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研究生(外文):Shu Yu
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Social Support and Health Related Quality of Life among Junior High School Students
指導教授(外文):Lee-Lan Yen
外文關鍵詞:Junior high school studentsadolescenthealth related quality of life (HRQoL)life conditionlife satisfactionsocial support
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國中生正值生命週期的重要階段,其健康相關生活品質的研究應受重視。為瞭解國中生的社會支持對其健康相關生活品質的影響,先自台灣北部五縣市隨機抽出十四所國民中學,然後在每所抽中學校的七至九年級,各隨機抽出一班進行問卷調查。結果研究樣本有1,349人(男生701人;女生648人)。本研究的依變項為健康相關生活品質,從主觀、客觀及整體三個面向去評量。中介變項為社會支持。自變項方面,則由個人、家庭、學校與網路特性組成。利用涵蓋前述變項之自製問卷收集資料,主要發現包括:1.客觀生活品質(生活狀況)與主觀生活品質(生活滿意度)間有顯著的正相關;國中生自評之客觀、主觀與整體性健康相關生活品質,均屬於中上程度。2.四個範疇(生理、心理、社會、環境)中,以「社會範疇」的生活品質最好;「心理範疇」之生活品質最差。3.性別比較發現男生在整體及生理、心理、環境三個範疇之生活品質優於女生;女生僅在社會範疇之生活品質優於男生。4.逐步複迴歸分析顯示自覺健康狀況、家庭支持度、與父親關係、學校支持度、家庭經濟狀況、是否為獨生子女、性別、有無固定網友、與母親關係、母親教育程度、以及與同學關係十一個變項是預測國中生整體生活品質之重要因子,共可解釋28.4% 的總變異量;其中自覺健康狀況是最重要的預測因子;可解釋15.4%的總變異量;關於社會支持方面,網路支持度與生活品質無顯著的關係;家庭支持度是第二重要的預測因子(可解釋7.2%之總變異量),其對生活品質之影響力明顯超過學校支持度(解釋變異量僅0.9%)。5.以結構方程式進行模型檢測與修正;修正後模型具好的整體適配度。模型顯示社會支持(主要是家庭支持與學校支持)對健康相關生活品質不但具直接影響效果,且亦為性別、是否為獨生子女、自覺健康狀況、家庭經濟狀況、與父親關係、與母親關係、與同學關係等自變項之中介變項;上述自變項對健康生活品質具直接與間接的影響;另家庭支持與學校支持間存在顯著的正相關。本研究結果提供了未來改善青少年健康相關生活品質之具體方向;並由研究發現建議建構更有力的社會支持、改善健康狀況及強化青少年與父母親之關係應有助於提升國中生健康相關生活品質。
Health related quality of life (HRQoL) is a major health issue for the junior high school students which should be emphasized. The main purposes of this study were to understand HRQoL among junior high school students and to explore its determinants. A total of 1394 subjects (male 701 and female 648) who were randomly selected from seventh, eighth, and ninth grade in fourteen junior schools in northern five Counties and Cities, Taiwan completed a self-administered questionnaire. In this study, objective, subjective, and global HRQoL were measured as dependent variables; social support was to be the mediated variable, personal, family, school, and internet use characteristics were to be independent variables to identify their relationships with global HRQoL. The main findings were as follow: (1) A significantly positive relationship was found between objective HRQoL (life conditions) and subjective HRQoL (life satisfaction). For HRQoL, including objective, subjective, as well as global HRQoL all revealed moderate high degrees. (2) Among four domains of HRQoL, the highest score was noted for ‘social domain’; whereas the lowest score was in ‘psychological domain’. (3) Gender comparison revealed that male revealed significantly good qualities in global HRQoL, as well as three domains (physical, psychological, and environmental domains); whereas female only revealed a significantly good quality in social domain HRQoL than male. (4) Multiple stepwise regression analyses on global HRQoL indicating eleven variables (perceived health status, family support, subject-father relationship, school support, family economic status, whether only child or not, gender, web-site friends, subject-mother relationship, mother’s education, and subject-classmate relationship) could be singled out as significant factors and accounted for 28. 4% of the variance. Perceived health status was the most important predictor which accounted for 15. 6% of the variance. Family support was the second important predictor and accounted for 7. 2% revealing a significantly higher importance than school support which only accounted for 0. 9% of the variance. (5) According to Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis, a modified model was proposed with a good fit of the model. The main findings of SEM showed that social support (mainly for family and school support) not only directly influenced on HRQoL but was identified to be the mediated variable for independent variables including gender, whether only child or not, perceived health status, family economic status, subject-father relationship, subject-mother relationship, and subject-classmate relationship. These independent variables directly and indirectly affected HRQoL. Additionally, a significantly positive relationship was found between family support and school support. Based on our findings, we provide concrete direction for improving adolescents’ HRQoL. We also suggest building more strength social support, improving health status, and stressing parent-adolescent relationship would be helpful in improving HRQoL for junior high school students.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅵ
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻查證 5
第一節 青少年期的發展 5
第二節 生活品質與健康相關生活品質 9
第三節 兒童與青少年健康相關生活品質的概念與理論基礎 19
第四節 兒童與青少年社會支持的概念與理論基礎 34
第五節 影響兒童青少年(本研究之國中生)健康相關生活品質之因素 46
第三章 研究方法 62
第一節 研究設計 62
第二節 研究對象 63
第三節 研究工具 65
第四節 研究過程 82
第五節 研究倫理考量 83
第六節 資料分析 84
第四章 研究結果 85
第一節 研究對象基本資料 85
第二節 國中生之健康相關生活品質 92
第三節 國中生之社會支持 100
第四節 影響國中生健康相關生活品質之因素 114
第五節 社會支持直接與間接影響國中生生活品質的路徑 126
第五章 討論 131
第六章 結論與建議 146
第一節 結論 146
第二節 建議 149
參考文獻 153
附錄 168


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