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研究生(外文):Ko-Chiang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Error Probability Analysis of Spectrally Precoded OFDM System with Frequency Offset and Wiener Phase Noise
外文關鍵詞:Spectrally Precoded OFDMInter-Carrier Interference (ICI)Frequency OffsetWiener Phase NoiseBeaulieu Series
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在本篇論文中,頻譜預編碼正交分頻多工(Spectrally Precoded OFDM)系統在有頻率漂移(Frequency Offset)及維納相位雜訊(Wiener Phase Noise)下的錯誤率表現,分別在白高斯雜訊通道(AWGN Channel)、延遲擴散通道(Delay Spread Channel)、雷利衰減通道(Rayleigh Fading Channel)、雙路徑衰減通道(Two Ray Fading Channel)中以鮑利爾級數(Beaulieu Series)做了分析。藉由在個別通道中的特徵函式的推導,計算在有頻率飄移下的確切錯誤率。我們以高斯近似來處理維納相位雜訊造成之次載波間相互干擾的成分。
In this thesis, error performance of spectrally precoded OFDM with frequency offset and Wiener phase noise is analyzed on AWGN channel, delay spread channel, flat fading Rayleigh channel, and two ray fading channel, with the help of Beauliu series. Characteristic functions on specific channels are derived upon which exact error probability is given for frequency offset case. A Gaussian approximation is made while dealing with the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) caused by Wiener phase noise.
ICI degrades the performance of OFDM system. Comparing average symbol error probability between spectrally precoded OFDM and uncoded OFDM is presented. Since spectrally precoded OFDM has higher spectral efficiency, we tend to examine whether the degradation of spectrally precoded OFDM is less than uncoded OFDM.
Contents I
List of Figures and Tables III
Chapter 1 Introduction ...........................1
1.1 Introduction to Spectrally Precoded OFDM......1
1.2 Introduction to Calculating Error Probability
upon Characteristic Function..................3
1.3 Moltivation...................................4
Chapter 2 Error Probability of Spectrally Precoded
OFDM with Frequency Offset..............6
2.1 Characteristic Function of Spectrally Precoded
OFDM with Frequency Offset....................6
2.2 Error Probability of Spectrally Precoded OFDM
with Frequency Offset........................10
2.3 Error Function of Spectrally Precoded OFDM with
Frequency Offset.............................13
Chapter 3 Error Probability of Spectrally Precoded
OFDM with Wiener Phase Noise...........16
3.1 Characteristic Function of Spectrally Precoded
OFDM with Wiener Phase Nois..................16
3.2 Error Probability of Spectrally Precoded OFDM
with Wiener Phase Noise......................20
Chapter 4 Results for Error Probability on Secific
4.1 Results on AWGN Channel and Delay Spread
4.2 Results on Flat Fading Rayleigh Channel......32
4.3 Results on Two Ray Fading Channel............38
Chapter 5 Conclusions .........................44
【1】 C.D. Chung, “Spectrally precoded OFDM,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Volume 54, No.12, Dec. 2006 pp.2173 – 2185.
【2】 C.D. Chung, “Spectral precoding for rectangularly pulsed OFDM,” IEEE Trans. Commun., submitted for publication, 2006.
【3】 N. C. Beaulieu, "An infinite series for the computation of the complementary probability distribution function of a sum of independent random variables and its application to the sum of Rayleigh random variables," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 38, pp. 1463-1474, Sept. 1990.
【4】 C. Tellambura, A.Annamalai,‘Further results on the Beaulieu series,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Volume 48, No. 11, Nov. 2000 pp.1774 - 1777
【5】 Beaulieu, N.C, “The evaluation of error probabilities for intersymbol and cochannel interference,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Volume 39, No. 12, Dec. 1991 pp.1740 – 1749.
【6】 P. Dharmawansa, N. Rajatheva, H. Minn, “An Exact Error Probability Analysis of OFDM Systems with Frequency Offset,” MILCOM 2006, Oct. 2006 pp.1 – 5
【7】 T. Pollet, M. van Bladel, and M. Moeneclaey, “BER sensitivity of OFDM systems to carrier frequency offset and Wiener phase noise,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 43, pp. 191-193, Feb./Mar./Apr. 1995.
【8】 L. Tomba, “On the effect of Wiener phase noise in OFDM systems,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Volume 46, No. 5, May 1998 Page(s):580 – 583.
【9】 K. Sathananthan and C. Tellambura, “Probability of error calculation of OFDM systems with frequency offset,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 49, Nov. 2001, pp. 1884-1888.
【10】L. Rugini, P. Banelli, S, Cacopardi, “Probability of error of OFDM systems with carrier frequency offset in frequency-selective fading channels” Communications, 2004 IEEE International Conference on, Volume 6, June 2004 pp.3289 - 3293
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