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研究生(外文):Yi-Chieh Lin
論文名稱(外文):High Resolution Schemes and Modified Discrete Ordinate Method for Microscale Heat Transfer in Thin Film
指導教授(外文):Jaw-Yen Yang
外文關鍵詞:Microscale Heat TransferEquation of Phonon Radiative TransportHigh Resolution SchemeModified Discrete Ordinate Method
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The Phonon Boltzmann equation is a nonlinear, integral, differential equation with many variables. It is difficult to be solved mathematically, so the collision term is usually replaced with a collision model. This will make it easier to deal with. In this work, the direction space will be discretized by applying discrete ordinate method. After applying the discrete ordinate method, it becomes a set of differential equations. With this treatment, the difficulties of numerical calculation will be greatly reduced.
Heat transport in semiconductor and dielectric materials is mainly by phonon. The transient heat conduction in microscale semiconductor thin films is investigated by using the equation of phonon radiative transfer (EPRT). The accuracy of using the simplified condition of equilibrium on the heat transfer characteristics is studied.
Accurate numerical methods for transient heat conduction problems using EPRT are presented and compared with various known methods. The present method is a deterministic and direct solver in phase space where the discrete ordinate method is used for angular discretization and high resolution schemes are used for spatial discretization. Nanoscale heat conduction covering wide range of Knudsen numbers are computed.
In this study, the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO3) scheme in conjunction with discrete ordinate method was applied to solve the EPRT, and the explicit scheme for the EPRT was developed to solve the transient steady solutions.
To mitigating ray effect, we introduce Modified Discrete Ordinate Method to solve EPRT. We can find that ray effect would be reduced and the solutions become more accurate.
目 錄
第一章 緒論................................................1
1.1 引言..................................................1
1.2 微觀熱傳導現象簡介...................................1
1.3 文獻回顧.............................................5
1.4 研究內容.............................................7
第二章 聲子輻射熱傳理論.................................12
2.1 Liouville方程式.......................................12
2.2 Boltzmann方程式......................................14
2.3 鬆弛時間.............................................15
2.3.1 聲子間散射.....................................16
2.3.2 幾何散射.......................................17
2.4 聲子輻射熱傳方程式...................................18
2.5 邊界條件.............................................19
2.6 界面熱阻.............................................22
2.6.1 聲異理論模式(AMM).............................23
2.6.2 散異理論模式(DMM).............................24
2.6.3 散射聲異理論模式(SMAMM)......................26
2.7 射線效應(Ray Effect)...................................27
2.8 假散射(False Scattering).................................28
第三章 數值方法..........................................33
3.1 離散座標法...........................................33
3.2 空間離散.............................................34
3.2.1 迎風算則.......................................34
3.2.2 雙曲線型守恆律算則.............................35
3.2.3 TVD算則(Min-Mod)..............................37
3.2.4 WENO3算則....................................38
3.3 時間離散.............................................41
3.3.1 Euler Method....................................41
3.3.2 TVD Runge-Kutta 時間積分算則...................41
3.4 修正分離座標法(MDOM)...............................42
3.5 無因次化.............................................44
第四章 數值模擬結果與討論...............................51
4.1 一維鑽石板狀熱傳分析.................................52
4.1.1 數值方法之驗證.................................52
4.2 一維矽材料熱傳分析...................................54
4.2.1 等效熱傳導係數分析.............................54
