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研究生(外文):Chun-Hsien Wu
論文名稱(外文):Mineralization and Nitrification of Four Plant Soils in Ta-Ta-Chia Long-Term Ecological Research(LTER) Area
指導教授(外文):Ming-kuang Wang
外文關鍵詞:ammoniumnitrateburied bag methodsnet mineralization ratenet nitrification rate
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試驗結果顯示利用氣候因子推估無機態氮含量,鐵杉和雲杉的銨態氮濃度有適合的氣候因子可以建立相關高的迴歸式,鐵杉的硝酸態氮主要與採樣當月~前一月的氣壓累積值有關(R2 =0.97),雲杉的硝酸態氮與採樣當月~前一月的濕度累積值有關(R2 =0.93),草原和二葉松的氮濃度主要與採樣前一~二月的雨量有關(R2 >0.90)。而利用氣候因子推估土壤礦化和硝化速率結果顯示,草原的礦化速率主要與採樣當月~前一月的溫差累積值有關(R2 =0.99),硝化速率主要與採樣當月的降水日數有關(R2 =0.92),鐵杉的礦化速率則和採樣前一個月的平均最大風速有關(R2 =0.99),雲杉和二葉松的礦化和硝化速率則和採樣前2個月的降雨比率有關(R2 >0.90)。利用pH、EC和含水量可建立鐵杉和雲杉的硝酸態氮和無機態氮濃度的迴歸式(R2 >0.74)。
Ammonium and nitrate are important plant nutrients of plants. Especially to forest soil of no fertilization. Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification are important index of fertility. But now people often use many number of variables or single period to study mineralization and nitrification, and ignore the synthetically infections of climate. Respecting the importance of inorganic nitrogen to forest, the aim of this study is using multiple kinds and variable climate factors, to discuss the mineralization and nitrification of forest soil further. The determination of experiment area according to the four main vegetation areas of Ta-Ta-Chia forest.

The test result showed that we could use the climatic factors to estimate the inorganic nitrogen content. The ammonium concentrations of hemlock and spruce soils have the suitable climatic factors to establish a high correlation regression equation.The nitrate concentration of hemlock soil is mainly related with the pressure accumulation from sampling month to preceding of sampling same month(R2 =0.97).The nitrate concentration of spruce soil is mainly related with the humidity accumulation from sampling month to preceding sampling same month(R2 =0.93).The nitrogen concentration of grassland and pine soil is mainly related with the precipitation preceding ~ first two month(R2 >0.90).We also could use the climatic factors to estimate the soil mineralization and the nitration rate.The net mineralization rate of grassland soil is mainly related with the temperature difference accumulation of the sampling month ~ preceding of the sampling month(R2 =0.99).The net nitrification rate of hemlock soil is mainly related with the rainy days of the sampling month(R2 =0.92).The net mineralization rate of hemlock soil is mainly related with the average maximum wind speed of the preceding of the sampling month(R2 =0.99).The net mineralization rate and net nitrification rate of spruce and pine soils are mainly related with the rains ratio of the first two of the sampling month(R2 =0.99).Using pH, EC and the water content, we may establish the regression equation of hemlock and spruce''s nitrate and inorganic nitrogen concentration.
第一章、 前言.............................................1
1.1 氮對植物的重要性.................................1
1.2 氮的循環作用.....................................1
1.2.1 氮的外在循環作用.................................1
1.2.2 氮的內在循環作用.................................3
1.3 礦化及硝化作用的相關研究.........................4
1.4 研究目的.........................................5
第二章、 材料與方法.......................................7
2.1 研究背景介紹..........................................7
2.1.1 地理位置............................................7
2.1.2 地質................................................7
2.1.3 氣候................................................9
2.1.4 植被組成............................................9
2.2 試驗方法說明.........................................11
2.2.1 土壤採集與處理.....................................11
2.2.2 土壤基本性質測定...................................13
(Percentage of base saturation, BS%)..................14
(5)土壤粒徑分析方法(Particle size analysis)和土壤質地等級.............14
2.2.3 資料處理分析方法...................................19
Ⅱ. 逐步回歸選取預測變項與相關R2顯著檢視.................22
第三章、 結果與討論......................................24
3.1 本研究採集分析之探討.................................24
3.1.1 研究區域之氣候狀況之探討...........................24
3.1.2 土壤基本理化性質...................................27
Ⅰ. 草原區...............................................34
Ⅱ. 鐵杉林區.............................................34
Ⅲ. 雲杉林區.............................................34
Ⅳ. 二葉松林區...........................................35
3.1.3 利用土壤pH、EC和含水量推估土壤氮含量...............40
3.1.4 利用氣候、土壤溫度推估土壤氮含量...................41
3.1.5 利用氣候、土壤溫度推估土壤氮轉化速率...............44
3.2 綜合前人資料之研究比較...............................46
3.2.1 研究數據之敘述統計.................................46
3.2.2 逐步迴歸探討.......................................50
第四章、 結論............................................54
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