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研究生(外文):Ming-Feng Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Fuzzy Integrated Inventory Models
指導教授(外文):Chao-Hsien Pan
外文關鍵詞:Integrated InventoryFuzzy numbersSigned distance
  • 被引用被引用:3
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The successful implementation of JIT production in today’s supply chain environment requires a new spirit of cooperation between the buyer and the vendor. Companies are using JIT purchasing to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. The benefits of JIT purchasing include small lot sizes, frequent deliveries, consistent high quality, decrease in inventory levels, lower setup cost and ordering cost, and close supplier ties.
An integrated inventory model with such a consideration is based on the total cost optimization under a common stock policy and business formula. However, the supposition of known annual demand in most related literature may not be realistic. This paper proposes the inclusion of fuzzy annual demand and/or the production rate, and then employs the signed distance, a ranking method for fuzzy numbers, to find the estimate of the common total cost in the fuzzy sense, and subsequently derives the corresponding optimal buyer’s quantity and the integer number of lots in which the items are delivered from the vendor to the purchaser. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the results of proposed models.
目 錄

中文摘要 III
英文摘要 IV
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2相關文獻探討 3
1.2.1整合存貨模式之相關文獻 3
1.2.2模糊理論之相關文獻 5模糊數 5語意變數 6
1.2.3模糊存貨模式之相關文獻 7
1.3論文架構 7

第二章 預備知識 9

第三章 整合性存貨基本模式 14
3.1符號與假設 14
3.2基本模式 15
3.3小結 21

第四章 模糊年需求之整合性存貨模式 23
4.1符號與假設 23
4.2模糊年需求模式 24
4.3範例說明 29
4.4小結 32

第五章 模糊生產率之整合性存貨模式 33
5.1符號與假設 33
5.2模糊生產率模式 34
5.3範例說明 40
5.4小結 41

第六章 模糊年需求與生產率之整合性存貨模式 43
6.1符號與假設 43
6.2模糊年需求與生產率模式 44
6.3範例說明 50
6.4小結 52

第七章 結論與未來研究方向 54
7.1結論 54
7.2未來研究方向 58

參考文獻 60
附錄A 63
附錄B 64
附錄C 65
作者簡介 66

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