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研究生(外文):Chiu-Ting Chang
論文名稱(外文):The New Explore of Chinese Color Painting-Explore of The Western Antique Technician
外文關鍵詞:Eyck Jan VanClassic painting styleRealisticColored Chinese Painting
  • 被引用被引用:3
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:3
本創作追求寫實、細密的古典畫風,引用西方凡艾克(Eyck Jan Van)多層次畫法,跨越東西方媒材的限制,以靜物畫的表現形式,結合寫生與造境,寫實與寫意,呈現出個人獨特的繪畫風貌。本論文研究分為六章十五節,茲將各章節重點以架構分述之:
第二章「凡艾克古典技法淺析」,敘述西方古典大師凡艾克如何改良研發繪畫材料及創造出多層次畫法。從分析其原作《阿儂芬尼的婚禮》(The Aronlfini Marriage),去領悟隱藏在畫面精湛技巧背後的製作過程,是如何的講究與一絲不苟。並以個人學習多層次畫法的油彩靜物畫製作程序從木板基底製作、透稿、定稿到塑造形體以至最後的深入刻畫,按照步驟,以圖文對照方式,詳細說明。
Chinese painting and western painting each have their own unique pattern and style. However, art has no boundary. With the interaction between Eastern and Western culture, the colored Chinese Painting is developing towards diversification that creates more fresh and diversified fashion. Artistic creation should have its individual style and features whether it is a blend of the Chinese and the Western or a Chinese pattern with some Western polish. Because painting expresses personal thoughts and reflection of life, it represents the certain thinking and emotion of its creator. Therefore, not only must it be contemporary, but it also has to have its individual characteristics.
My creation seeks the realistic and detailed classic painting style. It uses the multi-level method of Mr. Eyck Jan Van in the West, crossing over the limitations of both Eastern and Western medias and materials. In the form of still-life Painting, I combined natural settings and man-made settings, realistic painting and free-stroke painting to present my personal unique style and features. The thesis consists of six chapters and 15 sections, briefs of which are as follows:
Chapter 1 “Introduction” explains the motive, purpose, emphasis, methods, range and limitations of the research.
Chapter 2”Brief analysis of Eyck Jan Van’s classic technique” states how the classic master improved and developed the painting materials and created the multi-level painting technique. From analyzing his original “The Arnolfini Marriage”, I comprehended the particularity and preciseness of the process hidden behind the exquisite technique of this painting. And step by step, with description and illustration, I explained in detail from the making of the board base, initial draft, fixed draft, molding to the final profound painting based on my personal learning process of the multi-leveled oil still-life painting.
Chapter 3”The Exploration of the possibilities of colored Chinese Painting” describes the evolution of the historical background of modern colored Chinese Painting and analyzes its techniques such as conception, sources of materials, key elements of composition, characteristics of sculpt, coloring and etc. based on the theories used by predecessors. In order to create my unique style, I used the rules of Chinese ink paintings as basis, crossed over the limitations of both Eastern and Western media and materials and made allowance for any patterns and techniques. With my painting ”Shadows of Kindness”, I fully described the process from conception, pencil sketches, molding to the cultivation of atmosphere with words as well as illustrations.
Chapter4”Construction of creative concepts” compares the creative concepts of realistic painting and free stroke painting between the East and the West and explores the possibility of their unity. I laid the emphasis on the presentation of texture, solidity, strength and dimension of objects and especially on the effect of lights and shadows. And I made a series of analysis and exploration of the blend and appliance of Chinese and Western techniques of realistic paintings.
Chapter 5”Realization of creative concepts and Analysis of My Paintings” categorizes my 16 paintings into three items according to the themes. The first one is categorized as folk arts which includes “The Wedding”, “Abdicate in my mind”, “The Years When the years gone by”,” Delightful of the pottery”” The joy of Embroidery” and“muse over of the culture”. The second item comes from nature and every day life which consists of ” The pillow on the chair” Sun flowers”, ” Graceful” “Antiquity”and “My adornments” The last one praises life and the seasons which includes “Golden age” “Persimmon” “Multiply” “The longevity fruit” “In May”. The formation, the creative concept and techniques of all the above paintings are analyzed and explored individually.
Chapter 6”Conclusion” explains the diversification of modern colored Chinese Painting and the necessity of personal unique style that is closely connected to individual
personality. Painting is an expression of personal emotion, and the realistic technique used is only a method that appears on the outside. The cultivation of the classic atmosphere comes really from the inside. The road to art depends on a firm foundation made of solid steps. I’ll review my work and have great expectations for my creation in the future.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 研究重點與方法 6
第三節 研究範圍與限制 8
第二章 凡艾克(EYCK,JAN VAN)古典技法淺析 9
第一節 古典技法歷史背景 9
第二節 凡艾克多層次畫法 11
第三節 多層次畫法的製作流程 16
第四節 木板與絹之共通性 20
第三章 彩墨畫之可能性探討 23
第一節 彩墨畫的歷史背景 23
第二節 彩墨畫技法分析 26
第三節 彩墨畫創作過程 35
第四章 創作理念之建構 38
第一節 東、西方創作觀比較 38
第二節 東、西方寫實性技法比較 44
第五章 創作理念的實踐與作品分析 48
第一節 源於民藝的創作元素 49
第二節 自然人文與生活的取材 61
第三節 生命的嘔頌與四時節序 71
第六章 結論 81
參考作品 83
參考書目 95
2.林進忠《千秋遐想筆墨情 中國繪畫創作研究》,林進忠畫集(五)。


2.Giuliana Zuccoli Bellantoni總編輯,(范艾克),《巨匠美術週刊》,錦繡出版,1993年2月20日出版,37期。
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