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研究生(外文):Yi-Wen Wang
論文名稱(外文):Construct an Indigenous Social Trust theory: Social Trust Implications during an Environment Decision-making Process
指導教授(外文):Liang-Chun Chen
外文關鍵詞:social trustrelation contextNIMBY facilitynuclear power plantfeng-shuicustomary trustsocio-semioticcultural schema
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本論文主要目的是:建構能充分解釋本土社會信任現象的理論模型。為建構本土社會信任理論模型,首先,透過批判式文獻回顧,認為將西方信任理論「套用」於本土社會,無法清楚說明華人社會普遍存在的信任現象與經驗,也難有助於理解華人社會信任的特殊性。由於人與人之間的相互信任,涉及在他們所認同的群體裡,彼此建構的價值與規範系統,所以在不同的文化中,信任的建構各有其獨特的過程。許多文化心理學的文獻指出:人們依賴其文化背景,以感知與判斷本身所處的社會環境,人們彼此相信與互相評定對方的方法,反映他們共有的文化經驗(如:Triandis, 1989; Markus & Kitaymama, 1991; Peng &Nisbett, 1999; Hong &Chiu, 2001等)。因此,本論文旨在探討華人文化中,尤其在台灣社經脈絡下的信任策略特性。其次,整合既有的文獻,提出本土社會信任的理論模型。本論文以華人的關係主義(relationalism)為預設,提出本土社會中五種信任的原形(prototypes),其中兩種是屬於關係網絡內的社會信任,包括:基於血緣關係的血親信任及根植於情感與認同的滋生信任。其餘三種是屬於關係網絡外的社會信任,其一是:常民在文化實踐中累積的習俗,形成的習俗信任;其二是:奠基於專業知識與能力的專業信任;其三是:基於利益最大化的理性計算,形成的制度信任。以上五種信任原形的各有其意涵,其中,本論文所提出的血親信任與習俗信任,對於理解華人社會信任,具有獨特的意義。
The main purpose of this dissertation is to construct a social trust theory capable of interpreting adequately various phenomena related social trusts in Taiwanese society. At first, a critical review of the literature on trust indicated that it is very difficult to use theories of trust developed by Western scholars to explain some prevailing phenomena related to trust in indigenous society. Because interpersonal trust is generally supported by the value system and social norms constituting the meaning of life in a given culture, it is necessary to investigate the process of trust within a particular cultural context. A social trust theory based on Confucian relationalism is proposed to analyze the domains and features of five prototypes of trust in Taiwanese culture. Two of the prototypes concern trust within the network of one''s intimate society, namely, kinship trust and emergent trust constituted on the grounds of shared identity. The other three concern trust of social targets outside one''s intimate society, including customary trust derived from the cultural practices that have long been adopted as customs, professional trust that is created by the professional knowledge and ability of the trustee, and institutional trust that is established on rational calculation to maximize one''s own interests in dealing with an institutional operation. A person may adopt different trust strategies in consideration of the relation with the trustee. Implications of each prototype of trust are elaborated in the dissertation. In particular, the kinship trust and the customary trust have important meanings for understanding the social trust in the society.
Furthermore, various social trust phenomena during an environmental decision-making process are observed and analyzed so as to gather plentiful data related to social trust from the life world for confirming, explaining and revising the indigenous social trust theory. The selected environmental decision-making process included two cases: one is a NIMBY public facility of the forth nuclear power plant of Taiwan Power Company, which is categorized into public environmental decision-making; and the other one is feng-shui customary, which is categorized into private environmental decision-making embedded in a indigenous cultural environment perspectives by a socio-semiotic method to manifest the meanings of feng-shui. Besides, the forth nuclear power plant case and the feng-shui case implicate two different knowledge systems, one is knowledge of “scientific micro-world” and the other one is knowledge of “life-world”. The two different knowledge systems are relative to two different social trust prototypes (e.g. professional trust and customary trust). The above-mentioned indigenous social trust theory is revised according to results of the experimental researches.
There are three major research outcomes of the dissertation. The first is to construct an “Indigenous social trust theory”. The theory claims that a mental operation of a truster includes two mental inspection processes before making a trust decision, including a relation inspection and an intention inspection. In other words, a relation with the truster and an intention of the trust will be two key factors to influence the trust mental operation implicating a “subjective and an irrational” trust mental operation. The claim is entirely different from Western trust theories based on a rational calculation and an objective risk assessment of trust. The second outcome is to propose a unique concept of “customary trust” by connecting subtly to an indigenous cultural belief system so as to form a “feng-shui schema” concept. The concept of feng-shui schema is helpful for explaining many indigenous trust phenomena, such as why even well-educated scholars trust easily a feng-shui master etc. Finally, the concept of the customary trust is clarified by differentiating from a “customary belief” concept.
第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………..1
第一節 研究動機與目的 ………………………………...1
第二節 研究對象與內容 ………………………………….2
第三節 研究發問………………………………….............5
(一) 社會信任的內涵為何?…………………………………..6
(二) 本土社會的信任是否存在特殊性?…………………....11
(三) 社會信任為何對當代環境決策具有重要意義?………..12
第四節 認識論與研究方法……………………………………….16
(一) 建構實在論………………………………………………..16
(二) 研究方法……………………………………………………17
第五節 研究流程與章節安排…………………………………...19

