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研究生(外文):Chieh-Chung Yen
論文名稱(外文):Contractual Arrangements and Strategic Implementation
指導教授(外文):Ming-Je Tang
外文關鍵詞:Contracts ContractualarrangementsProperty rightsStrategic implementation
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Strategies could create the competitive advantages only when they are executed. Scholars and practitioners have focused on two means of the strategic implementation, which are organizational structures and functional strategies. However, the thesis argues that contractual arrangements are other critical methods in the implementation of strategy and that they should be coordinated with organizational structures and functional policies. Secondly, organizational economics, especially the economics of property rights and the resource-based view of the firm, are introduced to present the fundamental concepts of contracts and the nature of team work. Thirdly, the issue of property rights of human resources is discussed in the viewpoint of implicit contracts. Fourthly, the thesis further maintains that firms could create core competences through their contracting abilities to form implicit contracts with their stakeholders. Finally, four types of contractual arrangements and their relationships with firm strategies are elaborated to support the arguments that contractual arrangements are one of the crucial strategic implementation instruments to gain sustainable competitive advantages.
Chapter.1 Introduction 3
1.1 Research Objective and Motivation 3
1.2 Definition of Contracts 3
1.3 Strategic Implementation and Contractual Arrangements 4
1.4 Structure of the Thesis 8
Chapter.2 Literature Review 11
2.1 The Growth Motive of the Firm and the Resource-Based View 11
2.2 EPR and the Nexus of Contracts Theory 14
2.3 Cooperation Problem of Knowledge Transfer 17
2.4 Residual Rights and Attributes of Property Rights 22
2.5 Implicit Contracts and Evolutionary Theory 26
2.6 Boundaries Decisions and Residual Control Rights 29
Chapter3. Propositions of Contractual Arrangements 31
3.1 Four Types of Contractual Arrangements 32
3.2 Residual Rights and the Attributes of Property Rights 34
3.3 Contractual Arrangements as Imitation Barriers 36
3.4 Implicit Contracts and Human Resources 37
3.5 Process of an Evolution of Contractual Arrangements 42
Chapter4. Concluding Remarks 45
4.1 Contractual Arrangement as Strategic Implementation 45
4.2 Contractual Arrangement as Solution of Teamwork Coordination 46
4.3 Property Rights of Human Resources 47
4.4 Future Research and Empirical Method 49
References 52

Lists of Graphs
Graph 1 Contractual Arrangement as Means of Strategic Implementation
Graph 2 Roadmap of the Thesis…………………………….………......... 9
Graph 3 Bundles of Rights and Productive Services……………………10
Graph 4 Four Types of Contractual Arrangements….............................36
Graph 5 Productive Services and Property Rights of the Services…....38
Graph 6 Contractual Arrangements and Imitation Barriers……………..39
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