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研究生(外文):Li-Ching Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Aerodynamics and Assessment of Contaminant Leakage and Development of Improvement Technique of Laboratory Fume Hoods
外文關鍵詞:Laboratory fume hoodFace velocityPerformanceCross- DraftFlow visualizationTracer gas techniqueVortexWake
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A laboratory fume hood is a three-sided enclosure with an adjustable front opening. It is designed to capture, contain and exhaust the fumes generated inside its enclosure. Traditionally, the ability of the laboratory fume hood to capture and exhaust contaminants is often equated to its face velocity. However, many reports suggest that maintaining a specific face velocity does not guarantee that a fume hood will contain harmful chemical fumes. Actually, no correlation between face velocity and containment was observed. Important parameters, such as geometry of the hood, interior equipment parameters, airflow rates, air currents, frequent sash opening and closing, cross-drafts, affect containment ability of laboratory fume hoods.
In order to speculate the physical mechanisms of the contaminant dispersion and leakage during the ventilation process through a laboratory fume hood, the complicated three-dimensional flow patterns and the real-time tracer gas leakage are studied via the laser-assisted flow visualization method and the standard/special gas sampling technique, respectively. The results of the experiment establish the fact that the large-scale vortex structures occurring near the perimeter edge could induce strong turbulence and therefore enhance dispersion of the recirculated contaminant. In the vicinity of the near-wake region of the manikin, large recirculation zones and wavy structures are also identified. These phenomena are in agreement with the high degree of contaminant leakage. The recirculation zone could be attributed to the complex interaction of the various large vortices that consume large amounts of mechanical energy and create fluctuations in velocities. The interaction between time-dependent nonequilibrium vortex and velocity fluctuations is an essential mechanism to create and maintain chaotic and unstable turbulence, this interaction may easily draw contaminants from elsewhere into the vortices. This effect of turbulent dispersion on the contaminant transport strongly relies on the mixing behavior of the complex flow and the concentration of diffusing species that is much greater than the molecular diffusion.
It is argued that an effective method for evaluating the laboratory fume hoods should be based on the aerodynamic features and multi-point leakage detections instead of the breathing-zone sampling alone. A modified test method combined with the region-by-region approach at the presence of the manikin showed substantially different results of the containment.
Large-scale turbulent eddies accompanied with the jet-like currents obviously bring large amount of in-hood smoke out to the atmosphere during the sash movement and the walk-bys. The turbulent mixing extends the size and the strength of the large-scale eddy circulations, and predominantly contributes to the mechanism that causes the severe spread of contaminant leakage in few seconds. The tracer gas tests show consistent containment results with the flow visualization findings. The temporally evolving large-scale turbulent eddies induced by the sash movement and the walk-bys cause substantially high contaminant leakage to the environment and the breathing zone of the operator.
By employing the concept of push-pull isolation, a vortex-isolated type of fume hood is constructed and studied by using the laser-light-sheet-assisted smoke flow visualization method. Results of the flow patterns reveal that the up-blow type fume hood has a much improved flow patterns when compared with the traditional one. No global recirculations are found in the hood. No apparent traces of the in-hood released smoke particles are entrained out of the hood and go into these local recirculation bubbles. Diagnostics of the flow patterns and the experiments of the tracer-gas concentration measurements present extra-ordinarily satisfactory results.
誌謝 1
中文摘要 2
英文摘要 3
目錄 5
符號索引 8
表圖索引 9
第一章 緒論 18
1.1 研究動機 19
1.2 文獻回顧 19
1.2.1 引起氣櫃性能不良之因素 19
1.2.2 實驗室氣櫃測試方法 21
1.3 研究目的 23
第二章 實驗設備、儀器與方法 24
2.1 實驗設備 24
2.1.1 傳統氣櫃 24
2.1.2 噴流阻截式氣櫃 24
2.1.3 抽氣機 25
2.1.4 煙霧微粒產生系統與微粒特性 25
2.1.5 六氟化硫釋放器 26
2.1.6 雷射光頁產生器 27
2.1.7 數位相機 27
2.1.8 數位攝影機 28
2.1.9 往復式調速平板移動機構 28
2.2 量測儀器 28
2.2.1 文氏管流量計 28
2.2.2 壓力轉換器 28
2.2.3 風速轉換器 29
2.2.4 浮子式流量計 29
2.2.5 Malvern粒徑測量儀 29
2.2.6 MIRAN濃度測量儀 29
2.3 儀器校準方法 30
2.4 實驗方法 31
第三章 面速度及變異性分佈研究 34
3.1 實驗方法與步驟 34
3.2 測量結果分析 34
3.3 結果與討論 35
第四章 流場結構與污染源洩漏之關連性 37
4.1 實驗方法 37
4.1.1 流場可視化 37
4.1.2 追蹤氣體量測 39
4.2 結果與討論 40
4.2.1 氣櫃幾何位置對於流場結構與污染源洩漏之影響 40
4.2.2 假人身體對於流場結構與污染源洩漏之影響 42
4.2.3 不同位置釋放污染源對於流場結構與污染源洩漏之影響 43
4.2.4 因櫃門迅速關開對於流場結構與污染源洩漏之影響 45
4.2.5 側流對於流場結構與污染源洩漏之影響 46
第五章 暴露評估方法之開發 49
5.1 國際氣櫃測試方法之驗證 49
5.1.1 ANSI/ASHRAE 110-1995追蹤氣體測試方法之驗證 49
5.1.2 prEN 14175-2003測試方法之驗證 50
5.2 現場測試之驗證 51
5.3 結合尾流效應與局部區域測試方法之開發 52
第六章 噴流阻截式氣櫃技術的發展 54
6.1 設計概念
6.2 櫃內靜止時的流場與洩漏 54
6.2.1 流場結構 56
6.2.2 洩漏特性 58
6.2.3 流場特徵模態 59
6.2.4 特性區域 61
6.3櫃門開啟時的流場與洩漏 62
6.4側流干擾時的流場與洩漏 62
第七章 結論與建議 64
7.1 結論 64
7.2 建議 65
參考文獻 67
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