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研究生(外文):Yu-Hsuan Chao
論文名稱(外文):The Problems and Their Impacts of China''s Labor Statistics
外文關鍵詞:China statistic institutiongovernment manipulationlabor statisticsemploymentunemploymenymiddle class
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As a single frame, National Bureau of Statistics of China takes the whole responsibilities of China statistics. As ruled by central government and absent of law to support, it is difficult to be avoid of government manipulation. Besides, local government can also control the local statistics to affect its accuracy. Bureaucracy manipulate statistics as to persuade achievements of office career which results in inaccurate statistics.
However, there is still another problem of China statistics. Technical failure also affects the accuracy. The indicator of employment is different from of international criteria. China use “chih-kung” which does not account of rural industry and self-owned industry. In unemployment, China set age upper-bond when counting for unemployment which does not include of rural residents. Moreover, Unemployment does not include of “hsia-kang- chih-kung” which means workers stop working in the original place while contract is still effective.
In the aspect of unemployment rate, China publishes as the rate in urban unemployment register. It ignores other behaviors of job seeking and the unemployment in the rural district.
The main cause of China statistic failure is the over-booming of government right. The booming is the results of political institution which is of Communist party, financial federalism, gradualism of revolution. However, statistics affect on many aspects. Government policy and decision making is lack of advices by statistics. Invest made with wrong statistic data and cause wasted investment. Still, Chinese is mislead by statistics and make wrong judgements of China.
To accurate China statistic is to re-establish political institutions. Re-establishment avoids statistics manipulated by government. Nevertheless, it is the fist goal for China government to pursue stability. As the results, it is impossible for re-establishment as accurate statistics.
第一章 緒論..…………………………………………………………………………...1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 中國統計制度設計的研究…………………………………………………...6
2.1 文獻整理 6
2.2 統計制度設計概述 8
2.3 中國統計制度沿革與設計架構 10
2.3.1 中國統計制度沿革 10
2.3.2 中國統計制度 12
2.4 其他各國統計制度 14
2.4.1 加拿大統計制度 14
2.4.2 美國統計制度 14
2.5 各種制度比較 16
2.6中國統計制度的問題 16
第三章 中國勞動統計問題…………………………………………………………...19
3.1勞動統計研究架構 19
3.2 中國的從業人口現狀 19
3.2.1 中國的職工與就業人員指標 19
3.2.2 中國職工指標的範圍問題 22
3.3 中國的就業結構與轉變 26
3.4 中國失業統計相關問題 30
3.4.1 文獻回顧 30
3.4.2 中國失業人口定義的缺失 31
3.4.3 . 中國城鎮失業率依靠登記的問題 34
3.4.4 中國城鎮登記失業率的範圍問題 36
3.5 中國中產階級指標問題與中國社會結構的轉變 39
3.5.1 文獻回顧 40
3.5.2 中國中產階級的定義方式 41
3.5.3 中國中產階級的存在問題 43
第四章 中國統計問題的成因與影響………………………………………………...45
4.1 中國統計問題的成因 45
4.1.1 中國的共產黨與人民民主專政 45
4.1.2 中國的財政聯邦主義 48
4.1.3 中國的漸進式改革 50
4.2 中國統計的影響 53
4.2.1 中國統計對政府制定決策所造成的影響 54
4.2.2 中國統計對投資決策的影響 55
第五章 摘要與結論…………………………………………………………………...57
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