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研究生(外文):Shih-Cheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Design of Novel Dual-Metal-Plane Bandpass Filters
指導教授(外文):Chun Hsiung Chen
中文關鍵詞:Dual-metal-planebandpass filtercoplanar waveguidestepped-impedance resonatorspurious suppressionminiaturizedpatch-via-spiral resonatorbroadbandcomposite right/left-handed transmission line
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Pursuit of wider rejection bandwidth, compactness of occupied circuit size, sharpness of frequency selectivity, and broader realizable passband is the controlling idea among the overall dissertation. For this reason, this dissertation principally focuses on three different filter topologies so as to make the stringent requirements possible. The central concept is making good use of dual-metal-plane configuration which provides numerous advantages superior than those of conventional uniplanar approach. In this work, the dual-metal-plane configuration ultimately facilitates the designs of inline coplanar waveguide (CPW) filters with wideband spurious suppression, patch-via-spiral resonators for the development of miniaturized filters, and composite right/left-handed filters with wide fractional-bandwidth.
In the beginning, for the sake of spurious suppression, inline CPW bandpass filters composed of quarter-wavelength stepped-impedance resonators are proposed, using loaded air-bridge enhanced capacitors and broadside-coupled microstrip-to-CPW transition structures for both wide-band spurious suppression and size miniaturization. Three effective spurious suppression mechanisms including spurious destruction, spurious cancellation, and higher order spurious attenuation are incorporated in the proposed CPW filters and thus make the filter stopband extended up to 19.04f0.
Next, to achieve the filter miniaturization and simultaneously provide sharper passband, a novel patch-via-spiral resonator based on the dual-metal-plane configuration is proposed and examined. With the microstrip patch on the top plane serving as a capacitor and linking to the quasi-lumped spiral inductor on the bottom plane through a connecting via, the proposed dual-plane resonator structure located on the opposite sides of single substrate may form a miniaturized one in the printed-circuit board fabrication. By appropriately arranging the proposed patch-via-spiral resonators, useful coupled-resonator pairs may be constructed to provide electric and magnetic couplings along top- and bottom-planes, respectively. Therefore, the two couplings existing between coupled-resonator pair can be made with the same or opposite sign and are first carefully examined in 2nd-order filters with either Chebyshev or quasi-elliptic-like response. Then, the design concept is generally extended to 4th-order filters which possess good frequency selectivity and compact sizes of 0.188λg0 × 0.043λg0, where λg0 stands for the guided wavelength at center frequency.
Finally, in order to realize the filters with wide fractional-bandwidth, composite right/left-handed bandpass filters with wide fractional bandwidth are also implemented based on the proposed dual-metal-plane configuration. With proper design of the symmetric composite right/left-handed unit cell composed of arbitrarily adjustable lumped-elements, the passband, as well as the fractional bandwidth, can be constructed. Specifically, the implemented filters possess relatively achievable wide bandwidth in comparison with the conventional filters based on the assumption of narrow fractional-bandwidth. Besides, the approach for realizing the filters requiring broad bandwidth by cascading multiple CRLH-TL unit cells is found not suitable for filters demanding narrow bandwidth, since the corresponding lumped-element values are not practical in implementation. For this reason, by means of ZORs and inductively-coupled impedance inverters, one may easily design a filter with narrow bandwidth around 10%.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Motivation 1
