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研究生(外文):Yi-Lung Chang
論文名稱(外文):The design of antenna and filter for 3 ~10 GHz UWB wireless communication system
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Chia Lu
外文關鍵詞:UWB wireless communication systemUWB antennaUWB filter
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本篇論文主旨在於實現適用於超寬頻無線通訊系統之天線及濾波器。此篇論文中,天線及濾波器皆為平面式之架構設計,我們設計出分別適用於3 ~ 5 GHz 與3~ 10 GHz之整合型天線和濾波器,單獨天線、濾波器及整合天線與濾波器均有量測結果,與模擬結果相當一致。
The purpose of this thesis is to design antennas and filters which can be used in UWB wireless communication system. In this thesis, planar antennas and filters are investigated and verified for UWB. We design antenna & filter for both 3~5 GHz and 3~10 GHz UWB application. Measurement results are presented for antenna only, filter only and combined antenna and filter. The measured gain and insertion loss agreed well with simulation.
Table of Contents
摘要 i
Abstract ii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 UWB Technology 1
1.2 History of UWB 3
1.3 UWB Applications 9
1.4 UWB communication architecture 10
1.5 Motivation 10
1.6 Thesis Overview 11
Chapter 2 Brief review of antennas and filters 12
2.1 Requirements and specifications of antenna 12
2.1.1 Fundamental antenna parameters 12
2.1.2 UWB antenna requirements 23
2.1.3 Previous art 24
2.2 Introduction of filters 33
2.2.1 Quarter-wave resonator of bandpass and bandstop filter prototypes 36
2.2.2 Design of quarter-wave short-circuited stubs filters 38
2.2.3 Design of half-wave open-circuited stubs filters with two finite transmission zeros 40
Chapter 3 Design of UWB antennas and filters 43
3.1 Previous art of UWB antennas 43
3.2 Design verification of 5.2GHz notched UWB antennas using slot-type SRR 45
3.2.1 Improving the bandwidth of 5.2GHz notched UWB antennas 51
3.3 Design of the 3-5GHz UWB antennas 57
3.4 Design of UWB bandpass filter using seven-section short-circuited stubs 61
3.5 Design of 3-5 GHz UWB bandpass filter using three-section short-circuited stubs 65
3.5.1 Design of 3-5 GHz UWB bandpass filter using open-circuited stubs with transmission zeros 68
3.6 Combine the UWB antenna and filter 71
3.6.1 Combine the UWB antenna and filter for 3.1 to 10.6 GHz 71
3.6.2 Combine the UWB antenna and filter for 3.1 to 5 GHz 73
Chapter 4 Measurement procedures and results 75
4.1 Measurement procedures 75
4.2 Measurement results of 3.1~10.6 GHz antenna 76
4.3 Measurement results of 3~5 GHz UWB antenna 81
4.4 Measurement of 3.1~10.6 GHz filter 85
4.5 Measurement results of 3~5 GHz UWB filter 87
4.6 Measurement results of 3.1~10.6 GHz combined structure 89
4.7 Measurement results of 3~5 GHz combined structure 94
4.8 Performance comparison on antenna only and combined antenna & filter 98
Chapter 5 Conclusion 100
Reference 101
APPENDIX A [2-4] 103
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