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研究生(外文):Pei-Shan Liu
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility Analysis of Combining Wind Energy and Solar Energy as a Hybrid Energy System in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Hybrid Energywind energysoalr radiation and sunshine duriationPV system
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Nowadays, the impact of the balance between the energy supply and demand, continually uprising price of petroleum and its limited saving make scientists to be eager to search for a new renewable energy source that can be substituted. In Taiwan, even though the geographical background is quite suitable for developing wind power, the efficiency of wind turbines during weak wind periods (from Aprill to September) is much detracted because of the seasonal monson and climate influence. On the other hand, Taiwan is located in the subtropical region with sufficient soalr radiation and enough sunshine duriation in weak wind periods to develop solar energy. It has been also becoming a newly rising industry. As a result, this reaserch is to analyze the trend of soalr radiation and sunshine duriation in Taiwan and to approach a formula for stimulating the electricity of the hybrid wind-turbine-PV-system in Taiwan.
This study combines wind energy and solar energy as a hybrid energy system to take both advantages of two systems. Two different kinds of wind turbines with various PV systems at six strong-wind locations (Hsinchu, Wuchi, Chenggong, Hengchun, Lanyu and Penghu) in Taiwan are studied and discussed. The results shows that the hybrid system in Penghu has the best operation condition in obtaining the benefits of combining the two renewable energy. This location has the most stable amount of electricity during the whole year.
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的....................................... 2
1.3 研究範圍..............................................4
第二章 相關文獻回顧.......................................5
2.1 風速機率密度函數......................................5
2.2 風能發電理論......................................... 6
2.3 太陽能發電理論........................................7
2.4 複合式並聯再生能源利用............................... 8
第三章 風能發電理論...................................................... 10
3.1 韋伯風速機率分佈.................................... 10
3.2 發電理論...... ......................................11
3.3 風能驗證............................................ 13
第四章 太陽能發電理論....................................16
4.1 太陽能光電板簡述.....................................16
4.2 日照時數推估輻射量...................................16
4.2.2 模式模擬台灣測站.................................. 19
4.3 太陽能發電理論模式.................................. 20
4.3.1 功率條件效率因子.................................. 22
4.3.2 模式驗證...........................................23
第五章 案例研究......................................... 35
5.1 台灣地區太陽能潛勢分析.............................. 35
5.2 風力發電機與太陽能板案例介紹........................ 38
5.3 風場與風機特性.......................................38
5.4 模擬案例.............................................39
第六章 結果與討論........................................63
6.1 案例模擬結果討論.................................... 63
6.2 各模擬案例細部討論...................................65
第七章 結論.......................................................72
參考文獻................................................ 74
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