1-2 Literature Overviews 2
1-3 Contribution 8
1-4 Dissertation Organization 10
Chapter 2 Theory and Techniques of Filters 12
2-1 Insertion-Loss Method 12
2-2 Lowpass Prototype Filters and Elements 15
2-2.1 Butterworth Lowpass Prototype Filters 15
2-2.2 Chebyshev Lowpass Prototype Filters 15
2-2.3 Quasi-Elliptic Lowpass Prototype Filters 16
2-3 Circuit Transformation on Lumped Prototype 19
2-4 Impedance and Admittance Inverters 21
2-4.1 Bandpass Filters Based on Inverters 21
2-4.2 Practical Realization 23
2-4.3 Filters using λ/4 resonators 24
2-5 Network Analysis (Even/Odd-Mode Analysis) 25
2-6 Coupled-Resonator Theory 27
2-6.1 Design Parameters for Coupled-Resonator Filters 28
2-6.2 Electric Coupling 31
2-6.3 Magnetic Coupling 33
2-6.4 Mixed Coupling 34
2-6.5 External Quality Factor 35
2-7 Design of Coupled Resonator Filters 38
2-8 Quarter-Wavelength Stepped-Impedance Resonators 40
2-8.1 Operation Concept 40
2-8.2 Practical Realization 44
Chapter 3 Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines 46
3-1 Ideal Composite CRLH TL 47
3-2 Lumped-Element Network Implementation 50
3-2.1 Basic Structure 50
3-2.2 Transmission Matrix Analysis 53
3-2.3 Cutoff Frequencies 55
3-2.4 Bloch Impedance 56
3-2.5 Balanced Case 58
Chapter 4 Novel CPW Bandpass Filters with Wideband Spurious Suppression 60
4-1 Stepped-Impedance Resonators Loaded by Air-Bridge Enhanced Capacitors 60
4-1.1 Resonance Condition 60
4-1.2 Physical Realization and Model Extraction 65
4-2 Broadside-Coupled Microstrip-to-CPW Transition Structure 69
4-3 Filter Design 72
4-4 Mechanisms of Wide-Band Spurious-Suppression 75
4-4.1 Spurious Destruction 75
4-4.2 Spurious Cancellation 78
4-4.3 Higher-Order Spurious Attenuation 79
4-5 Filter Implementation and Results 80
4-5.1 Second-Order Filter 80
4-5.2 Fourth-Order Filter 83
Chapter 5 Novel Patch-Via-Spiral Resonators for Miniaturized Bandpass Filters with Transmission Zeros 88
5-1 Patch-Via-Spiral Resonators in Dual-Plane Configuration 88
5-2 Coupled-Resonator Pairs 92
5-3 Analysis of Second-Order Filters 98
5-3.1 Equivalent Circuit 98
5-3.2 Design Procedure 104
5-4 Implementation of 2nd-Order Filters 106
5-5 Implementation of 4th-Order Filters 111
Chapter 6 Bandpass Filters Based on Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines 117
6-1 Dual-Plane CRLH-TL Unit Cell 117
6-2 Periodic Filter Implementation 125
6-2.1 Filter Centered at 3GHz with Δ = 50% 125
6-2.2 Filter Centered at 1.5GHz with Δ=100% 127
6-3 Zeroth-Order Filters with Narrow Bandwidth 130
6-3.1 Analysis of the ZOR 131
6-3.2 Design of the Inductively-coupled ZOR Filters 134
6-3.3 Implementation of the ZOR Filters 135
Chapter 7 Conclusions 139
7-1 Brief Conclusions 139
7-2 Recommendations for Future Works 140
Appendix: Abbreviations 143
References 144
Publication List 154
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1. 〔33〕 姚乃嘉,「回歸仲裁制度與國際接軌」,營建知訊,274期,44∼51頁,民國九十四年十一月
2. 〔30〕 劉志鵬,「談監造工程司(工程司)之決對權」,營造天下,97/98期,20∼26頁,民國九十三年二月
3. 〔30〕 劉志鵬,「談監造工程司(工程司)之決對權」,營造天下,97/98期,20∼26頁,民國九十三年二月
4. 〔19〕 藍瀛芳,「工程爭議仲裁」,商務仲裁,39期,10∼19頁,民國八十四年六月。藍瀛芳,「公共工程爭議有何訴訟外之解決途徑」,商務仲裁,36期,22∼27頁,民國八十三年四月。藍瀛芳,「公共工程有何訴訟外之解決途徑」,律師通訊,172期,23∼26頁,民國八十三年一月
5. 〔19〕 藍瀛芳,「工程爭議仲裁」,商務仲裁,39期,10∼19頁,民國八十四年六月。藍瀛芳,「公共工程爭議有何訴訟外之解決途徑」,商務仲裁,36期,22∼27頁,民國八十三年四月。藍瀛芳,「公共工程有何訴訟外之解決途徑」,律師通訊,172期,23∼26頁,民國八十三年一月
6. 〔18〕 李志鵬,「公共工程爭議之仲裁處理探討」,中華技術,59期,2∼9頁,民國八十二年八月
7. 〔18〕 李志鵬,「公共工程爭議之仲裁處理探討」,中華技術,59期,2∼9頁,民國八十二年八月
8. 〔17〕 陳煥文,「國際營建工程爭議解決之代替方案」,法律評論,2∼9頁,民國八十三年
9. 〔17〕 陳煥文,「國際營建工程爭議解決之代替方案」,法律評論,2∼9頁,民國八十三年
10. 〔16〕 蕭家進,「公共工程爭議處理的省思」,現代營建,65∼70頁,民國九十年八月
11. 〔16〕 蕭家進,「公共工程爭議處理的省思」,現代營建,65∼70頁,民國九十年八月
12. 〔15〕 藍瀛芳,「簡述訴訟外解決爭議的方法(ADR)」,商務仲裁,44期,1∼11頁,國八十五年十二月
13. 〔15〕 藍瀛芳,「簡述訴訟外解決爭議的方法(ADR)」,商務仲裁,44期,1∼11頁,國八十五年十二月
14. 〔33〕 姚乃嘉,「回歸仲裁制度與國際接軌」,營建知訊,274期,44∼51頁,民國九十四年十一月
15. 〔34〕 林芝綺,「爭議審查委員會機制之介紹」,仲裁季刊,81∼88頁,民國九十年二月