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研究生(外文):Feng-Neng Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Eye-Pattern Improvement Using High Impedance Mismatch for Lossy Lines
指導教授(外文):Tian-Wei Huang
外文關鍵詞:eye patternhigh impedance compensationequalizersignal integrity
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The thesis focuses on eye diagram improvement using reflections caused by impedance mismatch for lossy lines. When signal transmits at high speed, the loss that comes from the transmission line increases. In order to avoid the resultant voltage waveform distortion the misjudgment of digital signal, and even system failure, utilizes the superposition of reflection by high impedance line to improve the signal integrity of the wave form at receiver.
In addition, this study utilizes an inductor or a high impedance line as the high impedance component and investigates its performance. A set of design rule has been derived for inductance value and length of high impedance transmission line. Given the frequency dependence of the transmission line loss, one can find out accurately the desired compensation. This may not only improve the signal integrity, but also save the time of simulation and design.
目 錄
第一章 簡介.............................................1
1.1 研究動機..........................................1
1.2 文獻回顧與探討....................................3
1.3 章節概要..........................................3
1.4 成果貢獻..........................................4

第二章 有損傳輸線理論與PCI Express規格說明..............5
2.1 有損傳輸線理論....................................5
2.1.1 傳輸線上的電波傳播.............................5
2.1.2 金屬損耗與介質損耗.............................8
2.2 PCI Express規格與眼圖規範.........................14

第三章 電感反射補償.....................................18
3.1 單根傳輸線最佳化電感補償..........................18
3.1.1 理論說明.......................................18
3.1.2 最佳化電感設計.................................24
3.1.3 模擬分析.......................................32
3.2 差模傳輸線最佳化電感補償..........................37
3.2.1 最佳化電感設計流程.............................37
3.2.2 模擬分析.......................................42
3.3 輸入信號與傳輸線頻率響應的關係....................46
3.3.1 輸入信號頻譜對眼圖的分析.......................46
3.3.2 高速數位信號頻譜落在過度補償的 分析............51
3.4 補償電路的適用範圍................................53

第四章 高阻抗傳輸線反射補償.............................56
4.1 理論說明..........................................56
4.2 最佳化高阻抗線長設計流程..........................59
4.3 估算法求解........................................63
4.4 模擬分析..........................................64

第五章 實驗驗證.........................................72
5.1 量測環境建立......................................72
5.2 實驗量測..........................................74
5.2.1 單根傳輸線補償.................................74
5.2.2 差模傳輸線補償.................................78
5.2.3 高阻抗傳輸線補償...............................81

第六章 結論與未來工作...................................84
6.1 結論..............................................84
6.2 未來工作..........................................84

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