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研究生(外文):Yi-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Novel Microarray Scanner Based on Evanescent Wave Excitation
外文關鍵詞:MicroarrayEvanescent Wave
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In this thesis, we present a high throughtput microarray reading system for detecting fluorescent signals on a glass slide. Moreover, cost of our microarray reader is much lower than that of commercial instruments due to its simple design.
Different from conventional laser scanning microarray readers, we used a white light (metal halide) as the excitation light source. It provided large-area illumination and flexibility of changing excitation wavelengths by using various optical filters. The white light was coupled into a glass chip by using a fiber optic dual lines light guide. As the light propagated in the glass waveguide, total internal reflection at the glass-air interface produced evanescent planar waves (EPW). The EPW excited fluorescence dyes in the close proximity of the chip surface. The fluorescence signals were then taken by an objective lens and a charge coupled device (CCD). We developed a Visual Basic program to take a set of fluorescent images at different positions. The whole image of the DNA microarray was obtained by image combination.
The reader has a spatial resolution of about 3.5um. The test of Cy3 fluorescence showed concentration below 10pM can be imaged within 10 seconds. However, the background of this system was larger than that of the confocal laser scanning method. It may be due to fluorescence of the glass and scattering of surface defects. Because of the novel EPW excitation design, our system is also useful for DNA microarrays labeled with gold nanoparticles and label-free cell arrays.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 微陣列晶片(Microarray) 1
1.1. 簡介 1
1.2.微陣列晶片的種類 3
1.2.1. 基因微陣列晶片 (DNA Microarray) 3
1.2.2. 蛋白質微陣列晶片(Protein Microarray) 4
1.2.3. 細胞陣列晶片(Cell Array) 5
第二章 微陣列晶片的偵測技術 6
2.1. 基因晶片的偵測儀器 6
2.1.1. 雷射掃瞄、PMT偵測 7
2.1.2. 均勻白光激發、CCD偵測法 9
2.2. 研究目的與方向 10
第三章 本研究所用之激發源-光學消逝波 11
3.1. 簡介基因微陣列晶片的螢光激發技術 11
3.2. Evanescent Planar Wave Technology 17
3.3. 光纖耦合法(Fiber coupling) 19
第四章 實驗架構 23
4.1. 實驗材料 23
4.2. 偵測系統之架構 25
4.3. 系統之解析度 28
第五章 結果與討論 33
5.1. 耦合效率(Coupling Efficiency) 33
5.2. 玻片周圍散射光的影響 34
5.3. 電動平移台之修正 36
5.4. 訊號分析 38
5.5. 背景值之探討 41
5.6. 結論及應用 43
參考資料 47
附錄1. Visual Basic 系統控制程式 49
附錄2. Matlab 圖像轉檔程式 64
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