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研究生(外文):Hsiao-Chung Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Random Search based Evolutionary Learning of a Humanoid Robot
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Wen Cheng
外文關鍵詞:On-line learningAdaptive Random SearchReinforcement LearningHumanoid robotsGait pattern
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In this thesis, an on-line learning system of humanoid robot has been developed for robot motion pattern modification. There are a lot of environment and robot uncertainties when humanoid robot moving, this learning system could find out the modification of motion pattern to overcome all uncertainties through the computation of sensor-motor relation.
The learning process is based on adaptive random search (ARS) with reinforcement learning. Sensor signals of motion are used to calculate the fitness function for reinforcement learning. There are one two-axis accelerometer and two one-axis gyros on the head of the robot and four pressure sensors on the feet.
At present, initial gait pattern always makes the robot falls down. After learning process, the stable gait pattern was found. Further, to find out the fastest pattern, the different gait patterns and speeds were composed. In this case, the robot maximum walk velocity is 1386.207mm/min, and could walk on a ramp with 2.85 degree of slope.
This system is uncomplicated, easy to adjust for different conditions and deal with all uncertainties at once. User only need to give a rough initial pattern and the suitable fitness function, don’t need the exact simulation. It could apply on many fields and embedding in robot.
第一章 前言...............................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機.....................................1
1.2 研究目的...........................................5
1.3 論文回顧...........................................9
1.4 章節說明..........................................11

第二章 系統架構..........................................12
2.1 整體架構..........................................12
2.2 機器人機構系統....................................14
2.3 機器人控制系統....................................16
2.4 機器人感測系統....................................17
2.4.1 加速度計....................................20
2.4.2 陀螺儀......................................25
2.4.3 壓力感測器..................................29
2.4.4 感測訊號分析與整合..........................33
第三章 線上學習流程與理論................................37
3.1 線上學習流程......................................37
3.2 可適隨機搜尋法....................................39
3.3 增強式學習手段_可適隨機搜尋法.....................41

第四章 實驗驗證..........................................43
4.1 自動爬起機制......................................43
4.1.1 倒地靜態姿勢判斷............................47
4.1.2 自動爬起動作................................56
4.2 穩定步行動作......................................62
4.3 最快前行動作:步行速度與步幅關係分析...............67
4.4 特殊地形動作:斜坡上行.............................71
第五章 結論..............................................75
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