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研究生(外文):Chen-Chi Lo
論文名稱(外文):Finite-Length Decision Feedback Equalization for Space-Time Block Coded Communication Systems
外文關鍵詞:decision feedback equalizationspace-time block codecommunication systems
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Decision feedback equalization (DFE) is a well-established intersymbol interference mitigating technique for linear, noise, and dispersive channels. In this thesis, we discuss the finite length decision feedback equalization and present a new solution for the receiver based on the signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR) criterion. We also extend the DFE receiver concepts to space-time block-coded transmission over frequency-selective multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channels. The focus lies on Alamouti''s space-time block code with two transmit and only one receive antenna. Combined equalization and decoding scheme is presented under the constraint of linear processing complexity (no trellis search) at the receiver. Simulation is made over several channels including typical EDGE channels, and significant gains can be observed compared with a single-input single-output DFE scheme.
List of Tables.....vii
List of Figures.....viii

1 Introduction.....1

2 Channel Equalization.....5
2.1 Introduction to Channel Equalization.....6
2.2 Minimum Mean Square Error Equalizers.....7
2.3 MMSE Decision Feedback Equalizers.....13
2.4 Maximum Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio DFE.....20
2.5 Modified Decision Feedback Equalizers.....24
2.5.1 Constrained Decision Feedback Equalizers.....26
2.5.2 Soft Decision Feedback Equalizers.....29

3 MIMO Channel Equalization.....33
3.1 MIMO MMSE Decision Feedback Equalization.....34
3.2 Maximum SINR DFE.....40
3.3 Alamouti''s Space-Time Block Codes.....43
3.4 Equalization for Alamouti''s Codes.....45
3.4.1 Maximum SINR DFE for Alamouti''s Codes.....45
3.4.2 Delay-Optimized Maximum SINR DFE for Alamouti''s Codes.....52
3.5 Simulation and Performance Analysis.....53
3.5.1 Spatially Uncorrelated Fading Channel.....56
3.5.2 EDGE Power Delay Profiles.....57
4 Conclusion.....61

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