surgery breast cancer women
The degree of psychosocial adjustment in breast cancer women was moderate disturbance to mild. The best adjustment was observed in domestic environment and psychological distress. The worst adjustment was observed in sexual relations. Married, continue working, income above NT$50,000, have enough income or spouse and children provide resource and breast cancer condition was 1 or 2 stage all have better psychosocial adjustment. We use those variables to predict psychosocial adjustment, finding that can predict 45% variance.
Adjustment in Health Care Orientation:
The degree of health care orientation in breast cancer women was mild disturbance to none. There weren’t significant difference between all independent variables on health care orientation. Physical distress, body image and health care orientation have been significant negative correlation. These two variables explain approximately 8.4% of the total variance.
Adjustment in Vocational Environment:
The non working and working women in the study population are 58.8% and 41.2%, respectively. The degree of vocational environment in breast cancer women was mild disturbance to none. In conclusion, only the physical distress and body image play slight significant difference in the vocational environment. The physical distress and body image predict 12.8% of the total variance.
Adjustment in Domestic Environment:
The degree of domestic environment adjustment in breast cancer women was mild disturbance to none. Married, never worked or worked before and after mastectomy, income above NT$50,000, never menopause, have spouse and children provide resource, live with spouse all have better domestic environment adjustment. Physical distress, body image and vocational environment adjustment have been significant negative correlation, so we use all variables predict 32.3% variance.
Adjustment in Sexual Relationship:
The degree of sexual relations in breast cancer women was moderate disturbance to mild. Married, live with spouse and children have better sexual relationship. Body image and sexual relations have been negative correlation, so all affecting variable were predict 16.2% variance.
Adjustment in the Extended Family Relations:
The degree of extended family relations in breast cancer women was mild disturbance to none. Income above NT$75,000 and never accepted any adjuvant therapy have better extend family relationship. All variable have been significant difference to predict 12.5% variance.
Adjustment in Social Environment:
The degree of social environment adjustment in breast cancer women was mild disturbance to none. Income above NT$75,000, have been menopause, live with spouse and children, post-surgery above 1 year and not recurrent have better social environment adjustment.
Adjustment in Psychological Distress:
The degree of psychological distress adjustment in breast cancer women was mild disturbance to none. Age from 45 to 60, have been menopause, post-surgery above 1 year and breast cancer condition at 0 or 2 stage have better psychological adjustment. We use all variable to predict 34.8% variance.
3.1 Physical Distress of the Post-Surgery breast cancer Women
This score indicates that the degree of physical distress is from “never” to “sometimes”, represented patients have not experienced any physical distress in a month or the physical stress persists for a week. The affecting factors to the physical distress are economic status. The worst physical distress is observed among the patients with income between NT$25,000-NT$50,000. Similarly, physical distress and psychosocial adjustment have been significant negative correlation.
4.1 Body image of the Post-Surgery breast cancer Women
All of the samples feel herself body images was from “not at all” to “a little”, so as to concerns both her appearance, physically attractive and dissatisfied with her scar. This score indicates that the post-surgery women do not care or slightly care about the body image. Women with age below 45 years, within a month of the surgery, and accepted breast reconstruction surgery were more negative body image.
1. Political suggestion:
Provide outreach activities to promote the cancer screening and enhance the proper knowledge of the cancer treatment and care. Focus on the sex equality when provide health care. Create a financial security environment.