第二章 文獻批判與建構本土社會信任理論模型……………..23
第一節 批判式文獻回顧……………………………………23
(一) 對西方信任理論運用到本土的批判……………………….23
(二) 以關係的形式判斷信任與否的弔詭……………………...28
第二節 建構本土社會信任理論模型………………………31
(一) 基本預設:關係主義與華人社會信任的特殊性………….31
(二) 本土社會的五種信任基礎與原形………………………….39
(三) 事件介入與信任與否的判斷標準………………………… 50
(四) 信任的累積性 ………………………………………………54
第三節 小結與討論………………………………………….....55

第三章 經驗研究:核四NIMBY環境決策過程的社會信任…...57
第一節 本章緣起與研究目的……………………………………57
第二節 核四空間決策的權力與信任……………………………62
(一) 核四的衝突點:國家機器與地方自主權力的對張……67
(二) 草根的結盟:理念的實踐與情感的依附………......77
(三) 核四決策過程:幾個衝擊社會信任的事件……………79
第三節 調查方法與設計…………………………………………85
(一) 調查方法…………………………………………………89
(二) 訪談資料編碼與分析……………………………………85
第四節 本章研究結果與發現……………………………………94
(一) 社會信任的兩重檢驗前提………………………………94
(二) 本土社會信任的心智運作與判斷:情、理、法………118
第五節 小結與討論………………………………………………125

第四章 經驗研究:風水與拜拜文化中的習俗信任……………127
第一節 本章的研究緣起與目的…………………………………127
第二節 風水習俗中的信任意涵為何?……………………128
第三節 風水信念的形構與信任的關連……………………130
第四節 調查方法與資料分析………………………………140
第五節 本章研究結果與發現………………………………147
(一) 風水信念形構的文化先行條件……………………147
(二) 兩種型態的文化心理圖式………………………..148
(三) 兩種型態風水圖式的內涵與特性…………………150
(四) 習俗信任與信仰的心智運作差異分析……………156
第五節 小結與討論………………………………………………167
第五章 研究成果與結論................................169
第一節 研究成果與展望................................169
第二節 研究結果討論…………………………………………..183
第三節 研究限制 …………………………………………....190

參考書目 …………………………………………………………..193

附錄一: 反核連署書………………………………………………1-1
附錄二: 核四田野受訪者關係語意的編碼資料…………………2-1
附錄三: 核四田野訪談資料理論分析與編碼……………………3-1
附錄四: 風水與拜拜習俗訪談稿分析與編碼……………………4-1


圖1-1: 符號的解構分析模式……………………………………19
圖1-2: 研究流程圖 ……………………………………20
圖2-1: 信任決策的社會心理過程理論架構……………………33
圖3-1: 核四決策重要事件時序一覽圖…………………………64
圖3-2: 核四地理區位與環境資源示意圖………………………73
圖3-3: 社會信任第一重關係的檢驗與重構……………………99
圖4-1: 社會符號的解構分析模式………………………………142
圖5-1: 信任決策社會心理過程理論架構修正………………..173
圖5-2: 核四個案的社會信任心理過程理論分析………………177


表2-1: 五種信任原形的重要範疇與特性………………………41
表3-1: 核四調查受訪者背景與訪談脈…………………………86
表3-2: 核四田野訪談大綱………………………………………87
表3-3: 受訪者關係網絡的語意分析……………………………90
表3-4: 關係網絡內的信任基礎與特性…………………………95
表3-5: 關係網絡外的信任基礎與特性…………………………103
表3-6: 信任主體的三種的主觀意圖……………………………106
表3-7: 信任主體心智運作的兩重檢驗與判斷…………………119
表4-1: 風水與拜拜習俗之訪談大綱……………………………144
表4-2: 風水與拜拜習俗之受訪者背景…………………………145
表4-3: 兩種型態風水圖式的社會符號分析……………………151
表4-4: 陰陽五行與萬物表徵之對應表…………………………153
表4-5: 習俗信任與信仰之概念差異分析………………………157
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