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研究生(外文):Chin-Ming Huang
論文名稱(外文):Decision-Making Process for MSWI Bottom Ash Utilization
指導教授(外文):Wan-Fa Yang
外文關鍵詞:health risk assessmentecological risk assessmentCLSMasphalt concretedaphnia toxicityenvironmental compatiblitydecision making process
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三、含焚化底渣的瀝青混凝土工程性質:單位重與含油量之關係與傳統瀝青混凝土相似,均隨含油量增加而先升後降,且單位重曲線之最高點所對應之瀝青含量,有隨底渣含量增加而增加之趨勢。馬歇爾試體之穩定值、流度值、空隙率、粒料間孔隙與含油量關係曲線皆與一般瀝青混凝土相似,顯見底渣取代骨材與瀝青混凝土拌合是可行的再利用方式。整體而言,配比條件以添加20 % ~ 25 %底渣之瀝青混凝土,其工程性能之安全度為最佳。
The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration has studied the treatment and reuse of MSWI ashes for many years and collected references on international experience accumulated by developed nations for establishing policies on treatment and reuse of MSWI ashes. The total number of incinerators is expected to increase to 27 with treatment capacity of 27,450 tons per day in service, operated daily to generate about 6,500 tons of incinerator bottom ash and 1,500 tons of incinerator fly ash, serving almost all cities in Taiwan by 2007. The citations were analyzed as the basis for current governmental decision making on policies and factors to be considered for establishing decisions on recycle and reuse of MSWI ashes. Feasible applications include utilization of ashes, which after sieving and separation of metal particles, produce secondary construction materials. When secondary construction materials comply with TCLP limitations, they can be utilized as cement additives, asphalt aggregate or road base. The decision making procedures of evaluation have been proposed in the performance criteria, health risk assessment, ecological risk assessment, to be included in the proposed process of ash utilization.

This study was associated with the assessment of CLSM with bottom ash. The assessment method that combines engineering criteria and risk assessment, then be used to select the available substitution ratio for practice. The results were showed best condition was C/W 0.4, W/S 0.35∼0.40. Therefore, the achievements of the study could serve as the basis for the decision making and risk management related to reuse of bottom ash. The health risk assessment of CLSM with bottom ash were evaluated, the cancer risk of exposure route under construction and road service was lower than 10-6, and hazard quotient for noncancer was lower than 1.

The physical and environmental properties of asphalt mixtures using various incinerator bottom ash as fine aggregate substitution were investigated. The Marshall mix design method was used to determine the asphalt content and evaluate the potential performance of IBA–asphalt mixtures. Leachates, from laboratory and outdoor leaching tests, were measured the concentration of heavy metals and daphnia toxicity. While with adequate Marshall stability, the IBA–asphalt mixtures were shown to have excessively high Marshall flow and excessively low VMA. The results of the wheel tracking tests indicated that the mixtures had low rutting resistance. The results of the water sensitivity test showed that the mixtures had a higher tensile strength ratio. Considering the environmental compatibility, the outdoor leachates showed that IBA had a high level of daphnia toxicity. From the ecological risk perspective, IBA could be identified as hazardous waste. However, after being mixed with asphalt, the concentration of heavy metals and the levels of daphnia toxicity were significantly reduced. The leachates of 10-day flat plate leaching tests indicated that the heavy metal were undetectable and the daphnia toxicity was ineffective. The IBA substitution rate would be suggested as less than 25% for surface course and less than 50% for base course

To address public concerns, TEPA has adopted stringent regulations to reduce risk in bottom ash utilization and minimize the emission of pollutants in the flue gas from MSWI. In addition to providing technical guidelines for bottom ash utilization, TEPA has initiated the demonstration projects for obtaining field data to affirm the utilization policy and to revise the technical criteria, if needed. In this way, risk in the whole utilization process will be minimized, and the benefit and cost-effectiveness of the selected strategies on utilization will be maximized. The author offers the decision making process for the utilization of bottom ash with the engineering specification, environmental risk and ecological risk.
第一章 研究緣起 1
1.1 背景說明 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 預期成果 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 臺灣地區廢棄物處理政策推動之現況 4
2.2 焚化灰渣之來源 11
2.3 焚化灰渣之特性分析項目 13
2.4 焚化灰渣處理方式 17
2.5 國外有關焚化灰渣處理及再利用之發展 24
2.6 底渣再利用產品工程風險 36
2.7 健康風險評估 41
2.8 生態風險評估 47
第三章 研究方法 61
3.1 整體研究架構 61
3.2 底渣再生產品工程風險度之研究 61
3.3 底渣再利用釋出污染物之健康風險評估 66
3.4 底渣再利用污染物釋出潛勢之研究 74
3.5 建立底渣再利用風險評估系統(UIBARA System) 76
第四章 結果與討論 79
4.1 焚化灰渣基本特性分析 79
4.2 CLSM工程性質試驗結果分析 85
4.3 底渣再生產品工程風險-瀝青混凝土 93
4.4 底渣再利用釋出污染物之健康風險評估結果-CLSM 100
4.5 底渣再利用釋出污染物之生態風險評估-瀝青混凝土 107
第五章 焚化底渣再利用決策方法論 119
5.1 現行政策決策機制 119
5.2 以科學研究調查資料為基礎的決策程序 122
5.3 建置焚化底渣再利用風險評估系統(UIBARA System) 123
5.4 建置跨部會再利用決策及運作機制之建議 127
5.5 底渣處理及再利用追蹤查核機制之建置 129
第六章 結論與建議 132
6.1 結論 132
6.2 建議 134
參考文獻 136
附錄 底渣再利用之風險評估計算過程 147
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