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研究生(外文):Chi-Ming Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Study on Parameters of Diamond Dressers in Chemical Mechanical Polishing
外文關鍵詞:Diamond DresserDressing ParametersDressing RateSurface Roughness
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Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) is the mostly used planarization process in the semiconductor industry today. Due to the dual actions of chemicals corrosion and abrasive abrasion in the slurry, CMP achieves the effect of global planarization on the thin film surface of wafers. The abrasive, debris and by-product generated in the process cause the pores of the pad surface glazing, which in turn renders the performance of transporting slurry to decrease. Accordingly, the removal rate (RR) and non-uniformity (NU) will be affected. The diamond dressers are used to remove the glazing layer of the pad surface. This action makes the pad restore the ability in transporting the slurry. The dressers’ design factors and the parameters of the dressing process are apparently crucial to the performance of CMP process.
This study was made to observe and discuss the mechanisms of the diamond particles in removing the polymer material. Experimental work was followed by scratching pads with single-diamond dressers, and then a mathematical model was established for dressing rate (DR). The dressing simulation was made to examine DR and the surface condition of the ceramic dressers with different diamond shapes and sizes. The dressing simulation proceeds with different dressing recipes, which consist of four parameters including dressing pressure, pad speed, disk speed, and dressing time. Then the influence of the parameters of dressers and the dressing process on DR and the surface roughness (Ra) was explored. Finally, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) pictures for the surfaces of the sample pads were investigated to explore the relationship among DR, Ra, and the ability in transporting slurry.
口試委員會審定書 I
誌謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
圖例目錄 IX
表格目錄 XIII
符號說明 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究目的 3
1-4 文獻回顧 4
1-5 本文架構 6
第二章 化學機械拋光 7
2-1 半導體技術 7
2-1.1 積體電路製程 7
2-1.2 製程技術難題 11
2-2 平坦化技術 12
2-2.1 平坦化程度 13
2-2.2 平坦化製程 16
2-3 化學機械拋光製程 17
2-3.1 機台裝置 17
2-3.2 移除機制 18
2-4 化學機械拋光使用耗材 19
2-4.1 拋光液 19
2-4.2 拋光墊 20
2-4.3 修整器 23
2-4.4 小結 26
第三章 修整理論 27
3-1 鑽石修整器 27
3-1.1 修整器功能 27
3-1.2 修整器型式 28
3-1.3 陶瓷修整器 31
3-2 人造鑽石 32
3-2.1 人造鑽石製作方法 32
3-2.2 鑽石規格分類 33
3-3 修整移除機制 39
3-3.1 單顆鑽石修整器文獻回顧 39
3-3.2 單顆鑽石修整模擬 40
3-4 修整理論推導 43
3-4.1 修整率關係式推導 43
3-4.2 修整率關係式討論 46
3-4.3 小結 47
第四章 實驗設計 48
4-1 實驗目的 48
4-2 實驗流程 49
4-3 實驗設備 50
4-3.1 修整器試片 50
4-3.2 實驗用拋光墊 52
4-3.3 修整測試機 54
4-4 實驗規劃 55
4-4.1 測試方法 55
4-4.2 量測數據 57
4-5 量測儀器 58
4-5.1 指示量錶 58
4-5.2 粗糙度量測儀 59
4-5.3 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡 61
4-5.4 小結 62
第五章 實驗結果分析與討論 63
5-1 修整移除率結果 63
5-1.1 修整壓力 63
5-1.2 拋光墊轉速 65
5-1.3 修整器轉速 66
5-1.4 修整時間 68
5-2 表面粗糙度結果 69
5-2.1 修整壓力 69
5-2.2 拋光墊轉速 70
5-2.3 修整器轉速 71
5-2.4 修整時間 72
5-2.5 小結 73
5-3 表面情況 73
5-3.1 不同粒度修整器 74
5-3.2 不同晶形修整器 77
5-3.3 表面狀況整理 79
5-4 討論 80
5-4.1 修整移除率 80
5-4.2 表面粗糙度 81
5-4.3 小結 81
第六章 結論與未來展望 83
6-1 結論 83
6-2 未來展望 85
參考文獻 87
附錄 90
附錄A 實驗數據 90
A-1 修整移除率實驗數據 90
A-2 表面粗糙度實驗數據 92
作者簡歷 95
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