4.2.2 高解析算則分析.................................56
4.2.3 修正分離座標法分析.............................56
4.3 一維雙層砷化鎵/砷化鋁材料熱傳分析...................57
4.3.1 界面熱阻與等效熱傳導係數分析..................57
4.3.2 高解析算則分析.................................59
4.3.3 修正分離座標法分析.............................59
第五章 結論與建議........................................82

表1-1 熱載子的基本性質......................................9
表1-2 各種理論模式適用範圍表................................9
表3-1 鑽石物理材料性質.....................................47
表3-2 不同 濃度的鑽石性質.................................47
表3-3 三種薄膜材料的材料性質...............................48
表4-1 單層矽材料等效熱傳導之比值關係.......................48
表4-2 單層矽材料不同厚度下的等效熱傳導係數................48
表4-3 雙層材料不同厚度下的界面熱阻與等效熱傳導係數........51

圖1-1 薄膜中聲子的熱傳導...................................10
圖1-2 聲子晶格振盪模型2D示意圖.............................10
圖1-3 聲子晶格振盪模型3D示意圖.............................11
圖2-1 相空間系綜演化示意圖.................................29
圖2-2 空間立體角示意圖.....................................29
圖2-3 三聲子過程示意圖.....................................29
圖2-4 邊界鏡面反射.........................................30
圖2-5 邊界擴散反射.........................................30
圖2-6 AMM界面示意圖.......................................31 圖2-7 DMM界面示意圖.......................................31
圖2-8 射線效應示意圖.......................................32
圖2-9 假散射示意圖.........................................32
圖3-1 迎風算則示意圖.......................................48
圖3-2 Superposition示意圖.....................................49
圖3-3 數值方法流程圖.......................................50
圖4-1 鑽石薄膜平板示意圖...................................61
圖4-2 雙層薄膜介質示意圖...................................61
圖4-3 驗證鑽石膜厚在 下不同 濃度之穩態溫度分佈圖......62
圖4-4 驗證鑽石膜厚在 下不同 濃度之穩態溫度分佈圖.......62
圖4-5 驗證鑽石膜厚在 下不同 濃度之穩態溫度分佈圖......63
圖4-6 鑽石膜厚 時灰體與 濃度0.07%之溫度比較分佈圖.....63
圖4-7 鑽石膜厚 時灰體與 濃度0.07%之溫度比較分佈圖......64
圖4-8 鑽石膜厚 時灰體與 濃度0.07%之溫度比較分佈圖.....64
圖4-9 矽材料在膜厚 時之溫度分佈圖......................65
圖4-10 矽材料在膜厚 時之熱通量分佈圖...................65
圖4-11 矽材料在膜厚 時之溫度分佈圖.....................66
圖4-12 矽材料在膜厚 時之熱通量分佈.....................66
圖4-13 矽材料在膜厚 時之溫度分佈圖.......................67
圖4-14 矽材料在膜厚 之熱通量分佈圖.......................67
圖4-15 矽材料其等效熱傳導係數比值與特徵長度之關係圖.......68
圖4-16 在厚度 時一階精度、MinMod及WENO3比較之溫度分佈
圖4-17 在厚度 時一階精度、MinMod及WENO3比較之熱通量分佈圖..................................................69
圖4-18 方向數20像素200時MinMod與其MDOM比較之溫度分佈圖..................................................70
圖4-19 方向數20像素200時MinMod與其MDOM比較之熱通量分佈圖.................................................70
圖4-20 方向數20像素1000時MinMod與其MDOM比較之溫度分佈圖.................................................71
圖4-21 方向數20像素1000時MinMod與其MDOM比較之熱通量分佈圖................................................71
圖4-22 方向數20像素2000時MinMod與其MDOM比較之溫度分佈圖................................................72
圖4-23 方向數20像素2000時MinMod與其MDOM比較之熱通量分佈圖................................................72
圖4-24 方向數20像素200時WENO3與其MDOM比較之溫度分佈圖.................................................73
圖4-25 方向數20像素200時WENO3與其MDOM比較之熱通量分佈圖. ................................................73
圖4-26 方向數20像素1000時WENO3與其MDOM比較之溫度分佈圖. ................................................74
圖4-27 方向數20像素1000時WENO3與其MDOM比較之熱通量分佈圖. ................................................74
圖4-28 方向數20像素2000時WENO3與其MDOM比較之溫度分佈圖. ................................................75
圖4-29 方向數20像素2000時WENO3與其MDOM比較之熱通量分佈圖. ................................................75
圖4-30 GaAs/AlAs在厚度 不同時刻之溫度分佈圖..............76
圖4-31 GaAs/AlAs在厚度 不同時刻之熱通量分佈圖.........76
圖4-32 GaAs/AlAs在厚度 不同時刻之溫度分佈圖........77
圖4-33 GaAs/AlAs在厚度 不同時刻之熱通量分佈圖..........77
圖4-34 GaAs/AlAs在厚度 不同時刻之溫度分佈圖.........78
圖4-35 GaAs/AlAs在厚度 不同時刻之熱通量分佈圖........78
圖4-36 GaAs/AlAs在厚度 不同算則中之溫度分佈圖........79
圖4-37 GaAs/AlAs在厚度 不同算則中之熱通量分佈圖.......79
圖4-38 MinMod與其MDOM之溫度分佈圖.......................80
圖4-39 MinMod與其MDOM之熱通量分佈圖.....................80
圖4-40 WENO3與其MDOM之溫度分佈圖......................81
圖4-41 WENO3與其MDOM之熱通量分佈圖....................81
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