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研究生(外文):Sheng-Wei Wang
論文名稱(外文):Source and Release Mechanisms of Arsenic in Sedimentary Basin of the Coastal Areas of Southwestern Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:ArsenicGroundwaterSedimentary basinSourcesRelease mechanismsIron-reducing bacteria
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High arsenic (As) contents in groundwater were found in two neighboring catchments of southwestern Taiwan- the southern Choushui river alluvial fan and the Chianan plain. To investigate the sources of As in groundwater, a total of 655 geological core samples from 13 drilling wells situated at the southern Choushui river alluvial fan of Taiwan were collected and analyzed. High As contents were found primarily in aquitards, to a maximum of 590 mg/kg. The contents were correlated with the locations of the marine sequences. Additionally, strong correlations among the As concentrations of core samples, the clay, and the geological age of the Holocene transgression were identified. Most of the As in groundwater originated from the aquitard of the marine sequence. The high As content in marine formations with high clay contents may be attributable to the bioaccumulation of As in the sea organisms, which accrued and were deposited in the formations. A preliminary geogenic model of the origin of the high As concentration in the shallow sedimentary basin of the Choushui river alluvial fan of Taiwan is proposed. Furthermore, the groundwater quality, the redox potential and the As distribution of the Chianan plain were characterized using factor analysis, redox zoning and a geochemical program, PHREEQC. The results were compared with those of the southern Choushui river alluvial fan to allude the possible release mechanisms of As in groundwater of the southwestern Taiwan. Factors 1 and 2 determined by the factor analysis of the groundwater in the Chianan plain - the salinization factor and the As pollutant factor - are similar to those in the southern Choushui river alluvial fan. However, the spatial distribution of reductive tendency in the Chianan plain is different from that in the Choushui river alluvial fan, yielding spatially distinct hydrogeochemical environments in these two neighboring areas. The reduction potential in the Chianan plain is stronger than that in the Choushui river alluvial fan. The difference of the reduction potentials between these two vicinal areas affects the distribution of As concentrations in groundwater. The reductive dissolution of As-rich iron oxyhydroxide is postulated to be the major mechanism of the release of As to the groundwater in the Chianan plain and the Choushui river alluvial fan of Taiwan. The release mechanism is generally driven by reducing bacteria. Experiments approach was carried out by coupled synthetic As-contained amorphous iron oxide (HFO) and inoculation of iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) to evaluate the contribution of IRB on the mobilization and transformation of As. The results of respective HFO and As5+ reducing experiments show that both of the reduction reactions are promoted by IRB. However, the rate and extent of As5+ reduction are similar with different treatments of organic substrates. In As-contained HFO reducing experiment, both the IRB and the competition of organic carbon play important roles on As desorption and mobilization. Sequentially, aqueous As5+ becomes an electron acceptor after that the solid phase of ferric iron has been reduced, but the conversion of As5+ to As3+ were affected by different treatments of organic substrates. Hence, Fe-related reducing bacteria may be capable of reducing aqueous As5+ after the reduction of iron minerals. The working hypothesis model of As biogeochemical cycling proposed by this study sets up the framework for investigation of the fate and transport of As in the groundwater of the southwestern Taiwan.
Abstract i
摘要 iv
Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature reviews 5
2.1 Distribution of arsenic in sedimentary basin 5
2.2 Possible release mechanisms of arsenic in groundwater 6
3. Study area 9
4. Materials and methods 13
4.1 Core samples of the southern Choushui river alluvial fan 13
4.2 Groundwater quality of the southwestern Taiwan 15
4.2.1 Sampling and analyses 15
4.2.2 Factor analysis and redox zoning 16
4.2.3 Geochemical calculations 23
4.3 Batch experiments of arsenic mobilization and transformation 25
4.3.1 Iron-reducing bacteria enrichment 25
4.3.2 Preparation of arsenic-adsorbed amorphous iron oxide……………..28
4.3.3 Incubation experiments 28
4.3.4 Analyses of arsenic species and ferrous iron 29
5. Results and discussion 30
5.1 Source of arsenic in groundwater of southern Choushui river alluvial fan 30
5.1.1 Arsenic distribution of the sedimentary basin 30
5.1.2 Correlations among arsenic contents, sediment material, and geological ages of core samples 34
5.1.3 Source of arsenic in groundwater 40
5.2 Possible mechanisms for arsenic release to groundwater 43
5.2.1 Factor analysis of the Chianan plain 43
5.2.2 Redox zonation of the Chianan plain 50
5.2.3 Geochemical calculation 53
5.2.4 Mechanisms of arsenic release to groundwater 57
5.3 Batch experiments of arsenic mobilization and transformation 61
5.3.1 Iron and arsenic reduction experiments 61
5.3.2 Contribution of iron-reducing bacteria to arsenic release in aqueous phase 65
5.3.3 Effect of iron-reducing bacteria on the transformation of mobilized arsenic 68
6. Conclusions and suggestions 71
6.1 Conclusions 71
6.2 Suggestions 73
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