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研究生(外文):Yen-Ju Wang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Heating and Storage Conditions on the Antimutagenicity of Black Soybean Koji
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Chou Chou
外文關鍵詞:Black soybean kojiAntimutagenicityHeat treatmentPackaging conditionsanthocyanintotal phenolic
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本研究以Aspergillus awamori作為菌酛製備黑豆麴,探討在不同溫度(40℃、60℃、80℃或100℃)下加熱30分鐘,在不同包裝條件下(乾燥劑+脫氧劑、乾燥劑、脫氧劑與未添加任何食品保存劑)於4℃或25℃中儲存120天後黑豆麴對4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide及Benzo[a]pyrene抗致突變性之影響。
In the present study, black soybean koji were first prepared with Aspergillus awamori. They were then subjected to heating at various temperatures (40, 60, 80 and 100℃) for 30 min or storage at either 4 or 25℃ under different packaging conditions (dessicant and deoxidant, dessicant, deoxidant, without dessicant and deoxidant) for 120 days.
It was found that the anthocyanin content decreased significantly(p<0.05) in black soybean koji after heating at 80℃ or higher temperature. While the total phenolic content reduced significantly (p<0.05) after heating at 40℃ or higher. Heating at 80℃ or higher for 30 min also resulted in a significant reduction(p<0.05)in the antimutagenicity of the methanol extract of black soybean koji against 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide and Benzo[a]pyrene. However, extent of reduction in antimutagenicity varied with the test strains of S. typhimurium and the kind of mutagens examined.
Regardless of storage temperature and packaging conditions, content of total phenolic, anthocyanin and antimutagenic activity of the black soybean koji decreased as the storage period was extended. Higher retention of total phenolic, anthocyanins and the antimutagenic activity was noted in black soybean koji held at 4℃ than at 25℃. Among the various packaging conditions examined, black soybean koji stored with dessicant and deoxidant exhibited the highest retention of total phenolics, anthocyanin and antimutagenic activity during storage. While the poorest retention was noted with black soybean koji stored without dessicant and deoxident.
1. 黑豆簡介------------------------------------------2
2. 黑豆之機能性--------------------------------------2
1. 微生物之抗致突變性--------------------------------5
2. 微生物發酵食品之抗致突變性------------------------5
1. 菌種----------------------------------------------8
2. 黑豆----------------------------------------------8
3. 培養基--------------------------------------------8
4. 試驗藥品------------------------------------------8
5. 儀器設備------------------------------------------9
1. 菌株之保存與活化---------------------------------10
2. 冷凍保存-----------------------------------------10
3. 菌株之活化與孢子液製備---------------------------10
4. S. typhimurium突變株之保存活化-------------------10
5. 黑豆麴之製備-------------------------------------10
6. 黑豆麴甲醇萃取物之製備---------------------------10
7. 腸胃液體之組成份---------------------------------11
1. S. typhimurium TA98與TA100菌株基因型態之確認-----11
1.2 rfa突變之測試-----------------------------------12
1.3 uvrB突變之測試----------------------------------12
1.4 R-factor之測試----------------------------------12
2. 抗致突變性試驗-----------------------------------13
2.1 毒性試驗----------------------------------------13
2.2 致突變性試驗------------------------------------13
2.3 抗致突變性試驗----------------------------------14
3. 熱穩定性對黑豆麴抗致突變性之探討-----------------14
4. 胃液與腸液處理對黑豆麴抗致突變性之影響-----------15
4.1 胃液處理----------------------------------------15
4.2 腸液處理----------------------------------------15
5. 儲存條件對黑豆麴抗致突變之試驗-------------------15
6. 總酚類化合物含量測定-----------------------------15
7. 黑豆麴萃取液之總花青素含量測定-------------------15
8. 統計分析-----------------------------------------16
一、S. typhimurium TA98及TA100試驗菌株基因型態之確認---17
2. rfa突變之測試------------------------------------17
3. uvrB突變之測試-----------------------------------17
4. R-factor之測試-----------------------------------17
1. 加熱處理黑豆麴對S. typhimurium TA98及TA100之毒性-19
2. 加熱處理黑豆麴對S. typhimurium TA98及TA100之致突變
3. 加熱處理黑豆麴對S. typhimurium TA98及TA100之抗致突
4. 加熱處理對黑豆麴中總酚類化合物與花青素含量之影響-26
1. 黑豆麴萃取物在模擬胃液與腸液處理對S. typhimurium
2. 黑豆麴萃取物在模擬胃液與腸液處理對S. typhimurium
3. 黑豆麴萃取物在模擬胃液處理對S. typhimurium TA98與
4. 黑豆麴萃取物在模擬腸液處理對S. typhimurium TA98與
1. 不同儲存條件下之黑豆麴對S. typhimurium TA98與TA100
2. 不同儲存條件下之黑豆麴對S. typhimurium TA98與TA100
3. 不同儲存條件下之黑豆麴對S. typhimurium TA98與TA100
4. 儲存條件對黑豆麴中總酚化合物與花青素含量之影響---50
附表一、不同包裝條件下黑豆麴於4℃儲存120天後其萃取物對4-NQO在 S. typhimuriumnTA98與TA100中之抗致突變性--------------65
附表二、不同包裝條件下黑豆麴25℃儲存120天後其萃取物對4-NQO在 S. typhimuriumn TA98與TA100中之抗致突變性-------------66
附表三、不同包裝條件下黑豆麴4℃儲存120天後其萃取物對B[a]P在 S. typhimuriumn TA98與TA100中之抗致突變性-------------67
附表四、不同包裝條件下黑豆麴25℃儲存120天後其萃取物對B[a]P在 S. typhimuriumn TA98與TA100中之抗致突變性-------------68
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