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研究生(外文):Mayumi Tabata
論文名稱(外文):Cross-National Technology Learning Innovation Network in Taiwan''s High-Tech Industry-Comparative Analyses between IC and LCD Industry
外文關鍵詞:social network structurecross-national knowledge diffusionintroduction of technologyhigh-tech industryinnovation network
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This thesis argues the operation of cross-national technology learning innovation network on the knowledge diffusion among US, Japan and Taiwan''s high-tech industry. Cross-national technology learning processes are influenced by many factors; they occur in interaction among technological, institutional, cultural, social network structural elements, which together is called “cross-national technology learning innovation network”. In these complicated learning processes, the countries with weak technological bases introduce cutting edge of technology from other advanced industrial country, learn new technological knowledge and integrate new knowledge in their existing knowledge, advance to the innovation stage. In order to conduct comparative analyses between Taiwan''s IC and LCD industry''s cross-national learning innovation network, I provide two stages of knowledge diffusion network mechanisms, one is the open network structure between knowledge receiver and brokerage, and the other is the closed network in the organization of knowledge receiver. Based on the cross-national field research the analysis reveals that the differences of social network structure among US, Japan and Taiwan have a profound influence on the introduction of foreign technical knowledge and know-how in Taiwanese IC and LCD industry. Open social network structure strengthens open knowledge diffusion network structure; closed social network structure has a positive effect on closed knowledge diffusion network structure. More specifically, closed network structure in Japanese industry strengthens the trust relationships among technical personnel in corporate organization, however, strong ties not infrequently impedes the knowledge diffusion and the mobility of human resources, brings out the problem of knowledge redundancy and the rigidity of organization. By contrast, in the open network structure of Taiwanese industry, there is a possibility of opportunism and leakage of advanced technology, however, extremely frequent knowledge diffusion and the mobility of human resources accelerate the assimilation of diversified knowledge, and it is unlikely to cause the rigidity of organization. In addition to this, Taiwanese government established several industrial clusters in Taiwan, technological knowledge and technical personnel flow freely in these industrial clusters. Technological knowledge diffuses across the boundary of each corporate organization along with the mobility of human resources, however, technological knowledge and know-how accumulated in the certain industrial cluster, turn into knowledge property in the entire industry.
目 錄
第一章 研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻探討 6
一、理論架構……. 6
(一)因果複雜性與技術學習創新網絡 6
(二)、跨國技術學習創新網絡的兩個階段 9
二、網絡理論與跨國技術學習創新機制 16
三、技術特性對於跨國學習創新網絡帶來的影響 20
四、制度對於跨國技術學習帶來的影響 23
五、技術、制度與跨國技術學習網絡機制之間的交互作用 30
第三章 研究方法 39
第四章 積體電路產業的跨國技術學習創新模式 46
一、跨國技術學習與創新的歷史背景 46
二、技術的特性與跨國學習創新之間的互動作用 50
三、制度對於跨國技術創新學習網絡帶來的影響 66
四、組織網絡對於跨國技術創新學習帶來的影響 69
五、小結 71
第五章 液晶顯示器產業的跨國技術學習創新模式 73
一、跨國技術學習與創新的歷史背景 73
二、制度與跨國學習創新之間的互動作用-工研院的實驗階段的技術與日本的量產技術的結合 76
三、技術特性與跨國學習創新之間的互動作用—日本技術擴散與滲透在台灣TFT-LCD產業的過程 89
四、制度、網絡結構與跨國技術學習之間的互動—政府策略以及產業的組織規模對於大規模的投資帶來的影響 99
五、網絡結構的位置與跨國技術學習之間的關係—與美國電子大廠之間的網絡關係促成與日本之間的合作 102
六、日本產業的網絡結構轉變對於技術人員的跨國流動帶來的影響 110
七、小結 116
第六章 知識仲介人於積體電路與液晶顯示器產業扮演角色的比較分析 118
一、留美歸台學人對積體電路產業知識移入的影響 121
二、日籍技術人才對液晶顯示器產業知識移入的影響 127
三、小結 132
第七章 台灣高科技產業知識擴散機制 134
一、台灣與日本積體電路產業知識擴散機制的比較 134
二、台灣液晶顯示器產業知識擴散機制 137
三、小結 146
第八章 結論與討論 148
附錄一:訪談資料 153
附錄二:中文、英文、日文的職位對照表 159
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