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研究生(外文):Tuan-Yi Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Multi-port network scattering matrix measurement using two-port vector network analyzer and unknown terminators
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Chia Lu
外文關鍵詞:scattering matrix measurementvector network analyzerMulti-port network scattering matrix
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Conventionally, we have to know the value of at least one terminator in advance when measuring multi-port network by using two-port vector network analyzer. [16] proposed the algorithm for three-port to two-port port reduction method with unknown terminators. [17] proposed the algorithm which can reconstruct the multi-port network with known terminator from three-port or more port scattering matrices. This work adopt the main idea of these two works and implement with Matlab program. The measured scattering matrices of a branch line coupler on FR4 substrate using proposed port reduction method shows good agreement with measurement by multi-port VNA.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction - 1 -
1.1 Overview on scattering parameters - 1 -
1.2 The reason to measuring multi-port network by a two-port VNA - 5 -
1.3 General Theories - 7 -
1.3.1 Brief introduction of port reduction method (PRM) - 7 -
1.3.2 Brief introduction for calibration - 10 -
1.4 The motivation of measuring multi-ports with two-port VNA and unknown terminators - 14 -
1.5 Thesis organization - 16 -
Chapter 2 Literatur Review - 17 -
2.1. Introduction - 17 -
2.2. Scattering parameter renormalization transformation - 20 -
2.3. PRM with only one known terminators - 21 -
2.4. The generalized Gamma-R parameters - 26 -
2.4.1. Derivation of the Generalized Gamma-R Parameters - 26 -
Chapter 3 Formulations - 30 -
3.1 3-port measurement method with unknown terminators - 31 -
3.1.1 Introduction - 31 -
3.1.2 Algorithm - 31 -
3.2 Algorithm extended to 4-port and a larger number of ports - 35 -
3.2.1 The diagonal elements of the matrix S - 36 -
3.2.2 The off-diagonal elements of the matrix S - 38 -
3.3 Integration of previous two algorithms - 39 -
3.4 Verification process - 41 -
3.4.1 Phase I - 41 -
3.4.2 Phase II - 43 -
3.5 Simulation results - 45 -
3.5.1 3-port DUT - 45 -
3.5.2 3-port DUT simulation results - 46 -
3.5.3 4-port DUT - 52 -
3.5.4 4-port DUT simulation results - 54 -
Chapter 4 Measurement Procedures and Experimental Results - 63 -
4.1 Measurement arrangement - 63 -
4.2 Measurement procedures - 64 -
4.3 Experimental results - 66 -
Chapter 5 Conclusion - 87 -
References - 88 -
[1]Agilent Technologies, “ENA Series RF Network Analyzer,” Brochure, 5988-3765EN Feb. 2003.
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[3]D. Woods, “Multiport Network Analysis by Matrix Renormalization: Extension to Four Ports,’ Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., vol. 124, pp.749-753, Sept. 1977.
[4]M. Davidovitz, “Reconstruction of the S-matrix for a 3-port Using Measurements at Only Two Ports” IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., vol. 5, pp. 349-350, Oct. 1995.
[5]D. Woods, “ Multiport Network Analysis by Matrix Renormafization: Extension to 5- and 6-ports; Proc. Inst. Eiec. Eng., vol. 125, p. 1217, Nov. 1978.
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[15]J.C. Rautio, “Techniques for correcting Scattering Parameter Data of an Imperfectly Terminated Multiport When Measured with a Two-Port Network Analyzer” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 83, no 5, pp.407-412, 1983
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