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研究生(外文):Zhi-Jiang Wei
論文名稱(外文):Fault Tolerance Method and MEMS Mirror Based Barcode Scanning System
外文關鍵詞:MEMS scanning mirrorBarcode scanning systemFault tolerance
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Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), a type of nanotechnology, have the advantages of smaller size, lower power consumption, potentially lower cost, and so on. Millions of MEMS-based devices are already at work around the world, making life safer and more convenient. In data collection applications the Traditional laser barcode scanners use a motor-driven mirror (polygonal mirror) to direct the laser light. If changing the component with MEMS-based scanning mirror will make it possible to produce laser data collection scanners that are significantly faster, smaller, lighter and more efficient than today''s legacy scanners.
In this thesis we want to implement a barcode scanning system which uses MEMS scanning mirror in place of original polygonal mirror. The MEMS scanning mirror used in this thesis is provided by OPUS Microsystems and is designed for barcode scanning system, which provides a fast scan rate, a large scan angle, low mass, and low operating power.
The implementation includes two parts. One is the optical scanning system set up in hardware. The other part is the Code39 decode algorithm and error correction method design in software. In this thesis we give two ideas of architecture design and propose two algorithms: Code39 decode algorithm and a quick、easy error correction algorithm. Finally, finish the decoder implementation using LabVIEW in PC.

誌謝.............. ........................................i
摘要.............. .......................................ii
Abstract ...............................................iii
Contents................... ..............................iv
List of Figures............ ..............................vi
Chapter 1 Introduction....................................1
1.1 Introduction.....................................1
1.2 Motivation and Problem Formulation...............3
1.3 Thesis Overview..................................4
Chapter 2 MEMS Mirror System Background Introduction......5
2.1 Dynamic Characteristics of MEMS Scanning Mirror .................................................5
2.2 Review on MEMS Scanning Mirror..................12
2.2.1 Review on Characteristics Measurement of
MEMS Mirror...............................12
2.2.2 Review on the Applications of MEMS Scanning
2.3 Types of Barcode Symbologies....................19
2.3.1 1-D Symbologies..........................20
2.3.2 2-D Symbologies..........................23
2.4 Types of Barcode Scanner........................26
Chapter 3 Code39 Decode Method& Fault Tolerance Algorithm31
3.1 Code39 Specification............................31
3.2 Code39 Decode Algorithm.........................35
3.3 Fault Tolerance Algorithm.......................42
Chapter 4 MEMS Mirror Based Barcode Scanning System
4.1 Design of the MEMS Mirror Scanning System.......49
4.2 Hardware Configuration..........................57
4.3 Software Configuration and Decoder Implement....62
Chapter 5 Experimental Result............................67
5.1 Experiment Setup................................67
5.2 Experimental Result.............................72
Chapter 6 Discussion & Conclusion........................83
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