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研究生(外文):James, Ming Chang, Chen
論文名稱(外文):Experimental Study of Traveling Wave Dielectrophoretic Pump
指導教授(外文):U. Lei
外文關鍵詞:Traveling wave dielectrophoresispumpred blood cellexperiment
  • 被引用被引用:2
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This thesis studies experimentally the traveling wave dielectrophoretic pump, which is a
micropump suitable for delivering two-phase suspension medium, such as our blood. The pump is
essentially a straight microchannel with square cross section with array of electrodes built on one of
its walls. Ac voltage is applied to the electrodes with a certain phase shift on neighboring electrodes.
Both conventional and traveling wave dielectrophorsis are generated and drive the suspended
particles (or cells) in motion. When the traveling wave dielectrophoretic force dominates the
particle motion, the particles move along the direction of increasing phase if the imaginary part of
the Clausius factor is positive (or vice versa), drag their surrounding fluid, and thus the whole
medium is transported. We first manufactured the pump via MEMS techniques and demonstrate the
feasibility of the above idea for pumping using human blood. Then we studied the performance of
the pump for different parameters, including applied electric voltage, electric frequency, phase shift
for neighboring electrodes, number of electrodes, concentration of suspended particles (by varying
blood/saline ratio), different particles (blood cells of wister and human), without and with assistant
electrodes before the normal electrode array, and different driving sources (functional generator or
small IC chip). It is found that we have larger cell velocity for larger voltage, more electrodes, 90o
phase shift (in comparing with 120o), larger cells, and with assistant electrodes. Typical cell
velocity of human blood reaches 28.4 μm/s for 6 volts, 10 MHz, 90 phase shift and 24 electrodes
with assistant electrodes. The pump also works when it is integrated with a IC chip, which shows
the possibilities of building a small portable device. The result may find application in biomedical
Chinese Abstract------------------------------------------------------------------------------IV
English Abstract------------------------------------------------------------------------------V
List of Figures-------------------------------------------------------------------------------VI
List of Tables--------------------------------------------------------------------------------IX
Chapter 1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 Research background and motivation---------------------------------------1
1.2 Traveling wave dielectrophoretic pumping mechanism---------------------2
1.3 Literature review-----------------------------------------------------------2
Chapter 2 Some Theoretical Background------------------------------------------6
2.1 General Dielectrophoresis--------------------------------------------------6
2.2 Viscous drag on a spherical particle----------------------------------------9
2.3 The Clausius-Mossotti factor of red blood cells----------------------------9
Chapter 3 Experiments----------------------------------------------------------------11
3.1 Materials ------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.2 Fabrication----------------------------------------------------------------12
3.2.1 Electrode Array ----------------------------------------------------12
3.2.2 Micro-channel ------------------------------------------------------13
3.2.3 Bonding the electrode array to the channel-------------------------14
3.2.4 The detailed size of TWDEP pump--------------------------------15
3.3 Experimental Setup---------------------------------------------------------15
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion-----------------------------------------------------16
4.1 Results without assistant electrodes-------------------------------------------18
4.1.1 Different numbers of electrodes--------------------------------------18
4.1.2 Different phase shift--------------------------------------------------19
4.1.3 Different applied voltages-------------------------------------------20
4.1.4 Different volume fraction--------------------------------------------21
4.1.5 Different electric frequencies-----------------------------------------22
4.2 Results with assistant electrodes----------------------------------------------23
4.2.1 Design of assistant electrode-----------------------------------------23
4.3 TWDEP pump driven by IC---------------------------------------------------23
4.4 System Integration------------------------------------------------------------24
4.5 Results for different electrodes width and spacing----------------------------26
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work-----------------------------------------------27
Appendix A------------------------------------------------------------------------------------68
Appendix B------------------------------------------------------------------------------------69
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