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研究生(外文):Chiu-Lung Hung
論文名稱(外文):Initiation of Energetic Materials by Low-energy Solid State Igniting Chip
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Shyan Wung,
外文關鍵詞:Low-energy igniting chipthin-film metal bridgefinite element methodMEMS igniter
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本文應用黃光微影、薄膜沉積、光阻掀舉法和蝕刻法等微機電製程設計與製作點火晶片。利用光敏電阻會隨著光的強弱而改變其電阻值的特性以量測點火晶片之觸燃時間;實驗結果顯示,金屬薄膜之固態點火晶片的電漿產生時間在數個微秒(10e-6 second)之間;金電橋的熔融和汽化時間也同時在電橋的端電壓變化曲線中顯示出來;而有塗佈含能材料(史蒂芬酸鉛)之點火晶片的起爆時間大約是180微秒左右。實驗數據亦與模擬分析結果相當符合,並可作為選用放電電容器最佳化設計的重要參考依據。
MEMS igniting chip is an excellent electro-actuating device to initiate energetic materials with exceptional features of high-stability, low initiating energy, great igniting power, and batch-fabricating capability. Igniting chips are widely applied in automobile, aeronautics, space, medical, and defense industries. In this thesis, several novel metal bridges were designed and fabricated. The transient thermal processes of ignition detonated by charged capacitors were simulated to investigate the igniting time of igniters on the bases of numerical analysis utilizing finite element methods (FEM).
A firing bridge of metal film was further deposited on the silicon substrate by a series of lithography, deposition, PR lifting, and etching. The performances of ignitions were measured by photoresistors which responded instantaneously with the explosive light of ignitions. The experimental results demonstrated that the thin-film solid state igniting chips possess capability of microsecond-scale ignition. The melting and evaporating time of golden bridges were also obtained in the measurements. Moreover, the average activating time of igniters with energetic materials was about 180μsec. The experimental data are compared well with the analytical results which provide pertinent bases for choosing proper capacitors to ignite solid bridges.
Abstract I
摘 要 II
Contents III
List of Figures V
List of Tables IX
Nomenclature X
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Review of Literature 2
1.3 Content of the Thesis 6
Chapter 2 Theory 7
2.1 Structure of Pyrotechnics 8
2.2 Joule Heating 8
2.3 Process of Ignition 9
2.3.1 Energy Balance 9
2.3.2 Discharge of Capacitor 11
Chapter 3 Design 15
3.1 Heat Sink Design of Igniter 15
3.2 Inherent Electrostatic Discharge Protection 16
3.3 Materials of Metal Bridge 17
3.4 Dimensions of Igniter 18
Chapter 4 Simulation 21
4.1 Basic Assumptions 21
4.2 Preprocessing 22
4.2.1 Element Attribution 22
4.2.2 Geometry Modeling 24
4.2.3 Meshing 26
4.2.4 Boundary Condition and Loadings 28
4.3 Solving 29
4.4 Results of Simulations and Discussions 29
Chapter 5 Fabrication and Measurement 37
5.1 Fabrication of Igniters 37
5.1.1 Simple Au Igniter 37
5.1.2 Simple Zr Igniter 39
5.1.3 Au/Zr Igniter 40
5.1.4 Dicing of Igniters 43
5.1.5 Contour of the Metal Bridge 43
5.1.6 Discussion of Resistance 44
5.2 Apparatus of Measurement 48
5.3 Measuring Results and Discussions 53
Chapter 6 Conclusions 60
References 61
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