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研究生(外文):Wan-Yu Luan
論文名稱(外文):The Influences of Different Landscape Types on Attention
外文關鍵詞:Necker Cubeattentionnatural landscapewaterscapevisual percepted greening ratioplant types
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本研究利用NCPC(Necker Cube Pattern Control)注意力測驗,檢測受測者觀看60張景觀圖片之前與之後翻轉次數的改變,用此評估各環境變項對受測者注意力的影響。七個團體分別觀看其中一種圖片,分別為:1.人工景觀;2.自然景觀;3.高綠視率景觀(和植栽種類多樣、綠色植栽、無水景景觀合併成一組);4.低綠視率景觀;5.單一植栽種類景觀;6.彩色植栽景觀;7.有水景景觀之圖片。
Many studies indicated that when human beings exposed to natural environments, they could get rid of psychology fatigue about working and pressure, and then had more ability to focus attention. The purpose of this study is to figure out that how human beings’ attention will be affected by the artificial and the natural landscapes. And then the examination is going to focus on the performance brought from the four elements, including the visual percepted greening ratio, the types of plants , the kinds of color (the green plants v.s. the colorful plants), the environment with waterscape or not when subjects view natural landscape.
Subjects were tested how they were concentrative by viewing 60 pictures of landscape and were evaluated by Necker Cube Pattern Control (NCPC) test. During testing, they have a pretest and a posttest. We discuss how the four important elements will influence people’s attention. In the examinations, different sets of pictures were offered: 1. the artificial; 2.the natural; 3. the high visual percepted greening ratio (the multiple plants, the green plants, the environment without waterscape); 4. the low visual percepted greening ratio; 5. the unitary plant; 6. the colorful plants; 7. the environment with waterscape.
According to the report, significantly, we found that the subjects who looked at natural landscape pictures were more concentrative than the others who viewed the artificial pictures. It showed that natural environment really has positive influence on human. We discussed the elements of natural landscape. The result showed that the performance on the test about attention declined from pretest to posttest in the case of the environment with unitary plant, low visual percepted greening ratio. But the performance maintained the same quality in the environment of colorful plants. And the other performance improved. When it comes to the case with good performance, the subjects viewing waterscape improved significantly. Otherwise, the group of the multiple plants performed better than the one of unitary plant.
In sum, viewing natural landscape pictures contribute to the improvement of attention. The two elements, the types of plants and the environment with waterscape or not, will have more influence on attention. It is a suggestion for landscape designers to keep the point when they have plans about landscaping. In this way, they could not only beautify environment but also bestead human’s attention.
謝誌 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 1
第三節 研究內容 2
第二章、文獻回顧 5
第一節、自然對人類的益處 5
一、為何人類喜歡親近自然 5
二、自然景觀效用 6
第二節 注意力 8
一、注意力定義 8
二、注意力的種類 8
三、自主及非自主注意力 9
四、自主注意力測量方法 10
第三節、注意力恢復理論 15
第四節、相關實證研究 16
第三章、研究方法 21
第一節、研究架構 21
一、研究架構 21
二、實驗流程 22
三、研究假設 22
四、實驗步驟 24
第二節 研究設計 25
一、受測者 25
二、環境分類 26
三、圖片挑選 27
四、注意力測量工具 28
五、觀看圖片時間 29
第三節、資料收集步驟 32
一、問卷設計 32
二、資料收集步驟 32
第四節、資料處理與分析方法 32
一、問卷回收情形 33
二、結果分析 33
第四章、結果分析 35
第一節、預備測驗 35
一、問卷回收 35
二、結果分析 35
第二節、正式測驗 40
一、問卷回收 40
二、結果分析 41
第五章、討論 47
第一節、預備測驗 47
一、研究結果 47
二、播放圖片時間 47
第二節、正式測驗 48
一、各組受測者特性 48
二、各組比較 48
三、用圖片測試的影響 50
第六章、結論與建議 51
未來研究建議 52

參考文獻 53
附錄一、實驗一人工及自然景觀圖片 57
附錄二、實驗二綠視率高低景觀圖片 65
附錄三、實驗三色彩豐富度景觀圖片 72
附錄四、實驗四植栽種類多寡景觀圖片 76
附錄五、實驗五有無水景之景觀圖片 80
附錄六、問卷 84
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3.http://www.snre.umich.edu/eplab/demos/nt0/a1_start_NT.php Necker Cube
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