2. Implementation suggestion:
Enhance the breast cancer women’s participation and chance in social activities. Assist poor financial condition breast cancer women to achieve a better quality life. Emphasize the maintenance of the wife-husband relationship
第一章 緒論.....................1
第一節 問題背景...................1
第二節 研究動機...................4
第三節 研究目的...................9
第四節 名詞釋義...................10
第二章 文獻探討...................12
第一節 罹病特質與心理社會適應的關係.........12
第二節 乳癌對身體意象的影響.............19
第三節 乳癌婦女的心理社會適應............23
第三章 研究設計...................43
第一節 研究架構...................44
第二節 研究假設...................45
第三節 研究對象的選取................46
第四節 研究工具...................47
第五節 資料分析方法.................55
第四章 研究結果...................57
第一節 樣本資料描述.................57
第二節 樣本在乳癌術後的生理困擾情形.........64
  第三節 樣本對乳癌術後的身體意象感受.......71
第四節 樣本在乳癌術後的心理社會適應狀態.......78
第五節 個人基本屬性、疾病特性在心理社會適應的差異..100
第六節 心理社會適應與各自變項間的相關分析......137
第七節 心理社會適應之多元迴歸分析..........143
第八節 影響生理困擾、身體意象及心理社會適應因素分析.152
第五章 研究結論...................169
第一節 結論與討論..................169
第二節 研究建議...................182
第三節 研究限制...................188
附錄一 研究同意書..................203
附錄二 問卷.....................204

圖3-1-1 研究架構...................44
表1-2-1 以社會工作觀點研究乳癌婦女的心理社會適應的文獻處理.7
表1-2-2 以社會工作觀點研究乳癌婦女的心理社會適應的文獻處理.8
表3-4-1 身體意象量表子議題..............49
表3-4-2 國內以「疾病之心理社會適應量表-自我測量版」為工具之相關研究.......................51
表3-4-3 PAIS-SR運用在乳癌測量之內部一致性信度係數值.54
表3-5-1 個人基本屬性與疾病特性之描述性統計法.....55
表3-5-2 生理困擾之描述性統計法............55
表3-5-3 身體意象之描述性統計法............55
表3-5-4 心理社會適應之描述性統計法..........56
表3-5-5 各自變項與心理社會適應之關係.........56
表4-1-1 樣本之個人基本屬性描述資料表.........62
表4-1-2 乳癌病患之疾病特性描述性資料.........63
表4-2-1 樣本在生理困擾得分之描述性資料........66
表4-2-2 樣本的生理困擾各子題得分情形.........66
表4-2-3 各生理困擾症狀頻率描述資料..........67
表4-2-4 個人基本屬性在生理困擾的差異分析.......69
表4-2-5 疾病特性在生理困擾的差異分析.........70
表4-3-1 乳癌病患身體意象量表各題得分情形.......72
表4-3-2 乳癌病患身體意象量表得分之次數分配......73
表4-3-3 個人基本屬性在身體意象的差異分析.......76
表4-3-4 疾病特性在身體意象的差異分析.........77
表4-4-1 乳癌病患樣本心理社會適應之描述性資料.....79
表4-4-2 健康照顧方面各題之描述性資料.........93
表4-4-3 工作環境適應各題得分之描述性資料.......94
表4-4-4 家庭環境適應各題得分之描述性資料.......95
表4-4-5 性關係適應各題得分之描述性資料........96
表4-4-6 延展家庭關係各題得分之描述性資料.......97
表4-4-7 社交環境適應各題得分之描述性資料.......98
表4-4-8 心理困擾各題得分之描述性資料.........99
表4-5-1 個人基本屬性在心理社會適應的差異分析.....102
表4-5-2 疾病特性在心理社會適應上的差異分析......103
表4-5-3 個人基本屬性在健康照顧方面的差異分析.....123
表4-5-4 疾病特性在健康照顧方面的差異分析.......124
表4-5-5 個人基本屬性在工作環境適應的差異分析.....125
表4-5-6 疾病特性在工作環境適應的差異分析.......126
表4-5-7 個人基本屬性在家庭環境適應的差異分析.....127
表4-5-8 疾病特性在家庭環境適應的差異分析.......128
表4-5-9 個人基本屬性在性關係適應的差異分析......129
表4-5-10 疾病特性在性關係適應的差異分析........130
表4-5-11 個人基本屬性在延展家庭關係適應的差異分析...131
表4-5-12 疾病特性在延展家庭關係的差異分析.......132
表4-5-13 個人基本屬性在社交環境適應的差異分析.....133
表4-5-14 疾病特性在社交環境適應的差異分析.......134
表4-5-15 個人基本屬性在心理困擾的差異分析.......135
表4-5-16 疾病特性在心理困擾的差異分析.........136
表4-6-1 個人基本屬性、疾病特性與心理社會適應的相關分析142
表4-7-1 個人基本屬性、疾病特性、身體意象及生理困擾預測心理社會適應之多元迴歸分析................145
表4-7-2 身體意象及生理困擾預測健康照顧方面之迴歸分析.146
表4-7-3 身體意象及生理困擾預測工作環境適應之迴歸分析.146
表4-7-4 個人基本屬性、疾病特性、身體意象及生理困擾預測家庭環境適應之迴歸分析..................147
表4-7-5 個人基本屬性、疾病特性、身體意象預測性關係適應之迴歸分析........................148
表4-7-6 個人基本屬性、疾病特性、身體意象及生理困擾預測延展家庭關係之迴歸分析..................149
表4-7-7 個人基本屬性、疾病特性、身體意象及生理困擾預測社交環境適應之迴歸分析..................151
表4-7-8 個人基本屬性、疾病特性、身體意象及生理困擾預測心理困擾之迴歸分析....................151
表4-8-1 年齡與心理社會適應因素之差異分析......153
表4-8-2 教育程度與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..154
表4-8-3 婚姻狀態與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..155
表4-8-4 工作狀態與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..156
表4-8-5 經濟狀態與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..157
表4-8-6 經濟支援與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分...159
表4-8-7 經濟支援的對象與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..159
表4-8-8 更年期狀態與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析.160
表4-8-9 同住對象與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..161
表4-8-10 距離手術時間與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析163
表4-8-11 罹癌階段與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..164
表4-8-12 手術形式與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..166
表4-8-13 輔助治療方式與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析167
表4-8-14 復發情況與心理社會適應各層面之變項差異分析..168
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