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研究生(外文):Shao-Hui Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Epitheliotrophic Capacity of Four Different Blood Derivatives on Bovine Corneal Epithelial cells
指導教授(外文):Chung-Tien LinWei-Li Chen
外文關鍵詞:Epitheliotrophic capacityHuman serumFetal bovine serum (FBS)Frozen plasmaUmbilical cord serum
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犬隻、馬以及人類的自體血清已經成功且廣泛地使用在嚴重的角膜疾病以及促進角膜傷口癒合。人類的臍帶血清在臨床上被認為可以有效地治療乾眼症與持續性的角膜上皮缺損。相對於人類血清與臍帶血清而言,冷凍血漿是一個取得方便,又有良好品質管理的血液製劑,但目前尚未有使用在臨床上的報告。本實驗目的為比較臍帶血清、冷凍血漿與人類血清促進角膜上皮傷口癒合、細胞增生和細胞移行的效果,評估在臨床上這些血液製劑是否可以取代自體血清,或擁有比自體血清更佳的效果;胎牛血清常規地使用在各實驗中,協助試管內 (in vitro) 培養的細胞生長,但近年來因為狂牛病的肆虐,讓此血液製劑在使用上有安全上的疑慮,因此尋找替代的血液製劑變得格外重要,所以本實驗比較了使用這四種血液製劑培養的牛角膜上皮細胞之細胞形態與繁殖效果,進而評估這些血液製劑用來培養細胞的可能性。

使用的細胞為試管內培養的第二代牛角膜上皮細胞。細胞培養液是用DMEM/F-12稀釋成10%的胎牛血清、人類血清、臍帶血清與冷凍血漿。實驗主要分為傷口癒合試驗、細胞增生試驗、細胞移行試驗、細胞形態的觀察以及血液製劑中生長因子與細胞外基質含量的測定。傷口癒合試驗是在單層的牛角膜上皮細胞上,製造機械性的傷口,比較這四種不同的血液製劑,造成角膜上皮傷口癒合的速度;細胞增生試驗是利用可評估活細胞數的MTS assay,來測試以不同血液製劑培養的牛角膜上皮細胞,經過1、2、3天的培養後,細胞數增加的情形。細胞移行試驗則是利用Boyden chamber來評估這四種血液製劑促進細胞穿過固定直徑孔洞的能力。細胞形態學的觀察是使用這四種血液製劑,培養牛角膜細胞四天後,利用倒立顯微鏡觀察且紀錄比較。最後利用ELISA套組,測定各種人類來源的血液製劑中上皮生長因子 (EGF)、轉化生長因子β1 (TGF-β1) 和fibronectin的濃度。

PURPOSE: Human serum eye drops have been successfully used in treatment of severe ocular surface disorders and enhancement of corneal wound healing. Umbilical cord serum is effective in treatment of dry eye and persistent corneal epithelial defects. Fresh frozen plasma has not yet been tested for use as eye drops in patients, although it is easily available as quality-controlled products from blood banks. Fresh frozen plasma or umbilical cord serum could be used for substituting human serum when the source of human serum lacks. The use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) in the culture medium has been a major concern worldwide because of bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE). The use of other human source blood-derived products to replace FBS in the culture process would help. We compared these four blood products by investigating the epitheliotrophic capacity in an in vitro model of bovine epithelial cell monolayer.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:Primary cultured bovine corneal epithelial cells were used to investigate wound healing, cell proliferation and migration by means of scratch corneal wound evaluation, MTS assay and Boyden chamber migration assay in response to human serum, umbilical cord serum, fresh frozen plasma and FBS. The concentrations of EGF, TGF-β1, and fibronectin in human serum, umbilical cord serum and fresh frozen plasma were evaluated by ELISA kits.
RESULTS: The effect of promoting corneal epithelial wound healing of FBS was better than three other human sourced blood products. Cell proliferation and migration were best enhanced by FBS, followed by umbilical cord serum and human serum, and were worst in fresh frozen plasma. Growth factor (EGF and TGF-β1) concentrations were significantly higher in umbilical cord serum than in human serum and were lowest in frozen plasma. The concentration of fibronectin in frozen plasma was significantly higher than in human serum and was lowest in umbilical cord serum.
CONCLUSIONS: Umbilical cord serum and fresh frozen plasma may possess potential for substitution of human serum to treatment ocular surface disease and enhance corneal wound healing. Although the enhancement of epitheliotrophic capacity in human-sourced blood products was not as excellent as FBS, these three blood products could also promote proliferation and migration of corneal epithelial cells. These products could be useful materials in cultivating cells for clinical use.
口試委員會審定書 i
謝辭 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 v
第一章 序言 1
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 角膜上皮細胞與其生理之簡介 4
第二節 角膜上皮傷口癒合機制 5
第三節 影響角膜上皮細胞傷口癒合的生長因子和細胞外基質 6
3-1生長因子 6
3-2細胞外基質 10
第四節 淚液的介紹 10
4-1. 淚液對角膜的重要性 10
4-2. 淚液取代物 11
第五節 各種使用於角膜之血液製劑 12
第三章 實驗材料與方法 14
第一節 實驗材料 14
ㄧ、牛角膜上皮細胞之初代培養 14
第二節 細胞上皮化能力的測試 16
ㄧ、傷口癒合測試 16
二、細胞增生測試 17
三、細胞移行測試 18
第三節 血液製劑中成分測試 18
ㄧ、人類上皮生長因子測試 19
二、人類轉化上皮因子β1測試 19
三、人類Fibronectin測試 19
第四節ITS對牛角膜上皮細胞的影響 20
第五節 統計方法 20
第四章 結果 21
第一節 傷口癒合測試 21
第二節 細胞增生測試 21
第三節 細胞移行試驗 22
第四節 細胞形態學下的觀察 22
第五節 各血液製劑內生長因子與細胞外基質成分的比較 23
第六節 不同濃度ITS配合不同濃度血液製劑對牛角膜上皮細胞的影響 23

第五章 討論 25
第一節 四種血液製劑於角膜上皮細胞的表現 25
第二節 血液製劑中各成分對角膜上皮細胞的影響 27
第三節 四種血液製劑在臨床上的應用 32
第四節ITS對血液製劑的加強效果 34
結論 35
參考文獻 36
圖目錄 42
表目錄 43
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