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研究生(外文):Chang Sheng Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The Printability of the Solvent Platemaking Equipment and Plate for Flexography in Different Collocation
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Yung-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:FlexographyPlatemakingSolvent Platemaking SystemsPhotopolymer PlatesPrintabilityNarrow-web Flexo Printer
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彈性凸版印刷的印刷品質已提升至一定的水準,在某些種類印刷產品的品質表現,例如酒標、貼紙、食品包裝、瓦楞紙板及許多特殊材質的印件,已成功獲得相關產業的信賴,成為重要的印刷方式。目前在全球各地使用中的彈性凸版製版系統有下列五種:水洗型製版系統、溶劑型製版系統、CDI數位製版系統、杜邦賽麗 FAST系統、雷射雕刻製版系統,依據價格、市場規模與品質因素的面向來看,亞洲地區例如臺灣的溶劑型製版系統仍佔大宗,溶劑型系統的一個重要特點是無論哪一家公司生產的製版機,皆可任意搭配任何一家的溶劑型版材進行製版生產之工作。本論文之目的即在探討不同溶劑型彈性凸版製版設備與不同印版組合下所製作的印版,其銅版紙印刷品的網點再現性、滿版濃度、網點擴大、印刷反差、疊印能力等印刷品質特性。計有下列五種搭配方式:a. MEKROM CONCEPT 301P OCESSOR製版機+杜邦感光性樹脂版(DuPont Cyrel 45NOWS);b. BASF nyloflex combi F1 Super製版機+麥德美感光性樹脂版(MacDermid EPIC-045);c. BASF CNC Flowline F IV製版機+東京應化感光性樹脂版(TOK JF-114-HT);d. HEIGHTS Euroflex 660製版機+麥德美感光性樹脂版(MacDermid EPIC-045);e. BASF nyloflex combi F1 Super製版機+ XSYS感光性樹脂版(XSYS FAH 114)。透過上機實驗的方式,針對五種不同溶劑型製版設備與印版之組合,進行原稿設計、製版、印刷、抽樣、測量、數據整理、單因子變異數分析等的研究步驟,以獲致結論。研究結果顯示,e.種組合的印版其網點擴大情形較為嚴重,而b.種組合和d.種組合的印版,其網點複製曲線相對表現優良;a種組合的亮部調網點面積、一般階調網點擴大、印刷反差等印刷品質特性都優於其他組合的表現;c種組合在暗部調網點面積有較佳的表現;d種組合在疊印能力有較佳的表現,但五種組合的R、G、B版的疊印能力都有達到75%以上可被接受的範圍內。經由單因子變異數分析的假設檢定,在滿版濃度方面,五種製版系統所產製銅版紙印刷品在各色版至少都有一對有顯著差異。在網點面積擴大方面,五種製版系統所產製銅版紙印刷品在9個階調中的每個色版均至少有一對有顯著差異。在印刷對比方面,五種製版系統所產製銅版紙印刷品在各色版至少都有一對有顯著差異。在疊印能力方面,五種製版系統所產製銅版紙印刷品在各色版至少都有一對有顯著差異。本研究同時發現五種組合所產製的印刷品,其各色版最大的網點擴大皆集中在30%或40%平網的地方,這與平版印刷網點擴大最大值一般出現在接近網點面積50%階調的地方有所不同。期盼此篇論文能提供印刷業界在評估印刷成本、引進彈性凸版設備、選擇印版、規劃製版流程、訂定印刷策略與掌握印刷品質特性時之參考依據。
Flexographic presses were capable of producing high quality impressions on many different substrates such as labels of wine, stickers, food containers, corrugated paper, folding cartons and a lot of special stocks. Flexography gained much dependence on industry and became an important printing technology. There are five flexo platemaking systems in use in the word: water platemaking system, solvent platemaking system, Cyrel&;reg; Digital Imager (CDI) CtP flexo system, Cyrel&;reg; FAST thermal platemaking system, and Direct Laser Engraving (DLE). In Asia, according to the price, market scope and printing quality, the solvent platemaking systems still occupy the majority of the Taiwan. No longer depend upon single type; a platemaking machine can use any plate. The main purpose of this study is application the solvent platemaking equipment and plate for flexography in different collocation, and begins the exploration of the print quality on coated paper. This study emphasize the differences of solid ink density, tone value increase, print contrast, and ink trapping fall within a range of target values. The collocations are as follows:
a. MEKROM CONCEPT 301P OCESSOR (platemaking machine) + DuPont Cyrel 45NOWS (plate).
b. BASF nyloflex combi F1 Super (platemaking machine) + MacDermid EPIC-045 (plate).
c. BASF CNC Flowline F IV (platemaking machine) + TOK JF-114-HT (plate).
d. HEIGHTS Euroflex 660 (platemaking machine) + MacDermid EPIC-045 (plate).
e. BASF nyloflex combi F1 Super (platemaking machine) + XSYS FAH 114 (plate).
Through true experiments, the study will analyze differences for various printing attribute on the substrates. Utilizing original design, platemaking, printing, sampling, measuring, data collation and ANOVA test, etc make a truly result. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the combination b and combination d’s photopolymer plates are better dot reproduction than other collocation, (2) the combination a’s substrates are better highlights, tone value increase, and print contrast than other collocation, (3) the combination c’s substrates are better shadows than other collocation, (4) the combination d’s substrates are better ink trapping than other collocation, and (5) upon completion of this research project, it can be concluded these collocations do in fact have an effect on print quality. The change in these collocations causes noticeable variations in density, tone value increase, print contrast, and ink trapping. In a word, the results will offer the output in various dimensions such as: printing appraisal, importing equipment, selecting plate, plan for the platemaking workflow, adopting strategy of printing, and handhold quality of printing to the printing industry.

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