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研究生(外文):Jin-Chen Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Propagation of Surface and Lamb Waves in Two-Dimensional Piezoelectric Phononic Crystals
外文關鍵詞:Phononic CrystalLatticeSurface Acoustic WaveLamb WavePlane Wave Expansion MethodPiezoelectric CrystalLocal Resonance
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摘 要
Phononic crystals are composite materials which consist of homogeneous elastic inclusions distributed periodically in a background medium characterized by different physical properties, such as mass density and elastic stiffness. Thus far, numbers of released researches have demonstrated the possible usage of phononic crystals for acoustic manipulations, such as acoustic mirrors/refractive devices, high-efficiency waveguides with frequency modulation in the transmittivity, tunable filters, and de-multiplexers, etc, based on the localization and the formation of frequency band gap of acoustic waves in such periodic composites. For high-frequency applications and academic interests, phononic crystals comprised of piezoelectric materials and the propagation of guided waves like the surface modes and plate modes in such composites are important to study.
In this study, the propagation of bulk acoustic waves, surface acoustic waves, and Lamb/plate waves in phononic-crystal structures containing piezoelectric constituents is theoretically investigated. First, the basis in the description of periodic structures is briefly introduced. Next, the full three-dimensional plane wave expansion (PWE) method is utilized to develop the mathematical formulation by integrating the method into the governing field equations of waves in piezoelectric solids. Then the nume- rical calculations are presented to analyze the dispersion relations or the frequency band structures of acoustic waves and to discuss the effects of lattice symmetries, filling fractions of inclusions, material contrasts, and piezoelectricity on the complete frequency band gaps.
In particular, the characteristics of surface modes and plate modes in phononic- crystal structures are probed. The periodicity of the structure results in a dispersive property for the electromechanical coupling coefficients of surface waves and the existence of pseudosurface waves. In addition, the Bleustein-Gulyaev surface wave, which has no counterpart in a non-piezoelectric medium, in ZnO/CdS piezoelectric phononic crystal and the folding effect are found. Moreover, propagation of Lamb waves in plate structure created by a phononic crystal is analyzed by introducing boundary conditions for another plane surface into the PWE formulation. In addition to the lattice symmetries, filling fractions, and material contrasts, the existence and the width of complete band gaps of Lamb waves are crucially affected by the ratio of the plate thickness to the lattice period.
Finally, Mindlin’s plate theory is applied to address the problem of lower order Lamb modes in a phononic-crystal plate. Compared to the full three-dimensional PWE method, Mindlin’s theory based PWE formulation has excellent performance in coping with the phononic-crystal plate consisting of constituents with large acoustic mismatch and/or inclusions with a non-smooth contour in their cross section such as square rods that need to sum over numerous plane waves to ensure the convergence by reducing the computation time considerably. The frequency band structures of locally resonant phononic-crystal plates and subfrequency band gaps are calculated as well.
In brief, the PWE methods to analyze the propagation of bulk waves and guided waves in two-dimensional piezoelectric phononic-crystal structures are formulated, and their characteristics are investigated and discussed in this work.
Chinese Abstract......iii
List of Figures......xv
List of Tables......xxi
1. Introduction......1
1.1 Motives......1
1.2 Literature Review......3
1.3 Outline of the Dissertation 7
2. Crystal Lattices and Theory of Piezoelectric Wave Propagation......11
2.1 Bravais Lattice......11
2.2 Wigner-Seitz Primitive Unit Cell......12
2.3 Primitive Lattice and Reciprocal Lattice in Two Dimensions......13
2.4 Brillouin Zones of a Two-dimensional Lattice......14
2.5 Plane Wave Expansion Method......15
2.6 Piezoelectric Waves in a Two-dimensional Periodic Structure......16
2.6.1 Piezoelectric Constitutive Relations......17
2.6.2 Equations of Motion and Poisson’s Equation......19
2.6.3 Eigenvalue Problem 20
2.6.4 Mixed and Transverse Polarization Modes......23
3. Bulk Waves in Two-dimensional Piezoelectric Phononic Crystals......33
3.1 Square, Triangular, and Hexagonal Lattices......33
3.1.1 Square Lattice......33
3.1.2 Triangular Lattice......34
3.1.3 Hexagonal Lattice......35
3.2 Structure Factors......36
3.3 Band Structures of Bulk Piezoelectric Waves......37
3.3.1 Bi12GeO20/Epoxy Piezoelectric Phononic Crystal......38
3.3.2 PZT-4/Epoxy Piezoelectric Phononic Crystal......40
3.3.3 Air/X-Cut LiNbO3 Piezoelectric Phononic Crystal......41
3.3.4 Air/ST-Cut Quartz Piezoelectric Phononic Crystal......43
3.4 Effect of Piezoelectricity on the Band Structures......44
4. Surface Waves in Two-dimensional Piezoelectric Phononic Crystals......61
4.1 PWE Formulation for Surface Waves......61
4.1.1 Eigenvalue Problem of Surface Wave......61
4.1.2 Surface Boundary Conditions......62
4.2 Band Structures of Piezoelectric Surface Waves......64
4.3 Displacement Fields of Piezoelectric Surface Waves......66
4.4 Pseudosurface Waves 66
4.5 Electromechanical Coupling Coefficients 67
4.6 Bleustein-Gulyaev Surface Waves 68
4.6.1 BG Waves in a Homogeneous Piezoelectric Crystal......69
4.6.2 BG Waves in ZnO/CdS Piezoelectric Phononic Crystal......72
5. Lamb Waves in Two-dimensional Phononic-crystal Plates......89
5.1 PWE Formulation for Lamb Waves in a Phononic-crystal Plate......90
5.1.1 General Solution of Lamb Wave......90
5.1.2 Surface Boundary Conditions......90
5.2 Lamb Waves in a Homogeneous Piezoelectric Plates......92
5.2.1 Dispersion Curves......92
5.2.2 Modes......93
5.3 Band Structures of Lamb Waves in Phononic-crystal Plates......94
5.3.1 Elastic Phononic-crystal Plate......94
5.3.2 Piezoelectric Phononic-crystal Plate......96
5.4 Effect of Plate Thickness on the Band Structures......97
6. Mindlin’s Plate Theory Based PWE Method for Lower Order Lamb Modes......109
6.1 Mindlin’s Theory Based PWE Formulation......110
6.1.1 Mindlin’s Plate Theory......110
6.1.2 Application of PWE Method to Mindlin’s Theory......114
6.2 Calculations of Frequency Band Structure ......116
6.2.1 Solid/Solid Phononic-crystal Thin Plate......116
6.2.2 Air/Solid Phononic-crystal Thin Plate......119
6.3 Locally Resonant Phononic-crystal Thin Plate......120
6.3.1 Two-component Phononic-crystal Thin Plate......120
6.3.2 Three-component Phononic-crystal Thin Plate......124
7. Conclusions and Prospects......141
7.1 Conclusions......141
7.2 Prospects......143
Appendix A. Proof of Bloch Theorem for Piezoelectric Phononic Crystal......147
Appendix B. Category of Piezoelectric Materials......149
Appendix C. Matrix Components of the Matrix: M......155
Appendix D. List of Used Material Constants......159
Appendix E. Matrix Components of the Matrix: D......161
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