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研究生(外文):Han-Hui Lin
論文名稱(外文):Inventory Management Model for Auto Service Parts Considering Demand Uncertainty
外文關鍵詞:Demand fluctuationspare parts management
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  In recent years, the vehicle market is saturated step by step and the automobile factories whether domestic or foreign attracted consumers by selling new-designed cars and having a special offer. However, the scale of Taiwan vehicle market is limited. The automobile factories have already had their attention on the after-market, and the after-market is more and more important. Other than the OEM plant, there are many other part plants devoting into this market.
  We focused on the stock management of OEM plants. By a practical case, we analyzed the inventory management from demand aspect. Because of the large quantities and numerous items, we must have enough stocks in order to meet the accidental demands; on the other hand, we must decrease stocks and increase the turnover rate of inventory. So, the main subject we focus on is how to manage the large number of service parts. We proposed a method to cluster the part items by demand variation in accordance with the practical method, and constructed a new method to calculate the safety stock for demand and monthly average demand. Finally, we can calculate the better stock limits.
  Finally, we compare the pros and cons between out proposed and current practice, and then we simulated by eM-Plant software. We can analyze the two outcomes to know what differences between two methods. Through the simulation, we can know about the rationality of clustering by demand variation, and we can help the part plants know how to use a logical and systematic clustering method to cluster the items, and we can know about the variation pattern of the part demands.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 3
1.4 研究架構 3
1.5 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧及探討 6
2.1 物流與供應鏈 6
2.2 庫存管理 7
2.2.1 庫存管理之意涵 7
2.2.2 存貨管理目標 7
2.2.3 庫存形成原因及存貨管理政策 8
2.3 汽車零件類別與特性 11
2.4 分群方法 13
2.5 需求預估 13
2.6 小結 15
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 研究架構 16
3.2 汽車零件備品管理之現況概述 17
3.2.1 汽車零件備品之特性 17
3.2.2 汽車零件之物流模式 18
3.2.3 目前零件備品庫存水準之計算方式 19
3.3 資料分群與計算需求波動產生之安全庫存乘數方法之建立 21
3.3.1 分群(cluster)模式 21
3.3.2 分群假設與步驟 21
3.3.3 分群說明 22
3.3.4 需求波動產生之安全庫存乘數之計算 23
3.4 月平均需求(Monthly Average Demand, MAD)之建立 24
3.4.1 季節指數(Seasonal Index) 24
3.4.2 回歸方法與月平均需求量之建構 26
3.5 執行方式 31
第四章 模擬設計與分析 34
4.1 H公司現行作法 34
4.1.1 庫存等級分類方法 34
4.1.2 屬性分類法 37
4.1.3 需求波動產生之安全庫存乘數計算 39
4.1.4 月平均需求計算 40
4.1.5 訂貨計畫流程 40
4.2 備品庫存管理之實證分析 41
4.2.1 資料分群 41
4.2.2 分群結果以及需求波動產生安全庫存乘數 42
4.2.3 計算月平均需求量 43
4.2.4 存貨水準之決定 47
4.3 模擬方法之實證分析 48
4.3.1 訂貨乘數及規則說明 51
4.3.2 現行作法之下輸入參數設定 51
4.3.3 本研究的方法下輸入參數設定 56
4.4 結果分析與探討 58
4.4.1 模擬結果 58
4.4.2 結果探討 59
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 60
5.1 研究結論 60
5.1.1 本研究結論 60
5.1.2 研究貢獻 60
5.2 研究限制 61
5.3 未來研究方向 62
參考文獻 63
4.東尼.懷爾德(Tony Wild),黃彥達譯,《庫存管理》,藍鯨出版,2003
7.裘蘭(Joseph M. Juran),吳鄭重譯,《裘蘭品質領導手冊》中國生產力中心出版,1997

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