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研究生(外文):Jen-Yu Li
論文名稱(外文):Biomedical signal analysis on pentobarbital-anesthetized rat
指導教授(外文):Te-Son Kuo
外文關鍵詞:anesthesiablood pressurecomplexitydepth of anesthesiaEEGratsodium pentobarbital
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麻醉是關於喪失知覺的一門科學,主要使用於配合外科手術的進行。另ㄧ方面,麻醉的適當與否也影響到進行動物電生理實驗時所記錄到的訊號品質。因此,本研究採用雄性大鼠(Wistar),以麻醉藥物戊巴比妥鹽溶液(sodium pentobarbital)持續靜脈注射,分析血壓波與腦波之各項參數於(1)麻醉過量致死,以及(2)麻醉後恢復過程的變化趨勢。
血壓波的資料在時域分析方面計算平均動脈壓(mean arterial pressure)、脈壓(pulse pressure)與心率(heart rate),在頻域分析方面則以傅利葉轉換(Fourier transform)及自回歸模型(autoregressive model)觀察其功率密度頻譜之變化。腦波的資料在時域分析方面計算其棘波數(number of spikes)及演算法複雜度(algorithmic complexity),在頻域分析方面則分析其頻譜邊緣頻率(spectral edge frequency)及各子頻帶功率比(subband power ratio)的變化。此外,在演算法複雜度方面,我們提出一種新的正規化的方法,使用相位亂數化(phase-randomized)的技巧增進其效能。
List of Figures........................................VI
List of Abbreviations................................VIII
Chapter 1 : Introduction................................1
1.1 Motivation..........................................1
1.2 Monitoring depth of anesthesia......................1
Chapter 2 : Materials and methods.......................7
2.1 Experiment setup....................................7
2.2 Blood pressure analysis.............................9
2.3 Electroencephalograph analysis.....................11
2.3.1 Spike counting...................................11
2.3.2 Algorithmic complexity...........................12
2.3.3 Spectral edge frequency and subband power ratio..15
Chapter 3 : Results....................................21
3.1 Validation of the analysis methods.................21
3.1.1 BP spectrum estimation methods...................21
3.1.2 Normalized complexity............................22
3.2 A typical example..................................23
3.2.1 Blood pressure analysis..........................23
3.2.2 Electroencephalograph analysis...................25
3.3 Trends and template................................26
3.3.1 Overdose anesthesia..............................26
3.3.2 Recovery from anesthesia.........................28
Chapter 4: Discussion..................................59
4.1 Blood pressure analysis............................59
4.1.1 Mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure and heart rate..59
4.1.2 Spectra of different anesthetic stages...........60
4.2 Electroencephalograph analysis.....................61
4.2.1 Spike counting...................................61
4.2.2 Algorithmic complexity...........................61
4.2.3 Spectral edge frequency and subband power ratio..65
4.3 Trends and template................................66
Chapter 5: Conclusion and future works.................68
5.1 Conclusion.........................................68
5.2 Future works.......................................69
Appendix A: A brief review of anesthesia...............70
Appendix B: Pharmacological property of pentobarbital..76
Appendix C: The Lempel-Ziv complexity..................77
Appendix D: Empirical equations for prediction of survival duration and recovery time..79
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