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研究生(外文):Sheng-Hua Chung
論文名稱(外文):Effects of feline facial pheromone on behavior of cats in an animal shelter
外文關鍵詞:animal behaviorcatfelinepheromoneanimal shelter
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貓臉部費洛蒙(Feline Facial pheromone,FFP)是一種當貓對於牠們所處的環境感到舒適時,藉由臉部摩擦所釋放的物質。FFP是由一群易揮發的脂肪酸所構成。FFP現在已有人工合成且商品化的製劑在市面上販售。商品化的FFP有兩種:F3和F4(皆為FFP的成分之一)。根據研究,F3可以增進食慾,以及改善貓的噴尿行為。一般在居家飼養的貓常因為噴尿的問題而遭送養或是遺棄,雖然噴尿是一種未絕育公貓的正常行為,但是仍有10%的已結紮成貓會有噴尿的情況。F4則是可降低貓的攻擊行為。現在亦有用電加熱揮發FFP的裝置可供使用。
All the molecules secreted by the glands which secret chemical signals, some seem to transmit highly specific information between animals of the same species: the pheromones. Carnivora are identified as the mammalian species that have the most developed and varied types of pheromone-secreting glands, including cats and dogs.
For the last 15 years, the functions of some pheromones in dogs and cats have been elucidated, and synthetic analogues of some of these are beginning to be used as a therapeutic approach in behavioral medicine. In the cat, five different facial pheromones named F1 to F5 have been isolated from the sebaceous secretions of the cheeks. At the present, the functions of three of them (F2, F3, and F4) have been identified. Feline facial pheromone is used to treat some behavior problems, including urine marking and scratching. The observation of the behavior of F3-treated cats shows not only a decrease in the unacceptable marking behavior but an improvement in feeding, scanning, and playing. It emphasizes that the positive effects of F3 in treating spraying are not only linked to the antagonism between facial and urine marking but also are related to a decrease in anxiety. F4 helps the resident cat to accept a newcomer, and it reduces the risk of aggression caused by handling.
Confinement in an animal shelter is an extremely stressful experience for cats. Most cats become adjusted to a shelter environment within 2 to 5 weeks, but some never to confinement and remain distressed for months. We used synthetic analogue of FFP to cats in an animal shelter, and obverse the change of behavior.
In our study, we selected adult cats (older than 6 months) in the animal shelter randomly. Assess the stress levels among cats by behavior observation and measurement of urine cortisol-creatinine ratio (UCCR) every 5 days. In second part of our study, we selected adult cats (older than 6 months) and treated them with analogue of F3 and placebo. We observed the behavior of cats and measured UCCR to evaluate the change of treatment.
In the first part of the experiment, the behavior and UCCR were not significantly changed (P > 0.05 ) during the experiment period. In the second part of the experiment, it was significant difference on behavior (P<0.05) was observed between those treated with F3 and placebo, the UCCR of the former was significantly lower than that of the latter (P < 0.05).

第一章 研究動機與研究目的.................1
第二章 文獻探討...........................3
第一節 貓的行為問題......................3
第二節 貓行為問題的治療..................5
第三節 費洛蒙............................8
第四節 鋤鼻器............................12
第五節 貓臉部費洛蒙的應用................15
第六節 收容所內貓隻緊迫評估..............17
第七節 研究架構及假設....................19

第三章 研究設計...........................20
第一節 實驗設計..........................20
第二節 第一部分實驗材料與方法............21
第三節 第二部分實驗材料與方法............23
第四節 資料分析與方法....................25

第四章 資料分析(一).....................26
第一節 第一部分實驗之行為的觀察..........27
第二節 第一部分實驗之尿液Cortisol與Creatinine的比值測定 29

第五章 資料分析.........................30
第一節 第二部分實驗之行為的觀察..........31
第二節 第二部分實驗之尿液Cortisol與Creatinine的比值測定.33

第六章 研究討論與結論....................35
第一節 第一部分實驗的研究討論.............36
第二節 第二部分實驗研究討論....................38
第三節 結論...........................40

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