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研究生(外文):Hui-Li Wu
論文名稱(外文):The study of religious hospital organizational cultures and middle-high level management organizational commitment
指導教授(外文):Syi Su
外文關鍵詞:High level managementorganizational culturesreligious hospitalorganizational commitments
  • 被引用被引用:8
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本研究係以不同人口統計變項為對象,探討中高階主管的組織承諾與其醫院組織文化之關係,主要目的在(一) 瞭解不同宗教醫院中高階主管組織承諾及組織文化,並比較其異同。 (二)同時探討宗教醫院中高階主管的組織承諾及組織文化是否因個人特質不同而有所差異。(三)探討不同屬性宗教醫院組織文化與組織承諾的差異性。
This research is based on the statistic analysis of different population groups to investigate the relationship between the middle-high level management organizational commitments and the hospital organizational cultures. The main objectives are as follows: 1) to understand the middle-high level management organizational commitments and organizational cultures in various religious hospitals, and to make comparisons; 2) to investigate if the middle-high level management organizational commitments and cultures in religious hospitals were differed in regard to individual specialties; 3) to study the differences of organizational cultures and commitments in various religious hospitals.
This thesis is based on the studies of Catholic hospitals (Hsin-tien Keng Hsin Hospital, I-lan St. Mary’s Hospital); Taoist hospitals (San-hsia En Chu Kung Hospital); Christian hospitals (Taipei Ma Chieh Hospital, Taiwan Adventist Hospital); Buddhist hospitals (Hospitals of the Tzu-Chi medical system) and the ones without religious background such as business corporate Kuo Tai Hospital and Taichung Ching Chuan Hospital. There were in total 11 hospitals participated in this investigation. This study was conducted by questionnaire survey. 170 feasible questionnaires were analyzed by methods such as basic statement statistic analysis, validity analysis, factor analysis and characteristic analysis in order to prove the hypotheses of this study. The main result shows that in general, the design of the questionnaire meets the acceptable investigation standard. Therefore, the theoretic structure of this study can be established; that is, organizational cultures and commitments can explain the behaviors of middle-high level hospital management, and the influences of religious organizational cultures do exist.
In the 170 feasible questionnaires according to statement statistic samples, the management is slightly more with female gender, mainly with educational level above graduated schools (46.47%), and mainly with working seniority between 7 to15 years (49%). The result shows that middle-high level management has longer working seniority. The majority (86%) of the hospital management has working seniority between 3 to 15 years. In regard to age groups, 54% is 30-39 of age, and in total of 86% is 30-49 of age, which is the major age group of hospital middle-high level management.
According to the population analysis of the general rating of organizational commitments, organizational commitments are mainly in regard to emotions and to standards. Significant differences of organizational commitments showed in different working seniority groups, especially the emotional organizational commitments. Management with less working seniority is more committed to standards, while with more working seniority is more committed to emotions. This result conforms to the realistic observations. People with longer stay in the working environment will have higher emotional commitments and loyalty. Furthermore, personal religious belief does not necessarily relate to the religions of hospital worked. Employees in the Buddhist and Taoist hospitals do not necessarily have the same religions.
According to the population analysis of the general rating of organizational cultures, the relationship graph of different populations and organizational cultures shows that the middle-high level management of Catholic and Christian is innovative and frequently encourages subordinates to think. The hospitals also aggressively collect external customer related information. Catholic and Christian hospitals have more innovative organizational cultures; while Buddhist hospitals have more bureaucratic cultures.
The result of our research shows significant differences in the organizational cultures and commitments of different religious hospitals. In the religious hospitals with supportive and bureaucratic cultures, the emotional commitment is higher and closely related to cultures. In hospitals with bureaucratic and innovative cultures, the commitment has higher persistency; while with supportive cultures, the persistency of commitment to standards is lower. Therefore, the different characteristics of religious hospitals possibly affect the persistency of their organizational commitments.
第一章 緒論 3
第一節 研究背景 3
第二節 研究動機 4
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 宗教醫院屬性分析 8
第二節 醫院中高階主管 11
第三節 組織承諾的定義 14
第四節 組織文化 19
第五節組織承諾與組織文化的關係 26
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究設計與研究架構 27
第二節 研究假設 29
第三節 研究對象與資料的收集 31
第四節 研究操作工具/方法 32
第五節 研究問卷設計 33
第六節 研究對象及操作型定義 34
第七節 資料處理與分析 36
第四章 研究結果與分析討論 37
第一節 人口變項分析 37
第二節 組織承諾與組織文化的構面因素分析 44
第三節 人口變項對組織承諾與組織文化的整體評價 48
第五章 結論與建議 65
第一節 研究結論 65
第二節 研究建議 67
參考文獻 69
問 卷 71
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