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研究生(外文):Lee Cheng-mao
論文名稱(外文):De-construction. Re-contruction: Landscape painted by point
指導教授(外文):Wu Yung-chin
外文關鍵詞:DeconstructionRecontructionpointlandscape paintings
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:320
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In the wake of the introduction of western paintings into Taiwan, albeit brief, quite a few artistic talents emerged. However, during the period of time between the end of WWII and the Lifting of Martial Law, pioneering Taiwanese painters fell into oblivion in the passage of time. Many of them chose local landscape as their major subject matter. These artists were regarded as conservative and old-fashioned as they deliberately chose not to follow artistic styles of western art, which were widely sought-after at that time. Lots of complex historical factors also indirectly contributed to the fact that landscape became a mainstream theme in Taiwanese art. The neglect of these artists' achievement regretfully resulted in the lack of heritage in the art field of Taiwan.
In recent years, the art arena of Taiwan prides itself on an unusual diversity and growing complexity, witnessing a variety of art forms such as technical art, installation art, and action art. Compared to which, the traditional art of canvas painting seems to have faded away. In the west, the attitude towards the pursuit of pure aestheticism has changed in the modern art field. From Kin'Ichiro Ishikawa (1871-1945) onwards, Taiwanese artists left behind the tradition of depicting landscape and historic sites, and of doing outdoor sketches. They started to seek distinctive stylistic signatures, something much more personal. They tended to draw their inspiration from natural environment without tempting to represent nature or depict natural beauty. What they intended to do is to convey artistic quality and humanistic thinking. This thesis attempts to present the novelty of traditional paintings by contextualizing these art works somewhere between tradition and creation. In this theoretical piece, by juxtaposing their works and a number of important schools of western art, I hope to show how the early painters transformed their own styles, and how they managed to deconstruct as well as reconstruct their own art. I will also examine my own experiences as an artist, and analyze how I have succeeded in transforming my creative forms, that is, gaining a fine balance between the realistic and the abstract, the representational and non-representational, so as to make artistic novelty possible. In my thesis, I juxtapose verbal content and art works in order to make a comparison between each master's early representational works modeled on nature, and his other pieces done in the process of his artistic transformation as well as upon the completion of this transformation. By doing so, I hope not only to present my discourse more clearly and effectively, but trace the formation of my personal artistic styles.

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