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研究生(外文):Sheng-Pin Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Mathcad Estimation of Semiconductor Switch Power Losses of Voltage Regulator Modules Based on Analytical Modeling
外文關鍵詞:Power MOSFETanalytical modelVRMpower lossparasitic inductance
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隨著微處理器和晶片組的快速進步,使得電壓調節模組(Voltage Regulator Modules,VRM)設計開發,面臨相當大的挑戰,必須思考如何達成小體積高效率的技術,其中提高切換頻率是明顯的技術趨勢,因此,Power MOSFET切換功率損耗的比重會提高,所以,預測電路功率損耗的工作,將是設計開發的重要工作。
理論分析方面,先介紹三種功率損耗分析模型技術,其中的解析模型特性,很適合電路開發階段的大量資料處理,並且為符合高切換頻率的趨勢,必須考慮寄生元件的變化影響,因此,使用由Y. Ren等人所提出與實際驗證之Power MOSFET損耗解析模型,來當成理論架構背景,本論文的主旨:將此精確的Power MOSFET功率損耗解析模型,轉成實用之分析與設計的工具。
Power efficiency is one of the most critical considerations in the voltage regulator modules (VRM) for computer central processor applications. These losses are becoming even more significant now as the tendency of the switching frequency is getting higher. This is the focus of thesis. Among the various loss components, it is generally true that the switching power losses associated with the various power semiconductor device are most difficult to estimate accurately.
The thesis starts with a review of several means to estimate the losses and concludes with the choice of the analytical differential equation-based model first reported by Y. Ren etc. This method is a compromise of accuracy and user friendliness. An example of a practical VRM buck converter was used to illustrate the procedures for estimating the losses and converter efficiency. The equations and the procedure were computerized in a Mathcad program for the ease of the users. Nonlinear parasitic capacitor effects of power MOSFETs, temperature effects of conduction voltage drops were taken into considerations. All the parameters of the semiconductor devices can be obtained from manufactors'' datasheet. The parasitic inductances of the devices and the printed circuit board are also taken into consideration.
This program should be helpful in evaluating the power losses and the voltage rating of the power semiconductor devices.
誌謝.................................................. I
中文摘要.............................................. II
目錄.................................................. V
圖目錄................................................ IX
表目錄................................................ XIII
符號表................................................ XIV
第一章 緒論........................................... 1
1.1 研究動機與目的.................................... 1
1.2 功率損耗分析模型種類.............................. 2
1.3 內容大綱.......................................... 3
第二章 傳統的切換損耗解析模型......................... 4
2.1 電阻性負載切換模式................................ 4
2.2 電感性負載切換模式................................ 5
2.3 導通切換程序...................................... 6
2.4 截止切換程序...................................... 12
2.5 閘極電荷與切換損耗的探討.......................... 17
第三章 精確的Power MOSFET切換損耗解析模型............. 20
3.1 寄生元件的特性與模型.............................. 20
3.1.1 寄生電感的特性.................................. 21
3.1.2 非線性寄生電容模型.............................. 22
3.2 電路切換解析模型.................................. 27
3.3 導通切換程序...................................... 29
3.3.1 導通延遲週期.................................... 29
3.3.2 主要切換週期.................................... 30
3.3.3 汲極電流線性上升週期............................ 34
3.3.4 導通振鈴週期.................................... 35
3.3.5 導通切換程序的特性.............................. 39
3.4 截止切換程序...................................... 39
3.4.1 截止延遲週期.................................... 40
3.4.2 汲源電壓上升週期................................ 41
3.4.3 汲極電流下降週期................................ 42
3.4.4 截止振鈴週期.................................... 44
3.4.5 截止切換程序的特性.............................. 46
第四章 電路功率損耗模型之參數設計..................... 47
4.1 電路之穩態方程式與波形圖.......................... 47
4.2 電路之穩態功率損耗................................ 48
4.2.1 MOSFET穩態導通功率損耗.......................... 49
4.2.2 被動元件的功率損耗.............................. 49
4.2.3 閘極驅動器的功率損耗............................ 50
4.3 參數資料與Mathcad模擬的說明....................... 51
4.3.1 汲源導通阻抗.................................... 52
4.3.2 順向轉導的參數設計.............................. 52
4.3.3 寄生二極體的特性參數............................ 54
4.4 小結.............................................. 55
第五章 模擬分析與結果................................. 56
5.1 Mathcad模擬工具的使用流程......................... 56
5.2 Mathcad的電路模擬結果............................. 63
5.2.1 非線性寄生電容.................................. 63
5.2.2 導通切換程序.................................... 64
5.2.3 截止切換程序.................................... 65
5.2.4 功率損耗分佈與效率.............................. 66
5.2.5 解析模型的功率損耗比較.......................... 68
5.3 電路測試條件與功率損耗的關係...................... 69
5.3.1 輸出負載電流的變化.............................. 69
5.3.2 切換頻率的變化.................................. 70
5.3.3 輸入電壓的變化.................................. 71
5.4寄生電感的影響..................................... 73
第六章 結論與未來發展................................. 78
6.1 結論.............................................. 78
6.2 未來發展.......................................... 78
參考資料.............................................. 79
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