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研究生(外文):Chin-Hsiang Yang
論文名稱(外文):Indoor Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks
外文關鍵詞:Wireless sensor network (WSN)localizationindoorRSSIclustering
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Localization is an important topic in wireless sensor networks because lots of the applications need this information to perform normally, such as a surveillance system, a light control system, or a fire alarm system. One of the biggest problems in indoor localization is the complex propagation characteristics of the indoor environment. We find that most of the current works solve this by giving lots of prior-knowledge to some specific nodes in the network. Although in this way we can get a very accurate localization result, this kind of schemes needs lots of efforts to make the algorithm perform well. In this work, we propose an indoor localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks which needs few prior-knowledge. It uses the characteristics of the obstructions in the environment to group nodes in the network. Sensor nodes first locally calculate their position, and then we combine each group together and get good localization accuracy.
In this work, we use C language to write the whole simulation. We observe the performance of the algorithm in different noise power and compare to other indoor localization algorithms. We also try to explain the limitation of the algorithm and the performance of it in some special cases.
誌謝 2
摘要 3
Abstract 4
Contents 5
List of figures 6
List of tables 7
Chapter 1 Introduction 8
1.1 Motivation 8
1.2 Related Work 11
1.3 Idea 16
Chapter 2 Assumptions & Requirements 20
Chapter 3 Algorithm 23
Chapter 4 Simulation 35
4.1 Simulation Setup 35
4.2 Simulation Result 39
4.3 Characteristics for the Algorithm 45
4.4 Observations for the Algorithm 49
Chapter 5 Conclusions 56
Chapter 6 Future Work 58
Reference 60
1.Paramvir Bahl and Venkata N. Padmanabhan, “RADAR: An In-Building RF-based User Location and Tracking System”, INFOCOM, 2000
2.D. Moore, J. Leonard, D. Rus, and S. Teller, “Robust Distribution Network Localization with Noisy Range Measurements”, ACM SenSys, 2004
3.Xiaoli Li, Hongchi Shi, and Yi Shang, “A Sorted RSSI Quantization Based Algorithm for Sensor Network Localization”, ICPADS, 2005
4.Haowen Chan, Mark Luk, and Adrian Perrig, “Using Clustering Information for Sensor Network Localization”
5.Kiran Yedavalli, Bhaskar Krishnamachan, Sharmila Ravula, and Bhaskar Srinivasan, “Ecolocation: A Sequence Based Technique for RF localization in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IPSN, 2005
6.Cesare Alippi, Alan Mottarrella, Giovanni Vanini, “A RF-Map Based Localization Algorithm for Indoor Environments”, IEEE, 2005
7.Yiming Ji, Saad Biaz, Santosh Pandey, Prathima Agrawal, “ARIADNE: A Dynamic Indoor Signal Map Construction and Localization System”, MobiSys, 2006
8.Hyuk Lim, Lu-Chuan Kung, Jennifer C. Hou, and Haiyun Luo, “Zero-Configuration, Rubust Indoor Localization: Theory and Experimentation”, INFOCOM, 2006
9.Y.E Mohammed, A.S. Abdallah, Y.A. LIU, “Characterization of indoor Penetration Loss at ISM Band”, CEEM, 2003
10.Joseph Polastre, Robert Szewczyk, and David Culler, “Telos: Enabling Ultra-Low Power Wireless Research”
11.[NS] Chapter 17, Radio Propagation Models
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