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研究生(外文):Shan-Yung Yang
論文名稱(外文):Glossy Direct-to-Indirect Transfer for Relighting
指導教授(外文):Yung-Yu Chuang
外文關鍵詞:Lighting DesignGPUDeep FramebufferDirect-to-Indirect TransferGlobal IlluminationBRDF Factorization
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In computer cinematography and animation, the process of lighting design is time consuming and labor intensive. Lighting artists need an interactive tool which gives fast preview without losing too much quality compared with the final result.

In this thesis, we present a relighting system which solves the problem faced by lighting artists. By caching shading parameters in deep framebuffer and rendering with graphics hardware acceleration, our system gives convincible lighting preview interactively. Our system also captures specular reflections by layered deep framebuffer.

Global illumination for relighting system is also emphasized in this thesis. We proposed a new approach based on transferring indirect illumination from gather samples. Our main contribution is extending the light transport path to glossy inter-reflections by BRDF factorization.
致謝 ⅰ
摘要 ⅲ
Abstract ⅴ
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Problem statement 1
1.3 Organization 2

2 Related Work 3
2.1 Relighting engines 3
2.2 Precomputed radiance transfer 3
2.3 Global illumination 4

3 Relighting System 5
3.1 Deep framebuffer 5
3.2 Rendering 5
3.3 Light scalability 7
3.4 Specular reflections 8
3.5 Shadows 8

4 Global Illumination 11
4.1 Basic derivation 11
4.2 Diffuse direct-to-indirect transfer 13
4.3 Glossy direct-to-indirect transfer 15
4.4 BRDF factorization 16
4.5 Limitations 19

5 Experiments and Results 21
5.1 Relignting system 21
5.2 Glossy direct-to-indirect transfer 24

6 Conclusion and Future Work 29

Bibliography 31
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