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研究生(外文):Lu-Chien Chen
論文名稱(外文):Using Neural Network to Achieve Uplink and Downlink Fairness in Wireless Network
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Nan Lin
外文關鍵詞:WLANuplinkdownlinkfairnessneuron network
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Today Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is very popular. Many people go to Internet, receive E-mail or play on-line game through WLAN. Most of WLAN devices are based on the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) [1]. However in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 DCF-based infrastructure WLAN, the opportunity of accessing wireless channel is the same for each mobile station and access pointer (AP). This feature will cause very serious unfairness problem between the traffic flow of the uplink and downlink, especially when the number of stations increases. In this paper we propose a powerful solution that using neuron network (NN) to solve this problem. Our solution is easy to implement at the AP side without the modification of the IEEE 802.11 standard. The simulation results indicate that our proposed method is not only to achieve fairness between the uplink and downlink traffic flow, but also to dynamic adjust the ratio between uplink and downlink according to the WLAN environment changing.
II.BACKGROUD DESCRIPTION----------------------------------5
2.1 Overview the families of IEEE 802.11------------------5
2.2 802.11 MAC Mechanism---------------------------------10
2.3 802.11 WLAN Configuration----------------------------16
III. IEEE 802.11 DCF THROUGHPUT--------------------------19
3.1 Markov chain analytic model with idea channel--------20
3.2 Markov chain analytic model with error prone channel-23
IV. PROBLEM INDENTIFY------------------------------------28
V. NEURAL NETWORKS---------------------------------------32
5.1 Cost-reward function---------------------------------32
5.2 Learning the nonlinear function----------------------34
5.3 Adjusting the back-off parameters--------------------36
5.4 Adaptive NN algorithm--------------------------------38
VI. SIMULATION RESULTS-----------------------------------42
6.1Analytic simulation results---------------------------42
6.2 NS-2 simulation results------------------------------57
VII. CONCLUSION------------------------------------------65
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