The thesis intends to discuss that during the peirod of 2003 to Q1 2007,how did the challenger AMD (Advance Micro Device) with only15% market share, seach for breakthrough with a newly developed technology of x86 64 bit and a succeful regional strategy; at the time of event, the leader Intel was equipped with 85% market share,establish technology innovation mechnism. Then we will go on to discuss how the leader fight back facing certain damages in market share with price war and even faster technology architecture innovation The discussion will focus on imprtance of regional startegy, in normal cases, hedquater will form up a startegy to impact regional startegy in one direction. What we have different contrtibution in the thesis is to explore the other direction that regional startegy could have critical impact on global startegy, particuarly in a regional with high density of industrial complementor and high groeth momentum customers (in our case of greater China area) . The thesis will apply value net framework and start discussion from core competence of two rivals Intel and AMD,analyse through those to understand how the alignment of strategy with corecompetence can impact comptition consquence.The thesis discussed the complementor (ODM) and Customer (OEM) in detail specically on the motivation and incetive to final ratio attribution of CPU camp. Then it apply some simple game theory development to explain how regcomplementor and customers react during period of 2003 to 2005.We then explore how AMD applies those knowlogy to affect reginal compemetor and regional customers and apply those success to get attention and cooperation of larger customer; during which we put stress on the critical impact of Chinese government policy. And for the 2006 to Q1 2007 period,we stated how Intel fight back through different appoaches of price war and accelerated architechtur innovation,we can also see trace of impact from regional strategy and how Chinese government policy have been taken into their new global and regional strategy.